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Good news

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Lemon Quarter
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Good news


Postby Leothebear » June 17th, 2024, 7:45 am

The calf hit by the police car is recovering well, the owner said. He added "He should be able to continue his trip to the abattoir in a week or two."

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Re: Good news


Postby Lootman » June 17th, 2024, 7:49 am

I have to say that I fail to understand why, according to some news broadcasts, this was the biggest and most shocking story of the weekend.

Is it another example of that strange British thing where we care more about animals than people?

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Re: Good news


Postby UncleEbenezer » June 17th, 2024, 11:42 am

Lootman wrote:I have to say that I fail to understand why, according to some news broadcasts, this was the biggest and most shocking story of the weekend.

Is it another example of that strange British thing where we care more about animals than people?

The biggest? Or one among several?

It has novelty value compared to Yet Another Story on elections, war, sport, or other such Usual Suspects.

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Re: Good news


Postby stevensfo » June 17th, 2024, 12:50 pm

Lootman wrote:I have to say that I fail to understand why, according to some news broadcasts, this was the biggest and most shocking story of the weekend.

Is it another example of that strange British thing where we care more about animals than people?

Or that the media 'thinks' that people care more? Or pretends that people care.

I gave up paying much attention to the media long ago. They have to fill their slots/papers with tripe, so do so the easiest way possible. Most reports are either too short, wrong, or taken out of context. Plus, every thing that happens has to result in outrage, shock, gobsmacked, stunned, gutted, fury, uproar, crisis...

.... not to mention going viral! :lol:

Much easier to save money by reading Viz!


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Re: Good news


Postby bungeejumper » June 17th, 2024, 1:22 pm

No no, the week's most important news was that Prince Harry wasn't invited to the Trooping of the Colour ceremony for the second year running. Or that the Australian media say that Charles has ordered him not to spill any more family secrets.

Or that Harry's divorce is looming (again). Or that Brave William has faced Father's Day without seeing his younger brother. (Sob.)

Or that Billie Eilish (whoever she is?) has been bombarding the BBC with sob-story tales about how all her friends have abandoned her since she's been rich and famous and recording explicit lesbian porn. Or that Pakistan narrowly beat Ireland in a game of cricket.

Or that the Daily Express says we should prepare for a new ice age as seven feet of Greenland snow arrives to ruin our summer. Or that 342 dachshunds gathered in Twickenham recently for the world's largest sausage dog walkies.

I may have made one of those up. But which one? Would anybody care if they knew?


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Re: Good news


Postby Nimrod103 » June 17th, 2024, 10:14 pm

Lootman wrote:I have to say that I fail to understand why, according to some news broadcasts, this was the biggest and most shocking story of the weekend.

Is it another example of that strange British thing where we care more about animals than people?

That is a fair point of view, but one could also argue that a) the police driver was showing a level of aggression that really was not acceptable, and b) that in doing so they caused wanton damage to a publicly owned vehicle which will now have to be repaired at considerable expense.

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Re: Good news


Postby Tedx » June 18th, 2024, 7:15 am

Lootman wrote:I have to say that I fail to understand why, according to some news broadcasts, this was the biggest and most shocking story of the weekend.

Is it another example of that strange British thing where we care more about animals than people?

I probably care about animals more than I care about a large number of humans. But then I know a lot of people that care about money or cars than humans too.

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Re: Good news


Postby bungeejumper » June 18th, 2024, 8:54 am

Nimrod103 wrote:That is a fair point of view, but one could also argue that a) the police driver was showing a level of aggression that really was not acceptable, and b) that in doing so they caused wanton damage to a publicly owned vehicle which will now have to be repaired at considerable expense.

The video clips that I saw didn't show the actual moment of impact, so I couldn't be sure. But I'm guessing that, at that moment, the police driver thought it was a bit of fun to shoo the calf around, cowboy-style (or video-game style, if you prefer).

That might be easier to understand if you'd ever met my cousin, a motorway cop who used to boast about the number of cars he'd totalled in the course of his work. For some reason, Eric went thirty years without ever being promoted. There are those. :roll:


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