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Other odd rules

Including Financial Independence and Retiring Early (FIRE)
Lemon Slice
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Other odd rules


Postby gnawsome » June 10th, 2024, 3:11 pm

I consider it odd that I get a lower pension from my 45+ years of stamps than another who gets more for 35 years stamps.
That's just HM Gov and before I look at the ridiculous fiasco that has reduced my EQ.Life annuity by c50% over 22years.
I thought I had covered all bases and could have a punt with spare monies -- turns out that it is the punt that sustains me (thus far).
I knew that I knew very little and listened to the experts and have been well stuffed, such that I do not any more support the promotion of pensions to the youngers. I can only recommend they try to get some understanding of how things work and not follow the herd.

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Re: Other odd rules


Postby tacpot12 » June 10th, 2024, 3:18 pm

Following the herdd is certainly a good approach. If you are part of a large group and things go wrong, compensation is often paid (although the WASPI women are still struggling to get a fair resolution in their disputed, but we've always descriminate against women, so that's no surprise! If you are in a small group (or a woman), then it is much less likely that compensation will be paid.

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Re: Other odd rules


Postby Lootman » June 10th, 2024, 4:11 pm

tacpot12 wrote:Following the herdd is certainly a good approach. If you are part of a large group and things go wrong, compensation is often paid (although the WASPI women are still struggling to get a fair resolution in their disputed, but we've always descriminate against women, so that's no surprise! If you are in a small group (or a woman), then it is much less likely that compensation will be paid.

I get your point but at the risk of dragging us off-topic I think that WASPI is a bad example. It stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality, but they are actually arguing FOR inequality - they seek compensation for losing a preferentially unequal deal!

They should be called WASPE, at least.

As for the fact that some folks get a lower SP than others despite paying in for more years, that can no longer happen under the "new" rules. But under the old system it was easily possible. So for example I have 27 years but get more than the maximum possible under the new rules for 35 years.

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Re: Other odd rules


Postby flyer61 » June 11th, 2024, 10:20 am

gnawsome wrote: I knew very little and listened to the experts and have been well stuffed,

If you do nothing else, explain to your children and grandchildren that these experts are actually salesmen and not experts and need treating accordingly. Britain is full of them, you can recognise them as they are lauded in the weekends financial press. Once you recognise this life becomes a lot easier as you have to think for yourself and not follow what some 'expert' read salesmen says. Anyway who decides they are experts? A journalist?

But I take your general point, it is what you have done off your own bat that will sustain you......not the 'system' which is designed to be another form of taxation on your life's work.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Other odd rules


Postby gnawsome » June 11th, 2024, 2:25 pm

tacpot12 wrote:Following the herdd is certainly a good approach. If you are part of a large group and things go wrong, compensation is often paid (although the WASPI women are still struggling to get a fair resolution in their disputed, but we've always descriminate against women, so that's no surprise! If you are in a small group (or a woman), then it is much less likely that compensation will be paid.

Hi, tacpot12
I think we have differing ideas as to what 'following the herd' means.
To me it suggests buying when things are rising and selling when they are falling. That may work if one is early to the movement but at my distance from the scene I'd expect to have missed the boat by the time it was obvious and is sort of the opposite of following the herd.
As to your view that women are discriminated against - I'm not much persuaded about that.
They seem to be very well represented in the medical sector, the legal sector, the media and in the political sector.
Of course those that are successful deserve their rewards but I'd invite you to watch PMQ's and observe the females in the picture when the camera focuses on the leaders.
Another thing that sticks in my craw, was over the 'tractor porn' when a a male MP was vilified for looking at pornagraphy reported by a female who was not castigated for noting the content of and publicising another person's private comms.
Try turning that situation around and think of the greater evil...

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