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Utter Madness!

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Lemon Quarter
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Utter Madness!


Postby nimnarb » May 9th, 2024, 5:15 am

Go and watch The Final: Attack on Wembley(Netflix) about the Euro 2020 Final. England v Italy and what took place. Why am I posting here and not the Film Board, because after watching this, with at times my jaw opened wide(and thank goodness I must have led a sheltered life for the last 30 years or so), felt quite ashamed to be an England supporter(at times) but have come up with a brilliant solution to our immigration problem. Show this to all those people illegally trying to enter our Country...... Titled, "Just another day in Paradise!" ;)

Seriously, long gone are the days as a young teenager going to Wembley on numerous occasions plus also had the privilege of being there in 1966 for the big one and so many times seeing the world speedway championships but don't recall this palava, violence, aggression etc... what has happened? :roll:

And as for that chap explaining, well mate, covid like, ya know what I mean, been locked up like, innit, got ta let of steam like and would do it all again, ya know what I mean! :x :evil: :evil:

Lemon Slice
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Re: Utter Madness!


Postby WickedLester » May 9th, 2024, 7:02 am

I remember going to Upton Park back in the 80's, always in the Chicken Run (the South Bank was for the ICF). I think it was '88 when we finished third behind Liverpool and Everton. I was at the last home game and at the final whistle there was a pitch invasion and me and my mate Danny joined in.

The West Ham players went up in to the stands and started throwing down their shirts and boots. Cue a melee the likes of which I haven't seen since except on TV when Oxfam dish out boxes of maize off the back of a lorry at an African famine.

One bloke had a badge which he proudly informed us was Mark Ward's. Another bloke had an entire shirt.

Then someone notices Dirty Den, Wicksy and Colin up in the stands. "Dirty Den, Dirty Den, give us a wave" He does and the crowd cheer. "Wicksy, Wicksy, give us a wave" He does and the crowd cheer. Colin stands up "eff off you p**f"

I can't wait for the Ayatollah's funeral.

A couple of years ago my sister bought me a tour of the Olympic Stadium with Alvin Martin. He was a good host and an anecdote he told us concerning Julian Dicks goes thus. One game the manager (might have been John Lyall) said to Dicksy "See that number 9, I want you to take him out" Dicksy's reply "Just this game, or permanently?"

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