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Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?

Strangeness abounds. No question too obscure
Lemon Slice
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Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 19th, 2024, 6:45 pm

This is not going to be a provocative antisemitic post, please give it a chance.

As far as I can work out the far-right as they are known have always hated Jews, I grew up in an NF stronghold in the 70's and casual racism about Jews was the norm, but then casual racism was the norm.

Now it appears that the left also hate Jews, despite the fact that Marx was Jewish as well as many other great thinkers (not that I'm a Marxist but plenty of people still like to try to impose his views in one form or another on other people, remember Animal Farm?)

As far as I can work out it stems from their determination to have their own homeland, where history tells us their homeland was before the 7 tribes were scattered to the winds for thousands of years where they lived as a persecuted minority across Eurasia and possibly parts of Africa. Much as I can accept creating Israel has involved an injustice against the Palestinians I can fully understand their desire to be safe amongst their own, particularly in light of the Holocaust. But then the same left turn a blind eye to similar injustices and sometimes we actively encourage them. Remember the conflict in Kosovo? As I understand it Kosovo was historically Serbian land and deeply important to them and when they tried to get it back we bombed the bejeesus out of them. Now it's Albanian land and the churches have all been razed. I know a few Albanians and they're not bad lads, but well.

And don't forget the Falklands, how can the Argentinians claim they have anything more than the most tenuous claim to it and those that think they should be given them never think to tell the Galtieri's to sod off back to Italy.

As for Northern Ireland, look at what a bloody mess that turned out to be due to our own desire to subdue the Irish, how we underestimated their resolve, they managed to make deep cuts at the top of our democracy and Royalty. When I was young the Irish were portrayed as thick.

But I'm getting a bit off topic anyway. I've only known a few Jews personally and I've found them all a bit difficult, but I did have a half Jewsish girlfriend for a while and her Jewishness wasn't an issue for me, she was just a bit hot tempered and I like calm.

But why does this seeming hypocrisy seem to afflict the left so much. When, as an ethnic Britain I complain about East London being taken over by foreigners and stating that I want it back I'm scum, but when the Palestinians say the same thing they're justified. I'm not supposed to worry that the Mayor of London is a Muslim Pakistani.

It all seems to stem from a seeming jealously of their wealth and power. If the Rothschilds run the World why couldn't they prevent the holocaust? Or all the other pogroms throughout history.

Look at it from another perspective, an evolutionary one. I understand the global Jewish Diaspora numbers about 14m but the global black diaspora is forecast to hit 2bn sometime this century. Who's winning the evolutionary race? Next time you listen to Neil Diamond or watch Owen Wilson in a Rom Com ask yourselves whether these are the sort of hook nosed butchers you hate, just as I love a lot of black derived music, blues, Al Green, Emilie Sande and I expect you all know the Animals didn't write House of The Rising Sun, how could a bunch of middle class Geordies ever understand the sentiment behind it.

I won't write too much more, I just wish all people would try to understand that life, the human condition and human desires and jealousies affect all of us and give things at least a bit more thought before nailing their colours to the mast. As far as I know Dawkins hasn't concluded that material wealth is an evolutionary imperative. We'll have to get used to that soon anyway, the Earth's resources are fixed and finite and need to be shared amongst an ever growing population.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby 88V8 » April 19th, 2024, 8:07 pm

WickedLester wrote:It all seems to stem from a seeming jealously of their wealth and power.

That would be my summation. They do have an irritating habit of fitting in and succeeding which doubtless irks the oiks that don't.


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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby MuddyBoots » April 19th, 2024, 8:23 pm

Are you being rhetorical saying that everyone hates Jews? By no means all right-wingers hate them: Donald Trump is pro-Israel and even Tommy Robinson has been attending pro-Israel demonstrations these days. The left don't approve of any form of religious or ethnic nationalism afaik, and the conflict between Israel and Palestine doesn't help matters.

You're reminding us of some of the other many conflicts, wars and genocides throughout history; yeah we've all been fighting each other for millennia so I'm not surprised there's still a lot of bad feeling around.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Lootman » April 19th, 2024, 8:27 pm

88V8 wrote:
WickedLester wrote:It all seems to stem from a seeming jealously of their wealth and power.

That would be my summation. They do have an irritating habit of fitting in and succeeding which doubtless irks the oiks that don't.

Envy/jealousy is a big part for sure:

"It is estimated that men and women of Jewish descent have won 22% of the Nobel Prizes ever awarded, even though Jews constitute a mere 0.2% of the population of the world."

"The fact that Jews are disproportionally successful in many fields of endeavor is undeniable. The statistics simply speak for themselves. Jews make up less than half of one percent of the world’s population but they consistently have made up more than twenty percent of the Forbes 400 list of the world richest people.

But it is not just making money that a disproportionate amount of Jews seems to excel at. Thirty percent of Nobel Prize winners in science are Jewish, and major Hollywood studios, like Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios, are also run or owned by Jews. In virtually every industry successful Jews are disproportionally represented.",734 ... 66,00.html

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Urbandreamer » April 19th, 2024, 8:36 pm

Lootman wrote:"The fact that Jews are disproportionally successful in many fields of endeavor is undeniable. The statistics simply speak for themselves. Jews make up less than half of one percent of the world’s population but they consistently have made up more than twenty percent of the Forbes 400 list of the world richest people.

We could debate the "Chosen few" aspect of that, or we could debate the social context that lead to laws of Usury, now more associated with Islamic belief, but historically part of Christian and UK law.

I'm not going to comment upon hate until the amount I drank tonight has worn off, but I reject the OP's premise.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 19th, 2024, 10:04 pm

Urbandreamer wrote:
Lootman wrote:"The fact that Jews are disproportionally successful in many fields of endeavor is undeniable. The statistics simply speak for themselves. Jews make up less than half of one percent of the world’s population but they consistently have made up more than twenty percent of the Forbes 400 list of the world richest people.

We could debate the "Chosen few" aspect of that, or we could debate the social context that lead to laws of Usury, now more associated with Islamic belief, but historically part of Christian and UK law.

I'm not going to comment upon hate until the amount I drank tonight has worn off, but I reject the OP's premise.

Maybe I should qualify the title by explaining that it was meant as a bit of a dig at factions in the Labour party and modern left wing opinion generally.

We're taught about equality and expected to desire it, whatever it means, and it means whatever it means. But why is one of our smaller ethnic and religious minorities not afforded this right? For the most part they haven't been an obvious problem for me. I'm willing to borrow money when I need it and can and pay interest. I've tried to avoid usury for the most part but at times have struggled with it and relied on the help of family. How many of the posters here own shares in Banks and celebrate with a bottle of Spanish wine when a bumper dividend drops into their account. Do you care about usury then?

I don't know how much press you read but you should look for key words and phrases when you read stories about 'racism'. If someone puts BNP stickers on a few lampposts residents are 'outraged'. They're rarely named or photographed though.

Are the public 'outraged' at gangs of Muslims driving through Golder's Green waving Palestinian flags smashing up shops? Where are the Police? Maybe they feel that the Jewish community wanted their own Shomrim, they can sort it out themselves.

My Facebook feed is full of heart wrenching ads for money for injured Palestinian children. Don't get me wrong but who started it this time and decided to act with the most appalling brutality, even towards babies? Someone please remind me.

I expect it brought back memories of the Warsaw Ghetto and Holocaust and if you choose to start a conflict with War Crimes don't whinge if you get them back tenfold.

I have a new neighbour in the flats a couple of doors down. He's got Palestinian flags all over his flat and car. I'm tempted to tell him that that particular block is known to have been owned by Jewish landlords for decades. They're pretty cheap to rent and really quite large and conveniently located. Where else could he afford to live in this area?

And frankly, I don't like seeing foreign flags flown here. I didn't really like it when my Italian next door neighbour flew the Italian flag during the World Cup but we were never at each others throats. I've spent a fair bit of time in Italy in the past and it's a beautiful country but as a tourist you have to accept they're going to try to rip you off. It happens everywhere.

I don't for what it's worth hate Muslims. If circumstances had been different I would have married my lovely Turkish girlfriend and still hope we can be together and raise a family. The point is she's liberal and very much an Anglophile from a respectable Turkish family, I expect huge numbers of British Muslim men would loathe her for marrying me.

My point is we should all try to recognise and accept our hypocrisy and maybe remember the old saying "There but for the grace of God go I". Those of you that choose to be condescending towards me because of some of the work I've done should also consider that despite going to the worst comprehensive in an East London borough I passed my Maths and English 'O' levels at the age of 14, graduated from a red brick University, I'm a qualified banker, I've worked on trading floors, used to be the person that did the analysis of which stocks would drop in and out of the FTSE 100 and 250 for FTSE International, I've raced yachts on Sydney Harbour, sailed through the Bermuda triangle, was one of the first asylum landlords and a good bit else. Next time you want to show off how superior you are to me, start by letting me no what makes you so, to me your petty and tedious arrogance and condescension makes you seem distinctly average in my eyes.
Last edited by WickedLester on April 19th, 2024, 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby RockRabbit » April 19th, 2024, 10:18 pm

"Why does everyone hate the Jews"

Why are you asking this WickedLester? You claimed in another post to be a supporter of the BNP, presumably the same BNP which at one point wanted all Jews to be deported from the UK. So why don't YOU explain 'why everyone hates the Jews'?

WickedLester wrote:
My Jewish ex girlfriend didn't like me supporting the BNP


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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 19th, 2024, 10:29 pm

RockRabbit wrote:"Why does everyone hate the Jews"

Why are you asking this WickedLester? You claimed in another post to be a supporter of the BNP, presumably the same BNP which at one point wanted all Jews to be deported from the UK. So why don't YOU explain 'why everyone hates the Jews'?

WickedLester wrote:
My Jewish ex girlfriend didn't like me supporting the BNP


It was all those Bagels. I could only get two fingers in the hole.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Padders72 » April 19th, 2024, 10:41 pm

I love threads like this. Allows me to identify the tools. Slim pickings so far apart from the starter. Added to the list.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 19th, 2024, 11:01 pm

Padders72 wrote:I love threads like this. Allows me to identify the tools. Slim pickings so far apart from the starter. Added to the list.

Well that's see no evil off my list.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby servodude » April 20th, 2024, 1:51 am

WickedLester wrote:
RockRabbit wrote:"Why does everyone hate the Jews"

Why are you asking this WickedLester? You claimed in another post to be a supporter of the BNP, presumably the same BNP which at one point wanted all Jews to be deported from the UK. So why don't YOU explain 'why everyone hates the Jews'?


It was all those Bagels. I could only get two fingers in the hole.

Yeah. But aside from the deflection why?
Why be a member of the shitkickers?
What did you get out of it?
What were you lacking that you got from it?
You do seem to be in a better place than most to answer your own question
- once we've got that we can see if it applies otherwise
unless you're just trolling in which case this will probably get pulled quickly... cos the answer given what the words in the question are is "they don't"

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 20th, 2024, 2:11 am

servodude wrote:
WickedLester wrote:
It was all those Bagels. I could only get two fingers in the hole.

Yeah. But aside from the deflection why?
Why be a member of the shitkickers?
What did you get out of it?
What were you lacking that you got from it?
You do seem to be in a better place than most to answer your own question
- once we've got that we can see if it applies otherwise
unless you're just trolling in which case this will probably get pulled quickly... cos the answer given what the words in the question are is "they don't"

Have you read the whole thread to get an idea of what my point was?

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby servodude » April 20th, 2024, 2:16 am

WickedLester wrote:
servodude wrote:
Yeah. But aside from the deflection why?
Why be a member of the shitkickers?
What did you get out of it?
What were you lacking that you got from it?
You do seem to be in a better place than most to answer your own question
- once we've got that we can see if it applies otherwise
unless you're just trolling in which case this will probably get pulled quickly... cos the answer given what the words in the question are is "they don't"

Have you read the whole thread to get an idea of what my point was?

I think the obvious answer is because a small out-group is politically useful whether that's Jews, immigrants, boat people or trans kids - nothing more, and it says more about the self selecting in-group than anything else.
So with that out the way..
I'm asking for you to comment on your personal experience from inside a racist group that used such methods.
Anything you can share?

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 20th, 2024, 3:00 am

servodude wrote:
WickedLester wrote:
Have you read the whole thread to get an idea of what my point was?

I think the obvious answer is because a small out-group is politically useful whether that's Jews, immigrants, boat people or trans kids - nothing more, and it says more about the self selecting in-group than anything else.
So with that out the way..
I'm asking for you to comment on your personal experience from inside a racist group that used such methods.
Anything you can share?

I've never been a BNP member or actively involved in any "Far-Right" activity, I had never heard of the BNP until that huge organised anti BNP protest down in Welling in '93 I think it was. I got the bus down from my University in the Midlands, not because I was particularly interested in Politics, at that time I just wanted to get drunk and lose my virginity and the posh, hippy tart from Cheltenham I fancied was going so she could gawp at some real, live skinheads. She was also determined to be at the front so she could have a good view. My enduring memories of it are of one obnoxious posh, lefty scumbag with his young son on his shoulders encouraging his son to throw bricks at the Police. I also remember looking back at the crowd and seeing a huge throng of people for as far as I could see back up the road and about 8 skinheads, tattooed arms folded, looking down contemptuously from their rooftop defences knowing the lefties would never be able to take them. I couldn't quite see the point of it all and it was only the lefties that were throwing bricks and the Police were throwing them back at them.

I only started to "support" the BNP when a bus driver in Bradford or anybody else could lose their job for simply wearing a BNP badge because it might upset Muslims. No consideration of whether the bus driver might be upset about seeing a Muslim in a Burqa, they just had to smile and be upset quietly.

No one had ever asked the English people of Bradford whether they wanted to share the town with 50,000 Pakistanis in the first place, why shouldn't he be able to campaign democratically to end that colonisation, there ain't too many English left on the subcontinent.

It annoyed me because it was deeply undemocratic, I think the members of the Socialist Workers Party are probably pretty daft and would destroy all the institutions and ideals I'm fond of, or at least don't mind, but if they put up a candidate locally and they got voted in I'd take it on the chin until the next time I got a vote.

I've only ever voted Labour or Conservative in General Elections, my oldest friend who reads the Guardian considers me a liberal conservative. I will confess I voted NF in the last London Mayoral Election, I knew it would make no difference but I have a rule that I will only ever vote for white people in this country, you don't have to like it but that's supposed to be how a democracy works.

Anyway I wonder how many of those 1,000,000 white public sector workers that went along in '93 don't now wonder whether they picked the wrong side. None that would admit it.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby dealtn » April 20th, 2024, 7:25 am

WickedLester wrote:I have a rule that I will only ever vote for white people in this country, you don't have to like it but that's supposed to be how a democracy works.

That's democracy but... wow

Do you have a similar rule that you, and your family, would only be seen by white doctors and nurses at A&E?

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Adamski » April 20th, 2024, 8:07 am

Perhaps the forum moderator can rename this thread? As think original poster means far left not everyone.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Lanark » April 20th, 2024, 10:27 am

WickedLester wrote:As far as I can work out it stems from their determination to have their own homeland, where history tells us their homeland was before the 7 tribes were scattered to the winds for thousands of years where they lived as a persecuted minority across Eurasia and possibly parts of Africa. Much as I can accept creating Israel has involved an injustice against the Palestinians I can fully understand their desire to be safe amongst their own

You are conflating Jews with Israeli Zionists, they are not the same thing.

There are a lot of good Jews who do not live in Israel, and have no intention of moving there and participating in a genocidal colonial occupation.

Whether you are talking about Jews or Arabs or the English, they are not all the same, there are good and bad in all races and religions.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby servodude » April 20th, 2024, 11:03 am

Lanark wrote:
WickedLester wrote:As far as I can work out it stems from their determination to have their own homeland, where history tells us their homeland was before the 7 tribes were scattered to the winds for thousands of years where they lived as a persecuted minority across Eurasia and possibly parts of Africa. Much as I can accept creating Israel has involved an injustice against the Palestinians I can fully understand their desire to be safe amongst their own

You are conflating Jews with Israeli Zionists, they are not the same thing.

There are a lot of good Jews who do not live in Israel, and have no intention of moving there and participating in a genocidal colonial occupation.

Whether you are talking about Jews or Arabs or the English, they are not all the same, there are good and bad in all races and religions.

at the risk of indulging what seems to be some sort psychotic episode in thread form there are plenty of "good" non-genocidal Jews in Israel also. You only have to watch the IDF beating up Hasidim protesters to know this current round of ethnic cleansing isn't really much to do with their religion or nationality. It's a scum government supported by some overseas scum doing really scummy stuff

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby Adamski » April 20th, 2024, 11:53 am

There's the in group, out group psychology. Where people will try and scapegoat another group for their own failings. That's played out all human race throughout history.

More recently Israel is identified by the left as the "oppressor" and a racist Apartheid state. Antisemitism is rife in the Arab world. So the left and Islamists join forces. All the craziness and contradictions this entails are ignored.

Even though Jews are a very tiny minority here 0.5%, I can see in the future they'll be an exodus of them like has been in recent years in france, as they'll become uncomfortable as the Muslim population grows each year in London.

The obvious answer is a two state solution, but both sides hate each other. Personally think we (uk) should stay out of the middle east. But our leaders love to play world statesman thinking we're global Britain, and our countries will listen and obey us. That's bizarre in itself.

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Re: Why Does Everyone Hate Jews?


Postby WickedLester » April 20th, 2024, 12:13 pm

servodude wrote:
Lanark wrote:You are conflating Jews with Israeli Zionists, they are not the same thing.

There are a lot of good Jews who do not live in Israel, and have no intention of moving there and participating in a genocidal colonial occupation.

Whether you are talking about Jews or Arabs or the English, they are not all the same, there are good and bad in all races and religions.

at the risk of indulging what seems to be some sort psychotic episode in thread form there are plenty of "good" non-genocidal Jews in Israel also. You only have to watch the IDF beating up Hasidim protesters to know this current round of ethnic cleansing isn't really much to do with their religion or nationality. It's a scum government supported by some overseas scum doing really scummy stuff

There are a load of good Pakistani's who do not live in East London too.

With the last paragraph you appear to be descending into both disability discrimination and hate crime, trust me, I know where to report it. ;)

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