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Today's frustrations

A friendly ear
Lemon Quarter
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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 18th, 2023, 8:01 am

I don't know how detector vans work these days. I'd like to think things have moved on a bit. I suppose iplayer is linked to you and would show you any history.

Sorry Gov! Someone musta hacked my account and watched Eastenders. :|

So we even won the football so the frustration index is reducing slightly. Today is a nothing planned day so nothing should happen so the index should get even lower. I suppose that's when it tends to hit harder. Something simple like walking, you step in some dog do, a bird drops on you from height and then you slip on a banana skin. :o

It might work the opposite direction and I win the lottery......... Oh no where did I put my ticket.....

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby didds » October 18th, 2023, 3:38 pm

Gerry557 wrote:I suppose iplayer is linked to you and would show you any history.

run your router through a VPN.
or a device through a VPN and chromecast .
nothing is insurmountable.

the model is unsustainable.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 19th, 2023, 9:14 am

I think it becoming unsustainable is probably right. Most under 30s don't have a license. You imagine OAPs having it because that's all they have known and or not tech savvy enough to Flix.

Then there are more like me that question if I should and generally get it for others to use rather than myself.

Some just don't like the BBC anymore. Talk of bias and preaching.

I think I'm in the camp of cancel TV licence altogether and have a pay to view channels with a limited free channel paid by the government from general taxes for things like the world service.

In not sure the BBC would survive this though because what is worth paying to watch.

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 20th, 2023, 10:44 am

Im buying something a tad more expensive than usual spending and there is the possibility of using some interest free credit. I tend to get something on credit occasionally as its apparently good to have a record of paying off credit.

A problem arose with the paperwork wording. It listed the amount of credit, the monthly payments,the total amount I have to pay and the total cost of the item. This was a 50% deposit and 2 years to pay the remaining. All was fine and as expected except for "the total amount I have to pay" which matched the total cost of the item. I expected it be half that as I was paying a 50% deposit.

There was a phone number to call if you had questions, so I called and explained the issue with the wording. The lady explained it the same as I expected but I said the paperwork wording doesn't say that, its says the full price and there is no mention of the deposit. After going round in circles she said she couldn't amend it to include "less any deposit" or the correct figure. the computer says Yes so either sign it or don't. It didn't help matters that I got cut off twice whilst on hold and kept having to repeat the whole process.

Its not getting signed. So I need to replan my options.

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby stevensfo » October 21st, 2023, 10:48 am

Gerry557 wrote:Im buying something a tad more expensive than usual spending and there is the possibility of using some interest free credit. I tend to get something on credit occasionally as its apparently good to have a record of paying off credit.

A problem arose with the paperwork wording. It listed the amount of credit, the monthly payments,the total amount I have to pay and the total cost of the item. This was a 50% deposit and 2 years to pay the remaining. All was fine and as expected except for "the total amount I have to pay" which matched the total cost of the item. I expected it be half that as I was paying a 50% deposit.

There was a phone number to call if you had questions, so I called and explained the issue with the wording. The lady explained it the same as I expected but I said the paperwork wording doesn't say that, its says the full price and there is no mention of the deposit. After going round in circles she said she couldn't amend it to include "less any deposit" or the correct figure. the computer says Yes so either sign it or don't. It didn't help matters that I got cut off twice whilst on hold and kept having to repeat the whole process.

Its not getting signed. So I need to replan my options.

I usually get annoyed with such matters, but in this case, aren't you overthinking it a bit?

Provided you keep proof of the original offer and that you already paid the 50%, what's the problem?

If it rankles you, rather than phone, I'd write an official letter to them, sent recorded delivery.


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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 21st, 2023, 3:14 pm

There was another option, nothing to pay for 6 months.

The wording was fine with that version. It doesnt give me the 2 years of credit history though so I might have to buy something else. :D

I thought of raising a complaint ref the wording and phone service but its just more hassle.

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 21st, 2023, 3:28 pm

Yesterdays frustrations

Adding a banking app. I simple enough process you would expect. Download app, log in await auth code, input code and Bobs your auntie.

Mine went on for hours. I could log into the online bank no problems but every time I tried the app it locked my account. I have to ring up, wait approx 10 min and confirm my identity and get them to reset the account.

Every time I tried the app it locked the account out :evil:

Sometimes the help was on the poor side. Uninstall and reinstall the app and turn the phone on and off. even after telling them that was done for the last 3 attempts and on different devices.

Anyway it turns out the the text code they sent, I went out of the app to view as it disappeared too quickly caused it to fail. You have to stay in the app and input the code or it locks you out. Not heard that one before.

Anyway I was able to set it up on the other device no problem staying in the app. So just needed a speed read and joint effort with the phone side of things but eventually we are in.

Now ii have sent an email "Security improvements in the ii app." Is it going to be so secure we wont be let in ever again :lol:

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby stevensfo » October 21st, 2023, 4:59 pm

Gerry557 wrote:There was another option, nothing to pay for 6 months.

The wording was fine with that version. It doesnt give me the 2 years of credit history though so I might have to buy something else. :D

I thought of raising a complaint ref the wording and phone service but its just more hassle.

There was another option, nothing to pay for 6 months.

That made me shiver.

We lived in Stevenage 1998-2002, and there was a large store that sold everything electrical you could think off, dishwashers, washing machines etc.

They were always advertising their credit offers. But unlike other stores where you paid it off in instalments starting now, they insisted on 1-2- years with nothing to pay at all, after which you had to pay everything in one go.

If not, the interest rates for credit were eye-watering!

It was all a cruel ruse. How many poor sods having to buy a washing machine on credit, have the discipline to save up for it over the next few years? Some maybe, but not the majority.

I hope this sort of thing has been made illegal by now.


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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 22nd, 2023, 12:08 pm

stevensfo wrote:
Gerry557 wrote:There was another option, nothing to pay for 6 months.

The wording was fine with that version. It doesnt give me the 2 years of credit history though so I might have to buy something else. :D

I thought of raising a complaint ref the wording and phone service but its just more hassle.

There was another option, nothing to pay for 6 months.

That made me shiver.

We lived in Stevenage 1998-2002, and there was a large store that sold everything electrical you could think off, dishwashers, washing machines etc.

They were always advertising their credit offers. But unlike other stores where you paid it off in instalments starting now, they insisted on 1-2- years with nothing to pay at all, after which you had to pay everything in one go.

If not, the interest rates for credit were eye-watering!

It was all a cruel ruse. How many poor sods having to buy a washing machine on credit, have the discipline to save up for it over the next few years? Some maybe, but not the majority.

I hope this sort of thing has been made illegal by now.


I've seen similar stores. One allowed you to purchase items for a small amount weekly. The weekly goes on for almost ever. So your £500 TV probably costs 3 times as much. I can see why people fall for it but also note some just spend money they haven't got.

Fortunately I have the cash to purchase but wanted the security of the credit arrangement and some history. Now 6m not 2 years.

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby stevensfo » October 22nd, 2023, 4:13 pm

To be honest, I hadn't heard of this 'Credit Report' nonsense ten years ago. In 1998, we came back to UK after 10 years in France and bought a house. Nobody mentioned anything about credit history. We put down a deposit and got a mortgage.

Maybe I'm cynical, but I believe that all this bullsh*t about credit history, AML rules etc, is just a ruse to distract people from asking questions about the Financial crisis in 2008 and allow the banks to pretend that they're taking it all very seriously.


PS Old joke re. financial crisis, bank corruption etc:

"Sorry sir, but your request for transfer has been refused. Insufficient funds."

"Er, insufficient funds?" (Long pause) "Yours or mine?"

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 22nd, 2023, 6:09 pm

I sort of agree. Surely having no credit should be a good sign. I remember a couple wanting to buy a house were asked to rent a while to build up a history of paying bills.

I have one of the credit apps and it recommended uping my credit limits. Again I thought a smaller limit reduced the likelihood of getting in too deep as you couldn't spend too much. Obviously not. I think it wants a bigger limit and you to only use it to 25% max or something similar. Does it matter if you max it out if you pay it off in full every month.

If you have no interest in banking
You are not a loan.

Should that be in laughing lemons :D

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 22nd, 2023, 6:18 pm

Today's frustration.

Getting rid of a metal 4 drawer filing cabinet. The person having it turns up on his own with a large BMW but it's not a hatch or estate.

I say it won't fit and the sharp edges are likely to rip his leather seats but offer to hold the other end if he want to try and ram it in. :shock:

I produced a tape measure to highlight that his doors wouldn't open wide enough and it would have to go in at an angle due to the door handle sticking out. He went home empty handed.

Is it a new thing turning up on your own with a vehicle far too small to collect large objects. Anyway off to collect 5 tons of bricks for my new house in my mini :D

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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby AJC5001 » October 24th, 2023, 1:27 am

Gerry557 wrote:
Is it a new thing turning up on your own with a vehicle far too small to collect large objects.

Have you never been in an Ikea car park? :lol:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Today's frustrations


Postby Gerry557 » October 24th, 2023, 12:33 pm

AJC5001 wrote:
Gerry557 wrote:
Is it a new thing turning up on your own with a vehicle far too small to collect large objects.

Have you never been in an Ikea car park? :lol:

Yes, helping someone get a 2m desktop into a Hyundai i10. Strangely it went in. :shock:

A second collector did pick up the filing cabinet and joked he was coming on his push bike.

Yesterdays frustrations was the ring pull on my beans coming away in my hands. It's hammer time as they say on F1.

I also received another email from tv licence to inform me that the expiry date of my licence is the wrong date again. :evil:

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