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Human alien interactions

Scientific discovery and discussion
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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby XFool » August 26th, 2023, 6:33 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:Retired fighter pilot discusses some human candidates for uap & finds none fit the observations (17 mins):

What if the problem is with "the observations"?

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » August 26th, 2023, 7:42 pm

XFool wrote:
odysseus2000 wrote:Retired fighter pilot discusses some human candidates for uap & finds none fit the observations (17 mins):

What if the problem is with "the observations"?

Yes, that was the stated objection for decades, that the pilots due to anyone of many causes had hallucinations.

The problem with this explanation is that uap have been recorded in radar, infra red & optical. It seems highly improbable that all three simultaneous measurements could be hallucinations, but the US DoD could potentially show that it is the case by presenting evidence to congress in secret session.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 10:55 am

If this is real & it seems to be, Mexico has dead non human aliens displayed before their congress (9 mins 39):

Kind of in shock & clearly need scientific analysis, but it is mind blowing.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby doolally » September 13th, 2023, 11:08 am

Why do these "aliens" always seem to be so similar to humans? Two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, exactly the same configuration as humans. Is this the only form that intelligent life can take? Or are the fraudsters lacking imagination?

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 11:28 am

doolally wrote:Why do these "aliens" always seem to be so similar to humans? Two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, exactly the same configuration as humans. Is this the only form that intelligent life can take? Or are the fraudsters lacking imagination?

Interesting question, could be that bipeds are the universal top design, combining best dexterity with best biochemistry, biophysics, but who cares today.

Having done a bit more study it seems that the Mexicans have done a full scientific analysis & these are unlike anything previously known.

Seems 13-Sep-2023 is first authenticated disclosure day & now things will move very very fast.

Either someone proves these are fake or the rest of the world’s nations will have to disclose what they have.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby mc2fool » September 13th, 2023, 11:30 am

Oh! It's also in the Daily Mail, so it must be true! :D

"Jaime Maussan, who has led investigations into alien phenomena for decades, stood with scientists to unveil two corpses in a 'watershed' event in front of Mexican Congress on Tuesday."

Presumably the same Jaime Maussan involved in the debunked claim of an "alien mummy" found near Nazca, you know, where the famous UFO landing pads are. Well, according to a certain Mr von Däniken at least.... :roll:

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 11:43 am

mc2fool wrote:Oh! It's also in the Daily Mail, so it must be true! :D

"Jaime Maussan, who has led investigations into alien phenomena for decades, stood with scientists to unveil two corpses in a 'watershed' event in front of Mexican Congress on Tuesday."

Presumably the same Jaime Maussan involved in the debunked claim of an "alien mummy" found near Nazca, you know, where the famous UFO landing pads are. Well, according to a certain Mr von Däniken at least.... :roll:

If these are fake it should be trivial to prove so.

The “eggs” inside one specimen seem weird, but if the analysis the Mexicans have done is confirmed by other scientists this will be the first authenticated disclosure.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 11:46 am

Mexican bodies like Siberian one: ... DCpgdbFBxg


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby GrahamPlatt » September 13th, 2023, 12:01 pm

Meanwhile, on a planet far far away

Tantalising sign of possible life on faraway world

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby ursaminortaur » September 13th, 2023, 12:50 pm

mc2fool wrote:Oh! It's also in the Daily Mail, so it must be true! :D

"Jaime Maussan, who has led investigations into alien phenomena for decades, stood with scientists to unveil two corpses in a 'watershed' event in front of Mexican Congress on Tuesday."

Presumably the same Jaime Maussan involved in the debunked claim of an "alien mummy" found near Nazca, you know, where the famous UFO landing pads are. Well, according to a certain Mr von Däniken at least.... :roll:

Yes it is the same Maussan as reported in the Independent

Mr Maussan has previously been associated with claims of “alien” discoveries that have later been debunked, including five mummies found in Peru in 2017 that were later shown to be human children.

Also in that report

Mr Maussan told attendees the specimens had been studied by scientists at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) who were able to draw DNA evidence using radiocarbon dating. After comparisons were made to other DNA samples, it was found that over 30% of the specimens’ DNA was “unknown”, he said.

Obviously radiocarbon dating has nothing to do with extracting DNA but leaving that aside. Firstly it is interesting that the "alien's" biology uses DNA with the same four bases adenine (A), guanine (G) cytosine (C), and thymine (T). It would obviously be more convincingly alien if something other than DNA was used to pass on genetic information or the code used different bases. Secondly what does "unknown" mean in this quote. Does it mean that they were not able to extract 30% of the genome because it was too degraded or that they don't know what it codes for ? The latter wouldn't be surprising as lots of our DNA and that of other organisms on this planet is what is commonly known as junk DNA (non protein coding DNA whose purpose is largely a mystery - though a small portion has been identified as control genes regulating the expression of other genes).

The human genome has three billion base pairs in its DNA, but only about 2% of them encode proteins. The rest seems like pointless bloat, a profusion of sequence duplications and genomic dead ends often labeled “junk DNA.” This stunningly thriftless allocation of genetic material isn’t limited to humans: Even many bacteria seem to devote 20% of their genome to noncoding filler.

Many mysteries still surround the issue of what noncoding DNA is, and whether it really is worthless junk or something more. Portions of it, at least, have turned out to be vitally important biologically. But even beyond the question of its functionality (or lack of it), researchers are beginning to appreciate how noncoding DNA can be a genetic resource for cells and a nursery where new genes can evolve.

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby mc2fool » September 13th, 2023, 1:51 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:Mexican bodies like Siberian one: ... DCpgdbFBxg


But according to that twit they may not be bodies of aliens:

"And these bodies don't have to be aliens/ETs... Remember, they might be cryptoterrestrials, interdimensionals, or some kind of vessel for interdimensional entities, beings living in a different frequency/vibration, OR aliens from another solar system..." :roll:

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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 2:01 pm

Additional reports say one carbon tested to 700 years, the other to 1700 years. Where they found together, suggesting a burial ground of over 1000 years or found separately. Additionally carbon 14 is formed by cosmic rays hitting nitrogen 14. If these creatures were space travelers might the c14 dates be suspect, depending on where they lived & the radiographic background in their food?

The dna analysis could support the hypothesis that humans were created by aliens, but there are issues as dna in humans is not as I understand it different to that found in other animals & cow blood can be used for human blood in emergencies, this being one ingredient in the mix of stories surrounding cattle mutilations. Did aliens then create all life on earth in their own form? These kind of seeding hypothesis would make sense if human & alien dna were the same, but we would then say these are not aliens but humans. Clearly a lot more information is needed.

The existence, as reported, of implants would rule out humans if the ages are right.

Lot of analysis needed, but for now these do look different to anything previously found & any hoax technology creating what has been reported looks to be beyond current technology.

Interesting to see what happens now. I expect a sudden disclosure that these are hoax & some one to end up in the slammer for perjury, but until there is better analysis I am inclined to think that any hoax suggestion will not fit with the results & so it will all depend on independent scientific analysis.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 2:02 pm

mc2fool wrote:
odysseus2000 wrote:Mexican bodies like Siberian one: ... DCpgdbFBxg


But according to that twit they may not be bodies of aliens:

"And these bodies don't have to be aliens/ETs... Remember, they might be cryptoterrestrials, interdimensionals, or some kind of vessel for interdimensional entities, beings living in a different frequency/vibration, OR aliens from another solar system..." :roll:

That is why all of these things have been grouped under non human intelligence.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby swill453 » September 13th, 2023, 2:03 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:If this is real & it seems to be, Mexico has dead non human aliens displayed before their congress (9 mins 39):

Kind of in shock & clearly need scientific analysis, but it is mind blowing.

Funny how they have elongated skulls and three fingers, just like the ones he came out with before that were debunked. There's nothing like a tryer...

If this has any other conclusion than the last one reported at Snopes, I'll eat my hat.

"no evidence has ever definitively proved the existence of alien life, and countless "alien" discoveries have later been shown to be hoaxes or to have far more mundane explanations."


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 3:08 pm

14 minute video with more details:

Apparently dna has been sent around the world for analysis, if true this is independent verification.

Rib structure not human, neck structure not human, both reptilian or bird like.

Breast implants correlates with eye witness of other aliens.

Small size consistent with Bob Lazar calling pilots of alien stuff as kids.

Creature had no ability to eat solid food, suggesting liquid diet, correlates with cow mutilations.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 3:10 pm

swill453 wrote:
odysseus2000 wrote:If this is real & it seems to be, Mexico has dead non human aliens displayed before their congress (9 mins 39):

Kind of in shock & clearly need scientific analysis, but it is mind blowing.

Funny how they have elongated skulls and three fingers, just like the ones he came out with before that were debunked. There's nothing like a tryer...

If this has any other conclusion than the last one reported at Snopes, I'll eat my hat.

"no evidence has ever definitively proved the existence of alien life, and countless "alien" discoveries have later been shown to be hoaxes or to have far more mundane explanations."


Yes, but if you wanted to keep a secret would this not be the best way to do it. Have experts construct false hoax narrative & sell it as the truth?


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 3:18 pm

Some x ray analysis, real or fake? (About 3 minutes): ... DCpgdbFBxg


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby swill453 » September 13th, 2023, 3:20 pm

odysseus2000 wrote:Yes, but if you wanted to keep a secret would this not be the best way to do it. Have experts construct false hoax narrative & sell it as the truth?

Ah, so another hoax proves that "secret" aliens exist? Yeah, right.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby odysseus2000 » September 13th, 2023, 3:26 pm

swill453 wrote:
odysseus2000 wrote:Yes, but if you wanted to keep a secret would this not be the best way to do it. Have experts construct false hoax narrative & sell it as the truth?

Ah, so another hoax proves that "secret" aliens exist? Yeah, right.


Exactly, that is part of the cia play book for misinformation.

We need multiple analysis in multiple countries to get any believable consensus.

Anything else isn’t believable.


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Re: Human alien interactions


Postby doolally » September 13th, 2023, 3:32 pm

swill453 wrote:[
Funny how they have elongated skulls and three fingers, just like the ones he came out with before that were debunked.

They only have the one program for their 3-D printer ;)

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