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Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with

Strangeness abounds. No question too obscure
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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby UncleEbenezer » July 30th, 2023, 11:46 am

Lootman wrote:
didds wrote:Well I'm a boomer (born 1962) and I never go on about "woke" - its a pathetic, puerile term.

I am a boomer and do not use the term much. And it is a fairly recent word - I do not recall seeing or hearing it before a couple of years ago.

I don't think it is a recent word. My mum used it to describe the then-scary teens, after my five- or six-year old self had been inconsiderately jostled by someone in the hordes of them going to the Big School.

What is recent is the Willetts definition and narrative, that extends "boomers" right into 1960s births to encompass his scapegoats.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby UncleEbenezer » July 30th, 2023, 11:54 am

Spet0789 wrote:No, that’s just corruption. It’s certainly been a feature of Boris’s English National Socialists but it’s found on both the left and the right

Agreed 100%.
- more so on the left in my view.

Historically I'd agree. At least that's been my perception.

Today that's only really true if you count the so-called Tories as lefties. Which I tend to do, given how much of what in my youth was associated with Labour's Left wing they've revived.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby UncleEbenezer » July 30th, 2023, 12:01 pm

Mike4 wrote:Curious now. Do Nationwide offer current accounts?

I've had one for well over 30 years. Before the banking crisis they were, in several ways, significantly better than other options. But sadly those advantages went in the bin around 2009.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby 88V8 » July 30th, 2023, 12:27 pm

UncleEbenezer wrote:
Lootman wrote:The way I recall it, political correctness started permeating educational institutions around 1990. The folks who were at an impressionable age back then are coming into positions of power and influence now, just as the less woke-infested boomers retire. Coincidence?

Nonsense. My dad (who was a lecturer) complained bitterly of it as far back as I can remember - to around the heady days of the late 1960s. Tom Sharpe wrote bitingly of it in the 1970s. And by the time I entered it (1979), we had a backlash against political correctness that saw my college elect a paid-up Young Conservative as JCR president, among other things.

Educational institutions have a lot to answer for, they seem to be the breeding ground for a lot of nonsense.
PC might have been an issue there in the late 60s, but it certainly wasn't in the City, nor in the 70s or 80s. It was only the arrival of the Yanks in the 90s with their 'no lunchtime drinking' culture that began to rein things in a little.


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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby Lootman » July 30th, 2023, 12:39 pm

88V8 wrote:
UncleEbenezer wrote:Nonsense. My dad (who was a lecturer) complained bitterly of it as far back as I can remember - to around the heady days of the late 1960s. Tom Sharpe wrote bitingly of it in the 1970s. And by the time I entered it (1979), we had a backlash against political correctness that saw my college elect a paid-up Young Conservative as JCR president, among other things.

Educational institutions have a lot to answer for, they seem to be the breeding ground for a lot of nonsense.

PC might have been an issue there in the late 60s, but it certainly wasn't in the City, nor in the 70s or 80s. It was only the arrival of the Yanks in the 90s with their 'no lunchtime drinking' culture that began to rein things in a little.

Yes, up to the late 1980s I can recall 3-hour drunken lunches in the City and no work getting done after about noon.

And rampant sexism and racism, in a good-natured way but some of the nicknames used for female and non-white colleagues would get you fired on the spot now.

So I am sticking to 1990. I did a contract in NYC around then and was shocked how different the work culture was there with no drinking nor vulgar banter. Then I went home to London and it had changed to more like the American PC model.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby XFool » July 30th, 2023, 12:52 pm

Lootman wrote:Yes, up to the late 1980s I can recall 3-hour drunken lunches in the City and no work getting done after about noon.

And rampant sexism and racism, in a good-natured way but some of the nicknames used for female and non-white colleagues would get you fired on the spot now.

So I am sticking to 1990. I did a contract in NYC around then and was shocked how different the work culture was there with no drinking nor vulgar banter. Then I went home to London and it had changed to more like the American PC model.

You mean they had retired the dinosaurs by then?

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby Lootman » July 30th, 2023, 1:22 pm

XFool wrote:
Lootman wrote:Yes, up to the late 1980s I can recall 3-hour drunken lunches in the City and no work getting done after about noon.

And rampant sexism and racism, in a good-natured way but some of the nicknames used for female and non-white colleagues would get you fired on the spot now.

So I am sticking to 1990. I did a contract in NYC around then and was shocked how different the work culture was there with no drinking nor vulgar banter. Then I went home to London and it had changed to more like the American PC model.

You mean they had retired the dinosaurs by then?

No but another factor was the "Big Bang" deregulation of the City in 1986, which brought in the big American banks with their culture of puritanism, political correctness and long hours. They re-exported the protestant work ethic back to us, and that ended the previous cosy "gentleman's club" atmosphere.

Not that long afterwards most of the UK city firms had been taken over by the Americans, the Japanese, the Swiss or the Germans. And then the old guard left, which they could easily afford to do.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby Urbandreamer » August 15th, 2023, 1:01 pm

I came across an interesting youtube video on this subject that I recommend.

I do have to say that the young lady seems remarkably calm for someone who had a bank account blocked for who she, quite legally, worked for.

Ps, I should warn those who hate crypto that it IS a crypto channel.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby stewamax » August 16th, 2023, 3:52 pm

Lootman wrote:No but another factor was the "Big Bang" deregulation of the City in 1986, which brought in the big American banks with their culture of puritanism, political correctness and long hours. They re-exported the protestant work ethic back to us, and that ended the previous cosy "gentleman's club" atmosphere.
Not that long afterwards most of the UK city firms had been taken over by the Americans, the Japanese, the Swiss or the Germans. And then the old guard left, which they could easily afford to do.

Spot on, although the Yanks were slowly building presence several years before. The Brits got way with it pre-Big Bang because jobbers and brokers typically only dealt with someone they knew - whether your friends from public school, from long lunches (Friday was 'get ratted' day) or their clubs.
Even the more senior jobbers, whose background may have been more barrow-boy than Eton, mellowed to fit in.

The idea then of doing business with someone you didn't know (but whose firm's credit was good) was anathema. Firms were relatively tiny and business was mainly domestic. No wonder they were deservedly savaged by Goldmans, Morgan Stanley, Chase et al.

If politics was mentioned, you were assumed to vote Tory. Even though deregulation, especially the abolition of fixed commissions and removal of broker/dealer demarcation was pushed by Chancellor Nigel Lawson on Margaret Thatcher's watch, you still supported the Tories. It wasn't so much that laws were changed, but that the Stock Exchange was cudgelled to enter the 20th Century after being threated by Mrs Thatcher with referral to the Restrictive Practices Court - a case that the Exchange would easily have lost.

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Re: Careful who you support politically or who you are friends with


Postby Urbandreamer » August 22nd, 2023, 7:31 am

This recently dropped on Peter McCormack's podcast.
An interview on De-Banking with Nigel Farage.

Oh for those who don't know him Peter McCormack got the scoop on El Salvador a couple of years ago.

BTW, the podcast is called What-Bitcoin-Did, though recently it's mostly about football. Mr McCormack is very interested in his football club so mentions it most weeks.

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