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Zapped by the Greater Gods

Religion and Philosophy
Forum rules
we are introducing this on a trial basis and that respect for other's views is important e.g. phrases like "your imaginary friend" or "you will go to hell" are not appropriate
Lemon Slice
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Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby taken2often » March 7th, 2023, 11:28 pm

Who are they. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Amazon and of course Lemon Fool.

I had a message for you but it was zapped, gone no explanation. I am not bitter. I do not know what magic words I used to cause this. There was no swearing, call for action. It is just a fact that those many Gods do not like certain words, and do not want you to hear them.

No doubt this relates to the advertising revenue. He who Pay the Piper Picks the Tune. This is fair enough, this must be an expensive sight to keep funded, so I am not upset. I do not go out of my way to get Zapped. It just seems that I am some sort of Rebel Free Thinker and do not conform to Group Think. Todays modern society.

Till the next time

XFool your response got zapped too

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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby servodude » March 8th, 2023, 12:23 am

pretty sure that the perception of the impact on advertising revenue isn't cause for a post to be removed
and that breaching the posting guidelines would be

could be one of the Elder Ones though - I have heard they are fickle

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"


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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby Lootman » March 8th, 2023, 12:46 am

servodude wrote:pretty sure that the perception of the impact on advertising revenue isn't cause for a post to be removed

That was the case on TMF where they were very concerned with their commercial image.

Not so much here, where I suspect the issue is more about public image and liability.

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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby GoSeigen » March 8th, 2023, 8:19 am

taken2often wrote:Who are they. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Amazon and of course Lemon Fool.

I had a message for you but it was zapped, gone no explanation.

Comment about moderation issues is off-topic on this board and in fact on all boards of The Lemon Fool. If your OP is removed you will know why.

It is an oft-stated policy of this site (or sight) that moderation may take place without any notification whatsoever, so that is hardly surprising.

Similarly this board is not for the posting of thinly-disguised political commentary. There is a perfectly acceptable board for that. The mention of god or gods either in the subject or body does not turn a post into a religious one. Repeated attempts to do so are tiresome for some of us.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby taken2often » March 8th, 2023, 10:59 pm

Dont read it. Your post or responses are of little interest to me. That I am out of step with you gives me great comfort.

The post related to previous posts that seemed to be read by many. So this was a sort of update.

I accept that the other Gods are very important to Lemon Fool and that is why I accept it. It may even be that even LF have no idea what the magic words are, and the zapping automatic, which would explain no notification.

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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby XFool » March 10th, 2023, 8:20 am

taken2often wrote:Who are they. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Amazon and of course Lemon Fool.

I had a message for you but it was zapped, gone no explanation. I am not bitter. I do not know what magic words I used to cause this. There was no swearing, call for action. It is just a fact that those many Gods do not like certain words, and do not want you to hear them.

No doubt this relates to the advertising revenue. He who Pay the Piper Picks the Tune. This is fair enough, this must be an expensive sight to keep funded, so I am not upset. I do not go out of my way to get Zapped. It just seems that I am some sort of Rebel Free Thinker and do not conform to Group Think. Todays modern society.

Till the next time

XFool your response got zapped too

You and me both, taken2often! "Til the next time"... :)

Like you I am 'used' to it by now - more or less. Albeit it can be confusing (age, memory, did I didn't I?). Sometimes it seems to make little real sense, often I can't help feeling that the mod concerned just didn't understand the point being made; or perhaps they did? :lol:

"This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds!" :?:

Lemon Half
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Re: Zapped by the Greater Gods


Postby mc2fool » March 10th, 2023, 11:00 am

I find a good thing to have installed is the Wayback Machine Web Browser Extension, which, inter alia, allows you to at a click (well, two) save the page you are looking at into the internet archive (Wayback Machine) to be forever available, should you think that it might change ... or disappear. :P

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