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Today we buried our cat

A friendly ear
Lemon Half
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Today we buried our cat


Postby 88V8 » December 22nd, 2022, 6:36 pm

This afternoon in a soft drizzle we buried our cat. She came to us during 2019, an exile from the farm up the lane where a soft old Pyrenean mountain dog had been replaced by a bouncy spaniel that chased her. She adopted us, as it were.
We had had no cat for many years, after our marmalade expired aged eighteen.

She was a lovely cat. A dark tabby with a brindled shortcoat. Nervous, soft, very affectionate. During the summer she followed my wife around the garden like a shadow. Indoors, she rarely attacked the furniture, never jumped on the worktops even when there was food up there, and overnight she stayed in ‘her’ room although the door was open and she could easily have come and jumped on our bed. Even better, for me, I was not allergic to her as was the case with our first two cats, and if you've ever had hayfever for instance you will know that can be quite unpleasant.

Agile, and a great mouser which in the end was her undoing for having eaten all the mice in our ¾ acre she began journeying up the lane to our nearest neighbours 200 yards away and it was on the way back from one of these forays, last night at 2130h, that she was run over just by the entrance to our drive.

The driver, not knowing that our cottage was there, went to our neighbour up the lane who phoned us, and fearing the worst we descended to find her dead in a pool of blood. All credit to the driver because if she had lain in the road all night she would likely have been taken by a fox, the blood washed away by the rain and we would have known nothing of her fate.
Only in August we thought we had lost her when she vanished for two nights, then she came home very woebegone with an abscess on her head.

Well now we have really lost her. I dug a hole in the vegetable garden in a patch where she loved to roll in summer. Two feet deep for safety from the foxes. We walked her round the garden for the last time then wrapped her in an old woolly and into the hole she went with a board over her for protection and barbed wire buried in the top six inches.

She was the third cat we have lost. The first, a Maine Coon, was run over outside our previous house on 5th June 1981, the second as I have said expired of old age or at least his legs did, and now the third. Considering her age and ours I had sometimes wondered whether she might outlive us.

It seems foolish to become so attached to an animal, particularly one as mercenary as a cat. And her death seems trivial compared to other events in the world.
It seems especially inappropriate that I, who sometimes have little regard for my fellow man, should have cried as we buried her.



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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Laughton » December 22nd, 2022, 7:18 pm

It seems foolish to become so attached to an animal

Not at all - many tears shed at the vets over many cats and dogs over the years.

You have at least one brilliant photo, put it somewhere prominent - it'll prompt memories and help raise a smile in the future.

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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Leothebear » December 22nd, 2022, 8:49 pm

When a loved pet dies it can be nearly as bad as losing a child. Charlie, a black, with white accessories, cat adopted us after living wild for 2-3 years. It was when a particularly cold winter descended. We didn't know how old he was but fleas apart he was in great shape. He been predating the local rabbits and had done very well on them. He was a bit of a hard nut, he wouldn't back down for dogs nor foxes. He wasn't that impressed with shop bought cat food and hunted into old age. He was incredibly vocal to us. Especially on coming home when he'd been out on the rampage for some time. A real character. A good point with Charlie was he simply ignored birds. He hunted to eat and I suspect that he tried bird once and found the feathers unacceptable. He was a bit of a star.

After 11 years we reluctantly took him to the vet who with no hesitation said that euthanasia was the only kind option. I held him as the needle went went in. I thought I was fully composed but Charlie was looking at me as he died. I completely lost it.

Sorry to ramble on. The point is that good, decent people do get attached to their animals and make them part of the family. And we grieve when they die. So you have my sympathy.


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby AsleepInYorkshire » December 22nd, 2022, 10:42 pm

It's unbelievably sad to hear of your loss.

Thank you for sharing a photograph of her, she looks absolutely gorgeous.

I've always found it difficult when we have had to say goodbye to our beloved pets in the past. We have great memories of them all. They never leave you.

I've always found some comfort knowing that in life they lived in heaven here on earth.

Take care


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Boots » December 23rd, 2022, 9:49 am

Not at all foolish - these pets reach out and hold our hearts.

We lost our cat in the summer, and we were all in pieces.

My thoughts go out to you all.

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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby bungeejumper » December 23rd, 2022, 12:19 pm

And mine too. So sorry for your loss, V8. It sounds like a life well lived, albeit cut short much too soon. Yes, we had twin tabbies which matched your cat's description pretty well - in fact, one of them appointed herself the official ratter in the farmer's barn - and neither of them were ever troubled by foxes, which knew better than to mess with them. ;)

The whole of our neighbourhood felt their loss when they were gone. (Although the rats threw a party. :D ) A great life, and it was such a pleasure to have them in our lives. They are buried side by side in our garden, which is a comfort to us. Still hurts, though.

Maybe somebody else will adopt you soon? Here's hoping?


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Itsallaguess » December 23rd, 2022, 6:54 pm

88V8 wrote:
It seems foolish to become so attached to an animal

One of the biggest hole's in my life is cat-shaped.

Cherish the memories, and if they're triggered by an initial sense of sadness, as mine so regularly are, then hopefully that initial sad jolt will be worth the much nicer recollections, just moments later...

That's been the situation for me for over 30 years now, and I find that the latter bit is worth the initial bit every single time...

Best wishes,


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Pendrainllwyn » December 23rd, 2022, 10:16 pm

A beautiful photograph. I love her posture and gaze. Your feelings are completely natural, you enriched each other's lives. Adopting her late in life, you didn't name her?


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby WrenChasen » December 24th, 2022, 1:20 pm

What a lovely cat. I'm so sorry you've lost her and in such tragic circumstances. The love we have for the animals (and birds) who share our homes is unconditional and their loss can seem unbearable at the time; never feel uncomfortable shedding tears when the worst time comes.

(I currently share my space with three Maine Coons and I know the day will come, but in the meantime I live in the present and enjoy their company.)

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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Sunnypad » December 26th, 2022, 6:13 pm

Oh I am so sorry 88V8
Cats are awesome and she looks very much so.

There's nothing like the comfort and joy of a cat. I am so sorry for your loss.

Big hugs if you want them.

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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Tedx » December 26th, 2022, 7:29 pm

Today I spent some hours playing with the BiL/SiL new rescue kitten, Benny. They lost an old cat recently too but felt there was enough unwanted cats out there for them to jump back in and get in touch with the Cats Protection People.

Hes a wee thug. Wide eyed and stripey. Loves the laser pen, loves his older 16 year old adopted brother Jack (who barely tolerates him).

Losing a family pet hurts a lot, but there can be positives.

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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby servodude » December 27th, 2022, 12:12 pm

Cats are some of the best people I know.

I live with two currently - (I was told we adopted them but I'm not sure they got the memo)
I've buried three in my life so far and I'm dreading the day when it comes (but I wouldn't give them up for anything)
- I think that's a big part of what makes us proper human beans


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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby 88V8 » December 28th, 2022, 3:01 pm

Thankyou all for your kind comments.

We had a few days away over Christmas, a distraction which was perhaps just as well.

A 'cat-shaped hole' is an excellent description of how I feel at the mo, and I would like to fill it before too long, but OH is going to take a while.

I made a grave marker, it's in the workshop being oiled and dried for a few days. Despite that I still find myself opening the door last thing at night to see whether she wants to come in. Silly old fool.....


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Today we buried our cat


Postby Tedx » December 28th, 2022, 3:37 pm

A couple of years ago a grey cat jumped on to our fence from a neighbours garden. It looked exactly like the cat we buried a year prior to that.

I nearly had a heart attack.

Reminders are everywhere. Some are barely noticable, others snack you in the face.

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