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What do you think happens when we die?

Religion and Philosophy
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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby servodude » September 9th, 2022, 1:53 am

Tara wrote:
ReformedCharacter wrote:
Tara wrote:I believe the traditional Catholic teaching on what happens.

I believe that after death every person will face their own judgement by God, and then they will either enter Heaven, Purgatory, or separation from God.

Fair enough, but why do you believe that?


Because it is a fundamental part of Catholic teaching and the Catholic Faith.

Yes it was wasn't it.

There's certainly a plausibility that I remember from being instructed in catechism and I remember the comfort it gave many I know.

Some of it though was (literally) beaten in to myself.
Which if you think about it seems strangely like a sinful way for a Jesuit to behave.. but they were pretty adamant that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, so I suppose they had a plan to indulge their way out if it.
But it certainly gave me pause to consider what I was being told by them


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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby stewamax » September 10th, 2022, 8:55 pm

CK’s original post was What do you think happens when we die?, rather than ‘do you believe in God’.
Given that Natural Selection over umpteen millennia has evolved us to relate to things on what to us is a ‘normal’ scale and not to those on the subatomic scale for example, it may be that we simply cannot understand what will happen when we die.

Mathematical physicists can predict accurately the behaviour of the subatomic world using quantum mechanics, but don’t understand ‘how’ it works and certainly cannot explain it because it has no analogue on the scale of things we do understand. How for example can we relate to something that can be a particle and a wave, and be in several places at the same time and change state depending on whether we observe it?

And there is no agreement or even outline understanding about the true nature of time. We understand what time means to us – ‘something’ within which events succeed one another and things tend to become more disordered unless energy is expended to prevent it – but the fundamental nature of time still eludes physicists.

The question ‘what happens when we die’ is of a similar nature but is much harder to answer as, by definition, there it is nothing whatever we can relate to. And the question assumes a flow of time of the sort we can relate to: ‘now we are alive; then we are dead’. But what actually happens depends on the real nature of time. It is a bit like the mental gymnastics involved in asking what happened before the Big Bang: as we mentally move backwards in time and approach it, time slows and ultimately stops. So to non-physicists it is a pointless question.

As evolutionary biologist JBS Haldane once remarked: “the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose
The same applies to OP’s question I believe.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby MrFoolish » September 11th, 2022, 8:41 am

And why do we pray for those that have died? What possible sense would it make for a fair God to pay attention to such things? Will God say "Ah good point, hadn't thought of that... will take it into account" ?

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby stewamax » September 11th, 2022, 11:59 am

MrFoolish wrote:And why do we pray for those that have died? What possible sense would it make for a fair God to pay attention to such things? Will God say "Ah good point, hadn't thought of that... will take it into account" ?

Praying for the souls of the dead is customary in the Church of Rome.

But Anglicans - the extreme Anglo-Catholic wing apart - do not pray for the souls of the dead and never have, mainly because Anglicans do not believe in purgatory so there is no need for 'get out of jail' prayers or intercessions.
It is acceptable to make a wish: a common formal one is 'may X rest in peace and rise in glory' and/or 'may light perpetual shine upon him/her' but that is as far as it goes.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby 1nvest » September 14th, 2022, 8:40 am

stewamax wrote:Mathematical physicists can predict accurately the behaviour of the subatomic world using quantum mechanics, but don’t understand ‘how’ it works and certainly cannot explain it because it has no analogue on the scale of things we do understand. How for example can we relate to something that can be a particle and a wave, and be in several places at the same time and change state depending on whether we observe it?

In my layman eyes I just consider things to be like a electro-magnetic wave, self sustaining in free space, sometimes electrical (wave), sometimes magnetic (mass), sometimes zero (cross-over) non existent at that point in time/space. The faster you go the slower time ticks, at the speed of light time stops (singularity), but kinetic/potential energy type effects then pulls in the other direction to slow it down, re-introduce time, space and existence.

Everything we do is recorded in the universe for all of time, radiating out, which will influence points in space time according to the sum of all of the radiations meeting at a single point in space/time. A will I have tea or coffee decision may be influenced by a radiation effect of a exploding star a million light years away influencing my brain to bias a coffee choice outcome whereas without that event I might have opted for tea. Which would mean we're not free thinking but pre-determined - destined. If you could measure all in-bound radiations that were due to arrive at a single point in space/time, the sum of all of those would predict what effect/action that point of time would induce. Repeated for a number or all of space/time points and you could predict the broader knock on effects ...etc. God (universe) sees/knows all that has been, and that is to come. Life is a vibe man. [Why are post 2016 hippies against capitalism? Because money doesn't grow on trees (plastic notes) :)].

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby AWOL » September 25th, 2022, 11:47 pm

Decomposition possibly interrupted by incineration, unless incineration is the cause of death in which case decomposition pre-empted by incineration, possibly due to a pre-emptive strike ordered by an angry little man in Moscow.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby monabri » September 26th, 2022, 12:26 pm

We go to Swansea, Edwin?

(The League of Gentlemen)

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby tjh290633 » September 26th, 2022, 4:20 pm

Moderator Message:
I have removed several posts impinging on religious matters which have been reported as offensive. Please stick to the topic subject. Disparaging other religions is not permitted.


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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby ten0rman » January 29th, 2023, 9:51 pm

I haven't read all the messages, and I've only just come across this thread. But, an early posting reminded me about an "event" that occurred many years ago concerning our dog.

Now, said dog, a rather large black labrador, was getting on a bit, indeed he was 11 when he died. At the time of his death, I was busy bringing a house up to a reasonable standard before we moved in, and most days the dog accompanied me.

The afternoon before he died, he got up from where he was laid down and came to me. I was rather busy and pushed him away. He slunk away, slunk being the only way I could describe it, but it was so different to his normal attitude that I actually paused what I was doing and watched him.

At that time we were living with my daughter and son-in-law and when the dog & I went back "home", the dog, as usual, laid down in front of the fire - until my son-in-law came home, when he (the dog) got up and went to greet him, something he had never done before.

The following morning the dog was dead.

So, did the dog know of his own demise? I've seen reports from other people saying much the same, ie that their dog seemed to know it's time had come. But it does seem strange that my dog did two things totally differently. Was he, in his own way, saying goodbye? Obviously I'll never know, but it does make me wonder.

I have to admit that ever since I have been sorry that I pushed him away.



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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby nimnarb » April 28th, 2024, 6:12 pm

staffordian wrote:In some ways, I equate death with sleep.

I fall asleep at night and I am "dead to the world".

Luckily, so far, I have awoken every morning, and barring dreaming, I might as well have been dead in the sense that I was totally unaware of anything and everything.

I've always assumed death will be like this. It's just how one gets there which could be the worry. Sudden and painless, or long and drawn out, with plenty of time to ponder such things...

Just came across this interesting thread started by CK, normally I would show no interest but as you get older, one starts to wonder. Nobody has brought up the dreaming aspect? You mention "I might as well have been dead, barring dreaming".

So we go to sleep each night, have a few dreams, some good, some bad, some absolute nightmares. What if we are judged on our behaviour since birth and the good dream was heaven, the bad was hell, the nightmares, well, it's meet the devil time! Suppose, one has a heart attack but does not wake up, yet finds himself in bed with blonde triplets(and no Viagra needed) permanently.....huge smile(what a good boy I've been) or dies of raging haemorrhoids and finds himself in Prison with convicted depending on the life one has lived this can be good to devil time. :twisted: Ladies, excuse the male refs here, just change it around for yourselves!

In other words, you, me, if dead,(buried or incinerated by others) wouldn't know we are dead, but our dreams(soul?) live on and could judgement day live on in your dreams, permanently? I'm hoping personally to have the triplets scenario but have a feeling that's not going to happen, so if this theory is remotely plausible, pray(prey) tell...

Are you heaven, hell or something indescribable :roll:

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby scrumpyjack » April 28th, 2024, 8:06 pm

Dust to dust and ashes to ashes

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby Mike4 » April 28th, 2024, 9:23 pm

My own view is that there may well be some sort of 'intelligent design' responsible for the way our corner of this universe works, especially when one looks at quantum physics. I'm quite taken with the (somewhat mischievous) suggestion that the God, intelligent designer or whoever designed our world never really expected us to get down to particle level so didn't see the need to make sub-atomic particles obey a coherent set of rules like it made the bigger bits and pieces do.

But I digress. Even if there is/was an intelligent designer who some might call "God" then to me it seems an unbridgeable gap to extrapolate that to the existence of Heaven and Hell, that we are all sinners and must have faith, and repent in order to enter the kingdom of God. What a load of ol' codswallop.

And getting right back on topic, given I did not seem to exist before being conceived I can see no particular reason preventing me from reverting to that same state at some point in the future.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby WickedLester » April 30th, 2024, 3:34 am

I had a near death experience once at a NF march: a green haired lady from Hope not Hate (Christ how I hate them) coshed me before I could smash her face in.

Long story short I found myself in a looooooooooooong house in the sky feasting with all my ancestors, most of whom I didn't even recognise (do I really have a bit of Somali blood, I won't tell the Khat). Bubbles was there, Jesus he loves bananas and Olaf the Ordinary too.

After pudding I had a nap and came back to Earth with a bump as Tony Blair, that really was the last Straw!

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby stewamax » April 30th, 2024, 9:51 pm

Ten0rman's post on the run-up to death is very well illustrated in series of short videos on YouTube entitled Hospice Nurse Julie made by Julie McFadden who describes (in some cases with short video-clips of dying people) much of the signs and physical behaviour of those about to die, in hospital, hospice or home.

Since I was caring for my wife when she was dying and she died alongside me at home, some of McFadden's observations I can confirm; others I wish I had known (e.g. that the need for food and drink drops off markedly for medical reasons); still others are remarkable and inexplicable.

But to Ten0rman post, it is certainly my experience that for several day before death, a dying person, either consciously or autonomically is 'getting ready', and that when all friends and family have been seen, all 'loose ends tied up', and there is nothing outstanding, it is the time to go - and death supervenes. If such death were a purely physical process, it would seem odd that this 'preparation, ready, then let go' could let death then occur, but it seems so.

Babies are pre-programmed by Darwinian evolution to perform certain actions, like suckling, from birth. And although there is no likely evolutionary advantage for conscious dying people to go through a 'tying up loose ends' programme, it seems so common as to make one think that what happens to consciousness after such a death is a continuation of this process.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby moorfield » May 1st, 2024, 11:17 pm

HM QE2 springs to mind here. Boris safely dispatched, job done. Let KC3 deal with the fall out!

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby WickedLester » May 2nd, 2024, 8:05 pm

If there's an eternal soul what does it consist of If consciousness comes from electrical impulses between neurons in our brain? Without the neurons would the electricity just fly around randomly, one day you might be Stephen Hawking and the next Joey Deacon. Then if you needed the neurons wouldn't you need the whole back office and enough food and water to sustain them for eternity?

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby stewamax » May 3rd, 2024, 9:51 pm

WickedLester wrote:If there's an eternal soul what does it consist of If consciousness comes from electrical impulses between neurons in our brain? Without the neurons would the electricity just fly around randomly, one day you might be Stephen Hawking and the next Joey Deacon

This assumes, of course, the survival of personal identity. But many sects of Buddhism, the Hinayanas for example, believe that personal identity itself is an illusion.
And Christianity recognises that, after death, personal relationships themselves are different: "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven" (Matt 22:30 KJV)

The underlying problem with the topic is that we can only conceive of things in an afterlife in terms of things we know here. We haven't evolved to understand the very small (subatomic particles and the weird things they do) or the cosmological ('what happened before the Big Bang', etc) - these things are not on 'our scale'. Mathematicians can create models of these extremes that work, in the sense that they can accurately predict behaviour, but they cannot explain it. Elucidation even challenges Sir Roger Penrose, someone with the deepest insight, so what chance do we mere mortals stand!

As I have said elsewhere in TLF, this is encapsulated perfectly in JBS Haldane's aphorism:
“The Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.”

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby 1nvest » May 4th, 2024, 3:07 pm

stewamax wrote:We haven't evolved to understand the very small (subatomic particles and the weird things they do) or the cosmological ('what happened before the Big Bang', etc)

I like to think of it as just pure energy (god). It takes a huge amount of energy to create even a small amount of matter, m = e/c² where c = 299,792,458 metres/sec so squared is close to 8E16, one gram of mass requires 80,000,000,000,000 joules of energy.

Wave/particle duality, matter and anti-matter, is suggestive that as energy travels as a wave, at points it might seem to be matter, at other times anti-matter, at other times pure energy ... change, and where when viewed particles of matter seemingly pops into and out of existence. If all of the energy was at the same level everywhere = zero/static and we wouldn't exist. Instead life's a vibe man :) The force has always been there, eternal/infinite, but has a collective zero sum.

Everything you do for all of your time is permeated in all directions, one small part of that energy might stimulate a particular neuron in a being a billion light years away in a billion years time into deciding they'll have a cup of tea rather than not. There's also scale. Perhaps billions of smaller universes are being created and die in a blink of a eye in our timescale, but appear to be trillions of years when viewed from within such a universe. As might our universe appear to be just a blink to another larger universe within which our formed. Within infinity replications are a certainty.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby WickedLester » May 4th, 2024, 7:00 pm

MrFoolish wrote:And why do we pray for those that have died? What possible sense would it make for a fair God to pay attention to such things? Will God say "Ah good point, hadn't thought of that... will take it into account" ?

Maybe God wants to know the context in which your prayers are meant?

"Please forgive Jack for the time he wouldn't give me 20 quid for a box of fags, he always was a tight fisted scumbag"


"Please forgive Jack for the time he wouldn't give me 20 quid for a box of fags, he wanted to buy his wife some flowers"

But then he knows anyway, so why worry about context.

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Re: What do you think happens when we die?


Postby scrumpyjack » May 4th, 2024, 7:35 pm

What do you think happens when we die?

Our estate gets a large IHT Bill :D

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