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Hattrick Season 81

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2 Lemon pips
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Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » April 12th, 2022, 1:24 am

Here wo go again...

Pre-season and Week 1 review

Red-Hot Chili Devils

Having won promotion from V.234, I marked IV.7 as my preferred series to be promoted to and that's what happened, so the new process worked. I was slotted in at 8th.
I have the final four weeks of defending training to do before switching to Playmaking, making this upcoming season even tougher and less predictable. At the same time as trying to coordinate the final defending skillups, I may still be in the Cup and then also switching formations to ones with no current experience. My assessment of the other Clubs in the series certainly puts me in the bottom half, but I may be close to some of the teams at least.
Objective: Survival if possible, but relegation would not be a disaster.
YA is incredibly weak at the moment and there won't be many contendors for Bink's Raymond Elias trophy this time out.
Week 1
Cup R1 was a much-closer 1-2 win than I was expecting.
League R1 was away to the other autopromoted Club. I expected to lose, so plat 532 CA, with not my strongest possible team, but against the stats managed a 1-2 victory. Great start!

Fly Suckers

We finished well in second in V.98 after just our fourth season since being established. The strong Champions were replaced by a perhaps even stronger relegatee. 5th and 6th survived their playoffs, the teams promoting in look weak, so I didn't mess about with series switching and aim to finish second again.
Still looking for the reason to switch training and money-making strategy from current PM route.
YA will promote an excellent forward in a couple of weeks, but there's not much else to get excited about.
Week 1
An easy Cup R1 against a new team.
League R1 was away to the super-strong relegatee, so I played 541, saving most of my strongest players for the next Cup match. I was pleased to lose just 2-0.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers

Finished second in III.11 in Vietnam after our fourth ever season. Like the Chili Devils, we'll be switching from Def to PM training, this time after week 3, which again makes our season less certain. I'll say that I'll aim to finish third.
At the end of last season I promoted from the YA a 17y04d Quick, Wing 7, PM 6, Pass 6, Def 5 who sold for £2.27million! I'll have a 17.00yo Head spec, Def 7, W 6, Pass 6 promotee in a couple of weeks.
Week 1
Cup R1 - easy win over a bot.
League R1 - away to last season's champions. I had no real expectations, so I played 532 CA prepared to lose some points. It was a 1-1 draw, so I'll take that.

Whimsy Flankers

Yes, a brand new Anniversary League team. I decided my starting strategy to train Goalkeeping and buy a few old (34/35) ~brilliant players and train with high stamina until we get up and running. Of course, the market went crazy on opening and old players with transfer compare of £4K were selling for £60K or more. I managed to get one solid, nearly-18yo keeper, an IM with good Set Pieces, a Winger with great Set Pieces who is also a Future coach (10 exp, 6 leadership) and a forward, after which I could spend no more. I will also train one of my starting keepers, who is 22 and will give me the HG bonus while I get started. I sold one of my original players - an 18yo sold forward for £20K. (Fly Suckers had a mediocre YA promotee that I listed for 0 and didn't sell, closing three hours before the Anniversay League money hit the market. I listed him again at 0 and he sold for £40K!)
What I need to work out is when to pivot away from the old strategy to lower-stamina, training-focussed strategy, and if when waiting for this, should I get an early advantage, will I lose it?
Week 1
Cup R1 - my new IM picked up a 4-week injury, but we won 2-0 on PIC.
League R1 - a good 2-0 starting victory on PIC.
Good start. Now to clear the debt.



Lemon Slice
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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » April 13th, 2022, 12:06 am

thanks for kicking off the thread Kevster.

Series IV
Having finished 3rd last season (but only just, as 5th place had only 1 less point) we ended up punching above our weight, some results having fortunately gone our way.
The only squad refresh so far has been to sell one older IM and replace with a younger one.
Training remains Scoring, the first three are 27, 24 and 22 years old with mythical, E-T and titanic ratings, while the second three are 20, 18 and 17 year olds with World Class, Outstanding and Excellent ratings. The 20 or 22 year old will be sold when I next need cash, as theres only £480k in the kitty. Likely to need a defender next, or Keeper.

Cup round 1 was close at 0-2, which was a bit concerning, thought we would find it easier than that.
League round 1 we were at home to a team that beat us both times last season. They would probably beat us on hatstats, and it would be low scoring as they would also be defensive. Somehow we got the rub of the green and won 2-1, despite their defence and 4-5-1 formation and them edging hatstats as anticipated. Our 4-3-3 held out, and we are 4th in the league.

The league stats suggest there is not a lot to choose between 4th and 7th, so its going to be a tight group.

Cup round 2 we were away to a series V team, I fielded the 1st XI except for the three forward trainees. It wasnt enough, we lost 3-1 so its the George Carey Cup for me next week.

League round 2 we are away to a team we only beat last season because they forgot to set a team and fielded the reserves. A proper test coming up.

Anniversary League
I have also gone for an Anniversary League team, and I was hoping to be a bit more strategic and thought out about this one, but ran out of time as real life kicked in and I've probably gone and repeated all of the newbie mistakes again - after 18 years!
Bought some older players to lift the ratings a little, but have also noticed how overpriced everything is. Have bought five players to strengthen IM and Defence, need a striker but theyre not cheap and the money has dwindled.
Got knocked out of the Cup round 1, and then out of the Ruby Challenge in Round 2, so for round 3 I have already slipped into the Consolation Cup.

In League round 1 we managed a 1-1 draw at home, thought we would win that one. Next game we are away but again we are hopeful of getting a result. 5th seems to be were our league ratings are falling at the moment.


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » April 19th, 2022, 12:20 am

Round 2 in the league was a proper test as anticipated, and ended in a 2-2 draw. We went in front, and then fell behind, at which point our substitution kicked in as we pushed for an equalizer, and unexpectedly worked. The draw leaves us in 3rd,and the next game is at home to an early struggler, so hopefully we can take advantage of that.

Have dropped into the George Carey Cup, where its a winnable away game this week, even with trainee strikers.

In the Anniversary league, it was a 3-1 defeat which showed up our poor recruitment strategy. Time to make the most of a botch job! In 6th, next game is at home to 7th, here's hoping home advantage is going to play a part.

Round 1 in the consolation cup looks like an even match, but I will be fielding trainee midfielders, so thats probably not going to help...

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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » April 19th, 2022, 12:59 am

Week 2
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

Won Cup R2 and also League R2. To have 6 points in the league after 2 games is well beyond my expectations. I'm in second place. I also hope to win Cup R3 tomorrow.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
Out of the Cup in R2, which was not a surprise; neither was my leage R2 win with my largely-second team, saving my first team for the George Carey Cup tomorrow, which I should win.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
A closer-than-expected 4-3 home league win this week. Cup is still straight-forward progression at this stage. I still have one more week of def training after this week, but as my profit trainees should have all popped by this week, I am contemplating swtiching formation to 352 a week early, sactificing some training spots, but taking the formation-inexperience hits on an 'easier' league match before the key one in week 4.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516

Still in the Cup and hoping to progress in R3 tomorrow. In the league I want 2-0 down in the first half, but 2 goals for me after 70 minutes gave me the draw. I'm the only team with as much as 4 points so I'm top for now!

A good week on the whole.



2 Lemon pips
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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » April 26th, 2022, 2:03 pm

Week 3
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

I won R3 in the Cup and just realised that I am the only team in my Div IV still in the main Cup, which I find a little surprising.
In the League I lost 2-0 away to possibly the strongest team in the league. Currently sitting in 4th, but expect to drop over the next few weeks as I switch formation this week to 352 and training type the following week to PM. Some squad changes are also happening and I have bought a couple of Wingers this week who will receive 50% PM training. One more to recruit in the next week.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
I played my second team in the league away to a team I bet well last season, saving my first team for the George Carey Cup. I had a scare and was 1-2 down at half time, but three goals in the last ten minutes saw me win 2-4. I'm in second, where I expect to remain and finish the season.
The George Carey Cup was 0-0 AET, but I won the pen shootout quite easily.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11

0-3 Cup win in R3.
League: Away to a weakish to team, so I took the risk of changing formation to 352, in which we had poor experience, in advance of the switch to PM training next week. It almost backfired, but an 89th-minute goal saw me win 1-2! I'll play 352 in the Cup again this week, so I should have no confusion in next week's league game against my closest competitors.
Assuming no injuries in the Cup game, I should finish my Def training this week, with 6 pops expected as a result of careful management of subs and osmosis to synchronise training completion.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516

Cup: 2-1 win seeing me through the 4th round, which is great for the experience and revenue. I hope to win today's round, too, based on Review function. There is one other team in my League still in the main Cup.
League R3: Home. I came from 0-2 and 2-3 down to win 4-3, which keeps me top on 7 points.
Finances are now back in black after the initial splurge on players. I guess the market is still high as I look every few days for a Def or PM and every player I look at buying goes well beyond Transfer Compare and my budget. One old IM I purchased early on has been injured for the last 4 weeks, but should be back this weekend, albeit with inad stamina.



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » April 27th, 2022, 11:40 pm

Round 3 found us at home to an early struggler, but that was a bit of a red herring.

We went for a fairly defensive 4-3-3 with our best three strikers while they adopted an attacking 2-5-3. We edged midfield and on hatstats we were practically identical. Rather strangely we had nine chances to their nil, but couldn't find the net, so it finished 0-0.

Despite a second draw, other results contrived to leave us in 3rd on 5pts, 4 pts off 1st and 4 pts off 8th, so it looks like an open group. Next league game is away to 4th, whose results so far are mixed, so its a hard one to call with confidence. Lets say definitely winnable.

The George Carey Cup was a winnable away game as predicted. The 0-6 result takes us into another round where we have a good chance.

In the Anniversary league, it was a 2-3 home defeat which compounds our recruiting mistakes. We went 2-0 ahead as well early in the first half, but by the end of the game we were 2-3 down with the mature players running out of steam quickly. Home advantage did not play its part, unless thats where the first two goals came from. That leaves us in 7th W0 D1 L2, and the next game is away to 3rd, which is not looking promising!

We also fell over in Round 1 of the consolation cup 1-2 last week, so we are already picking up friendlies. This weeks friendly was a 0-3 win, which was probably the highlight of our week.


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » May 3rd, 2022, 10:41 pm

Round 4 continued to frustrate our season, away to 4th in what looked likely to be a low scoring game. They took midfield as expected, and had eight chance to our nil ( a reverse of last weeks game) but also nicked a goal and they won 1-0.
That drops us to 5th, no need to panic yet as next week we are at home to the bottom team which I hope will give us a chance to improve our lot.

In round 3 of the george carey cup we won away again 0-2, so that is the highlight of the week.

In the Anniversary league, a 4-2 away defeat to the team in 2nd drops us into 8th and bottom place. Have decided to sell some of the mistake buys and try again with a few more trainees. The only way is up....

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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » May 4th, 2022, 11:34 pm

Week 4
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

6 pops in defending in my penultimate week of def training.
Cup R4 - lost at home, suffering from formation confusion.
League R4 - A not unexpected loss, but only 1-2.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98

George Carey Cup - win
League R4 - home to the team that finished one place below me. I was confident of a win, but the result was a 2-3 loss, which was against the run of play, let's say. That leaves me in 4th place, so I've got some ground to make up already.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
7 pops in defending in my last week of training. Now switching to PM.
Cup R4 - a slightly surprising exit as I lost 2-1. Into the Challenger Cup.
League R4 - home to my greatest rivals in the first week of my change to PM training. IM was evenly matched and my attack ratio (albeit low) was slightly better than theirs, so I was disappointed to lose 0-1. Down to 4th. My next couple of matches are against a bot and the other lowest-rating team, so I've got a couple of weeks to get my PM training established while collecting 6 easy points, I hope.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Cup R4 - win
League R4 - away loss, my first of the season. Down to 3rd.

Overall 4 losses out of 4 in the league. I don't want that to happen again.



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » May 11th, 2022, 12:22 am

Week 5
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

First week of PM training. We finished def training with 5 more pops.
Conspirator Memorial Cup - win on pens.
League R5 - away to bottom team, but lost 2-0. I'm not sure where the next point is going to come from, to be honest.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
George Carey Cup - lost and out.
League R5 - home to one of the weakest teams in the league and won 5-0. Up to 3rd place.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
Challenger Cup - Straightforward 0-5 win.
League R5 - 6-0 win against a bot.
I sold another TC promotee for nearly £1m.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Cup R5 - the run ends with a 1-3 loss, into the Ruby Cup.
League R5 - 4-0 home win against a team that was above. I'm back at the top of the league, but it's tight: 2 of us on 10 points, 3 on 9 points.
I have a GK trainee expected to pop to formidable this week that I'm planning on selling ~£500K, which will be the first reaonable cash injection this season. What to do with it? Replace some of the 34/35yo purchases with 28/29yo, so that I can reduce the stamina share, perhaps.



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » May 13th, 2022, 5:23 pm

Round 5 gave us the chance of a home win against the bottom team, who duly obliged. We won 3-0, which put us into 4th. Its also a very tight league, the top 3 have 10 pts each and we have 8 pts. 5th has 7 pts, 6th has 5 pts, so there is no safey and security in the league positions.

In Round 6 we will be away to the team in 2nd, who surprised everyone by beating the league leader 0-1. On paper we edge them marginally on stats and other metrics, but I wont let that lull me into a false sense of possibilities. This is a hard league to read so far, no one wants to pick up the baton and run away with the title. The back to back games, rounds 7 and 8 are against the current league leader, so games 6-9 look like being the toughest.

In the george carey cup we were drawn at home, always the sign that the games are going to get tougher, but we happened to pick up a 2-0 win which was a nice surprise. The next round we are at home again, to a defence heavy team with marginally better stats and metrics. Will have to push hard to win that one.

In the Anniversary league, we actually went and won a game, 2-4 away to a fellow struggler. We went 3-5-2 AOW, which seemed to do the trick. The win puts us in 5th, the bottom 4 are tight, only 2 pts between us, the top 4 are already 5 pts clear of us, so its a league of two halves. Next game is home to bottom team, but that doesnt mean anything right now. Not only do they have the better stats, but our keeper and top striker are out injured....


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » May 17th, 2022, 6:40 pm

Week 6
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

Juts lost in the Memorial Cup.
Home in the league to team in 4th. It looked like I would lose midfield and have slighter weaker attack/def ratios, but I gave it a go on PIN. I was losing 1-3 with 10 mins to go but got back to 3-3. A point i'll take, but I still dropped to 6th. The double header are derby games. I've just noticed they play both FtWs, so I may be able to forget a Central defender. Wondering if I can get enough formation experience to play 253 in the second of the matches.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
League R6 - An easy 0-5 win. Still in 3rd place. Double header is against the bottom team, while 1st and 2nd play each other twice. A chance to make up some ground!

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
Challenger Cup - 2-3 win.
League R6 - 1-9 away win for me! The double header looks easy enough.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Ruby Cup: 1-6 win!
League R6 - 0-5 away win keeping me top.
I have a GK trainee expected to pop to formidable this week that I'm planning on selling ~£500K, which will be the first reasonable cash injection this season. What to do with it? Replace some of the 34/35yo purchases with 28/29yo, so that I can reduce the stamina share, perhaps.

I cleared only about £200K after buying a replacement trainee. I bought a weak stamina, poor form, outstanding Sc, 30yo forward. He just made a brief appearance in the Ruby Cup (to be reported next week) barely 3h after the ink was added to his contract.

Overall in the leagues, that was 3 wins and a draw this week!



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » May 20th, 2022, 6:39 pm

So Round 6 saw us away to the leagues No.2 team, who as predicted edged midfield, although the good news was we matched them with six chances each. What wasn't predicted was they would score two of their six, and we would put away 5 out of six, so the 2-5 away win puts us into the heady heights of 2nd place. The league leader only drew, slipping to third and someone else took over at the top.

So the round 7 back to back game is now away to 3rd, they are a substantially better team so I'm not expecting the same kind of result as last week...

The Carey Cup also continues to throw up little gems, at home to an opponent who was defence heavy 5-3-2 style, tough to beat, and again we were closely matched with our 6 chances to their 7. Still 0-0 on 70 mins. Our backup plan was to bring on two first team strikers after 70 mins to unlock their defence it if was holding out. It continued to hold out until the 86th min when we got a winner. 1-0. A lucky break.

The latest reward is another home tie, this time against an attack heavy 2-5-3 team, so a new strategy is required against a big midfield.

In the Anniversary league, the recovery continues with a 3-2 home win against the bottom team, to lift us into 5th. Next game, first of the back to backs is away to 4th, can't call that one but will be going for the win. No cup games for our lot. In the youth team we are still 55 days away from being able to promote anyone. Theres a solid keeper, and potentially some passable defenders and wingers for when they reach 17, but nothing to shout about.


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » May 25th, 2022, 10:23 am

Week 7
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

The double header are derby games, first being away, against the team in second who play 532 CA. These are hard to judge the outcome based on predicted ratings alone, but something should be achievable. I was winning this week's game 1-2 until the 91st minute when they equalised. One point, but it dropped me to seventh. I'll play them 253 this week at home and see if I can get anything more out of it.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
Three IM trainees popped a level and were sold, requiring replacements. It was a good time to do a lot of trades as I'm in a period of easy games, though I think I only had one adverse TS report. The money was bruning a holw in py pocket so I bought a world-class striker with good secondaries for >£3million. I was going to leave it at that but then I noticed 15 minutes before bidding closed that another world-class prospect I had hotlisted had received no bids but was listed at £1.66million, while his transfer compare was about £2.2m, so I couldn't resist bidding. No-one else did, so I picked up a rare bargain. So an outstanding and a brilliant-scoring forward are for sale now.
League R7 - An easy 6-0 win, while first beat second, allowing me to move back to my rightful second-place spot.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
Challenger Cup - 0-7 win. It looks like I'll be going out next week, though.
League R7 - 4-1 home win, while the top 2 drew 0-0. Still in third.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Ruby Cup: 0-1 win! The run continues. These £20K or so every week are a great little bonus.
League R7 - At home and the stadium sold out. My CD was sent off after 30 minutes, but I still won 2-1. Top with three points clear now.
I decided to expand the stadium for the first time, so that should be complete by my next home game in 2 weeks.

Overall, I was 1 minute away from 4 league wins! Let's try again this week.



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » May 26th, 2022, 9:01 pm

The Round 7 game, away to 3rd, was a hard one to predict. I couldnt stop losing midfield by 66/33 or thereabouts at best, so it was a case of going pressing or CA. I've had more luck with pressing than CA of late, so pressing it was.
I think it worked, as possession went their way 66/34, but the chances were kept low at 5/3. A goal each in quick succession in the second half and it ended 1-1, which we were very happy about.
The draw meant we dropped to third and they to fourth, and so now we meet for the return leg, at home in round 8. Being at home improves our midfield rating, but probably not enough, so will have to deploy pressing or CA tactics or something similar.

The Carey Cup run ended as anticipated, with a 0-3 home defeat to another IV side with a big midfield to which we had no answer, especially with trainee forwards playing as well. Getting to R6 of 11 in the Carey Cup was fun while it lasted. Back to friendlies....

In the Anniversary League, we were away to 4th and I said last time that we couldnt call it. We lost 4-1 which I thought was a bit harsh, as we both went 3-5-2 and midfield possession was shared 50/50, but it showed us we had work to do to plan properly for the return leg as they had 11 chances to our 3.....
The defeat leaves us in 5th, 5 pts behind 4th so a win this week will help close the gap to safety. Lets win midfield first, see what that does for us.


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » June 1st, 2022, 11:09 pm

Week 8
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

Havong drawn the first of the double headers against a 532 CA team, I tried the return, home (albeit derby) leg playing 253. I thought the 3 forwards would punch through their defence, but it was 0-0. At least I didn't lose. That's three draws in a row, but I'm still in 7th.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
0-8 away win. First beat third allowing me strengthen my second place.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
2-3 away win which was a lot closer than I expected, given the dominant stats.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Round 6 in Hattrick Anniversary Ruby Challenger Cup: 1-6 win - through to the last 256 teams!
Leage R8: 1-3 away win, leeping my top place, still three points clear.
Spolier alert as I'm late writing up: Round 7 in Hattrick Anniversary Ruby Challenger Cup: 0-6 win,through to the last 128 teams and I'm pretty confident of winning R8.

Overall, 3 league wins and a draw again.



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » June 3rd, 2022, 8:05 pm

The draw meant we dropped to third and they to fourth, and so now we meet for the return leg, at home in round 8. Being at home improves our midfield rating, but probably not enough, so will have to deploy pressing or CA tactics or something similar.

I had hoped we would do better, but the return leg ended up as a draw as well, 2-2 this time. We went 2-0 up, but they edged midfield and had more chances so I guess I cant complain too much.

We stay in 3rd on 13pts, the league leader is pulling away, now 6pts ahead, while 6th place is on 11 pts. With 2nd-6th being very close, theres no letting up. The next game we are home to 6th, another one thats hard to call - we won away last time, although that still looks like a fluke result.

In the Anniversary league, we squeaked out a 1-0 win at home, to partly reverse the 4-1 drubbing the week before. The win put us on 10 pts in 5th and closes the gap to 4th who are on 12 pts. Next we are away to 7th who are on 5 pts, so thats a gap we would like to see widen up, however thats not likley as they will take midfield, beat us in attack and also in defence ratings - will press again to keep the goal difference down (hopefully).


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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » June 7th, 2022, 2:41 pm

The next game we are home to 6th, another one thats hard to call - we won away last time, although that still looks like a fluke result.

Yes it looks like it was a fluke last time. Before you could blink we were 0-2 down. However, with 9 chances to 4 and winning midfield, we managed to pull back to earn a 2-2 draw.
Downside was a +3 injury to our keeper. Will have to buy a replacement rather than rely on the reserve, with the next few games coming up. Means selling a trainee forward, have put a 20 year old world class striker on the market and he's already pulling £2m.

We have slipped to 4th, having drawn 5 of our 9 games. Next game is away to the bottom team, who are not as bad as they sound - they have lost five of seven games by the solitary goal, yet this week won away to the runaway league leader 0-2. Not an easy team to read!

In the Anniversary league, it was a painful 4-0 away defeat to the team below us, who are now only 2 pts behind. Pressing didnt help, and we stay in 5th. Next time we are home to the bottom team. Pretty much a 'must win'.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » June 9th, 2022, 1:10 am

Week 9
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

I was away to 6th and expected to lose. I managed another surprising draw, 2-2, even though an injury to a MF led me with clinging on with pitiful possession. That's 4 draws in a row since I said here "I don't know where my next point is coming from." I'm still in seventh but in touch with the rest.
Next week really is a must win. I'll be home to 8th whose only points so far this season came from our previous encounter.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
3-0 home win in the league. Still in second. Third somehow failed to set orders and conceded a walkover, so I am 7 points clear of them.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
6-0 home win. Away to the bot next week.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
Leage R8: 1-3 away win, leeping my top place, still three points clear.
6-0 home win in the league while 2nd and 3rd lost, so I am now 6 points clear of them. Away to second next week, which I hope to get something from.
Spoiler alert as I'm late writing up: Round 7 in Hattrick Anniversary Ruby Challenger Cup: 0-6 win,through to the last 128 teams and I'm pretty confident of winning R8.
I'm behind in witing up again, so I can also confirm that I won Round 8 and one of the last 64 teams. Revenue hasn't increased much in the least 3 or 4 rounds, but it's an extra £30K-or-so a week. I reckon I'll finally go out next week, though, but it'll have been a good run.

Overall, 3 league wins and a draw again. 4 wins next weekend, hopefully!



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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby Eastheath » June 13th, 2022, 10:59 pm

Next game is away to the bottom team, who are not as bad as they sound - they have lost five of seven games by the solitary goal, yet this week won away to the runaway league leader 0-2. Not an easy team to read!

Not an easy team to read indeed. Having beaten the league leaders last week they then went and dumped on us as well, as we lost 3-1 away. A replacement keeper was brought in with similar or better ratings than our crocked No.1 but it didn't help. We edged midfield but their defence was a tough nut to crack. Only our second defeat of the season, but it leaves us in 5th on 14pts.

Next week we are home to the league leaders, who have just lost two games on the trot to 8th and 4th, just to add to the bonkers sets of results we have been getting in this league. I can't even hazard a guess how this game will go....

In the Anniversary league we beat the bottom team 4-0, to sit in 4th on 13 pts. 3rd is on 20pts, so the top three are runaways, while 6th is only 4 pts behind, so its tricky in the bottom half. Next game is home to the league leaders. I dont think that one will go well....


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Hattrick Season 81


Postby ChiliMonster » June 15th, 2022, 12:57 am

Week 10
Red-Hot Chili Devils, Eng IV.7

Next week really is a must win. I'll be home to 8th whose only points so far this season came from our previous encounter.

They equalised twice, but it was a comfortable 6-2 win in the end. I'm up to 6th. I'm away to the tope team next week, so I expect to lose.

Fly Suckers, Eng V.98
0-5 away win in the league. Still in second, seven points clear of third who I play away next week. Finishing second is almost assured already.

Hoi An Lunt Kickers, Vietnam IV.11
0-5 away win to the bot. Next week I'm away to the league leaders, who I'd love to beat. They always CA, even when they are going to clearly win MF. They seem to have shifted from 541 to 532 as most frequent formation, playing a TDF and, tactically naively perhaps, a powerful defensive forward. I had been building formation experience in 253, but one of my three forwards picked up a suspension for next week, so I'll be playing 352. I've Man Marked their TDF the last two times we've played. I'm not sure I'll bother this time.

Whimsy Flankers, Anniversary League VII.516
League: I was away to second. I was expecting closely matched midfield, but I only got 25% possession in the end, so I don't know if they MOTSed me. In the end I was satisfied with 2-2. I'll be home to the new second-place team, who I'm currently four points clear of at the top. I should win, based on predicted ratings.
Ruby Challenger Cup: I've just gone out in round 9 of 14 after having started in round 4. Pretty good run.

Overall, 3 league wins and a draw again.



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