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Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site

Lemon Quarter
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Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Clariman » December 7th, 2021, 11:04 am

This topic provides an opportunity for new and existing users to introduce themselves to other members of the The Lemon Fool or to ask questions about where they should post their questions.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Clariman » December 7th, 2021, 3:37 pm

I thought I'd introduce myself, as one of the co-founders of TLF.

I joined The Motley Fool (TMF) as a regular user in 1999 or 2000, when I was looking for information about early mortgage redemption and came across TMF via google searches. I soon became a regular poster on its Living Below Your Means board and a participant in many others—either asking or answering questions. My approach to personal finance has always been focussed on living within one's means and understanding the benefits of delayed gratification, rather than buying on credit.

When TMF closed its discussion boards in 2016 I contacted Stooz to suggest the creation of a replacement forum which became The Lemon Fool. We retained the notion of a "Fool" as a wise financial person and member of this community, and named the site The Lemon Fool after a favourite dessert. My financial interests are still common-sense saving and spending, rather than investments in shares. However, I do have some index-tracking ISAs and some property.

You may wonder how Stooz and I were able to put this website together within 24 hours of TMF announcing the closure of its discussion boards. Have you heard of the term "stoozing"? Well it was named after my fellow co-founder Stooz in 2004. Later that year I wrote the first ever Stoozing FAQ on the Internet which Stooz posted at We then jointly developed that website until low interest rates made stoozing a lot harder. So when you hear other 'experts' talking as if they own the term "stoozing", remember that it started with the co-founders of this site! :)

co-founder of TLF

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby csearle » December 7th, 2021, 9:04 pm

I thought I'd follow Clariman's suit.

I too was an avid reader of The Motley Fool since about 1999. Started my High-Yield Portfolio (HYP) about then. Was devastated at the idea of my home from home vanishing almost overnight. Was so relieved and happy at The Lemon Fool (TLF) being served up so quickly by Clariman and stooz. At the call for moderators on TLF I jumped in wholeheartedly as I loved The Motley Fool discussion boards and wanted to do all in my power to help capture something of that ethos here.

I'm a 28 year-old trapped in the body of a 61 year-old, so if immature stuff is emitted that's probably why.

As can be seen by the latest adjustments, this site is quite capable of evolution. I encourage anyone with any bright ideas to mention them on Suggestions to Improve the Site. No guarantees that they will be taken up upon but, on the other hand, they well might, and will at least be read and considered.

All the best,

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Gilgongo » December 13th, 2021, 8:00 am

I used to read the TMF boards in about 2004, and followed them over here when they closed down. Like many on TLF I think, I was mainly interested in building up a HYP. But for the first few years I just had a FTSE index tracker and lurked. These days I'm thinking of when I might be able to retire as I'm now 55, and TMF/TLF has been my primary resource for my thinking on that.

I would say I'm a reluctant investor as my political views become ever more left-wing as I get older. I resent having to pin my emancipation from wage slavery on the casinos that are the financial markets. But capitalism is the only system we have, so I swallow my hypocrisy in the name of champagne-sipping guilty comforts in a virtue-signalling later life. I like to think my ideological fervor makes me draw the line at being a landlord, but even if I didn't agree with Adam Smith, I'm far too lazy for buy-to-let.

I am a drummer when I'm not being a web designer, and play very loud gigs in very small venues in and around London and the SE (covid permitting).

PS: I hadn't realised TLF was founded by the people who set up - makes sense now come to think of it! I also used to read that board when Stoozing was still a thing and had a "stoozpot" of about £50K at one time.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby adamski003 » December 22nd, 2021, 3:27 pm

I retired in 2015 at 60. I spent maybe 5 years trolling the net for pension guidance/options. I had a DC pension , 2 section 32's , a self employed pension , latterly a DB pension and rental income from one apartment. I wanted to go at 60 and wasn't really prepared to hang on, but the numbers did not look great. Then i stumbled across TMF. Suddenly the gloom lifted. The amount of work done by others on backdated dividend income was astonishing. I realised dividend income could give me the 6% I needed. So I now have 2 - SIPP's that provide the bulk of my income, one is crystallised. They are both invested in the same 10-12 UK stocks and whilst capital wise they have only just kept their head above water the dividends have done (at least until Covid arrived) exactly as predicted and grown year on year. Thankfully my state pension kicked-in this year and made up the Covid shortfall. The dividends have not fully recovered this year but i expect them to be back to 2019 levels next year. I use Hargreaves Lansdown and particularly like the free UFPLS payment which i use every month.

I'm a keen walker, poor skier and I enjoy brewing my own beer.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby WickedLester » December 25th, 2021, 2:34 pm

Well it's Christmas Day and I'm waiting for my dinner (yes lazy I know).

I can't remember when I joined the Motley Fool but I think it was about 2001. I was and still am mostly still interested in small cap and value investing so spent a lot of time in Paulypilots Pub. I also spent far too much time in the Land of Serious Topics complaining about mass immigration and multiculturism, thinking I was safe from the long arm of the law because at the time I was living abroad. Unfortunately my immoderate posts appear to have brought me to the attention of the authorities and for the last 12 years I have been getting harassed by what I assume is MI5 (at least I can't think who else would care about me nor why). I eventually overstepped the mark and got banned from the Fool shortly before they closed the boards.

But enough of that, I'm 49 and mostly interested in boosting my pension pot so that I don't have to live in penury when I eventually retire. Due to having spent long periods not working and when I was working I was often in short term contracts I don't have nearly enough saved up but am hopeful I can put that right.

I now live and work on the East London/Essex border but would like to move away due to increasing crime and the cost of property.


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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Gostevie » December 26th, 2021, 11:04 pm

I first came across TMF in 2001 when I downloaded an e-book called ‘Ten Steps to Financial Freedom’ or something similar. At the time I was in a lot of debt so spent most of my TMF time on the ‘Dealing with Debt’ and ‘Living Below Your Means’ boards, but via the ‘Best Of’ feature (something I wish TLF had, incidentally) I became aware of boards like ‘Paulypilots Pub’ and ‘Midcap Movers’ and soon became hooked on small and midcaps and became determined to clear my debts and join in the fun. Brilliant investors like Paulypilot, nigelpm, Carmensfella, Marben100, Hallucigenia and others inspired me more than they will ever know.

I was more upset than I should have been when TMF UK closed and deleted its bulletin boards but was so grateful when Clariman and Stooz very quickly founded TLF. I took early retirement last year at the age of 57 and read some of the TLF boards every day. To give just one example, I can’t think of any website where VCTs are discussed with such insight and intelligence by very experienced VCT investors.

I thoroughly approve of the recent changes to the layout of TLF, whereby the investment and other finance-related boards are given more prominence over boards on non-financial subjects.

A big thank you to Clariman, Stooz and the other admins and mods who make all this possible.


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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Catocr » January 4th, 2022, 4:09 pm

I'm a refugee from Fixed Income Investor which sadly is about to close.

I've been retired for some time and I have a SIPP (now in drawdown after I was forced to crystallise when approaching my lifetime allowance), a broking account and a stocks & shares ISA. I invest via Hargreaves Lansdown who are IMHO good value as long as you invest in equities and bonds. I mostly stick to ITs, ETFs and retail bonds.

I'm hoping to see other refugees arriving here over the next few days and to continue benefitting from other peoples wisdom particularly regarding retail bonds.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Clariman » January 4th, 2022, 5:03 pm

Catocr wrote:I'm a refugee from Fixed Income Investor which sadly is about to close.

Sorry to hear that your previous 'home' is closing but you are very welcome here. It is a friendly site and hope you (and any other refugees) find a comfortable home here.

All.the best

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby csearle » January 5th, 2022, 2:40 am

Catocr wrote:I'm a refugee from Fixed Income Investor which sadly is about to close.
Welcome to The Lemon Fool! Yes we all benefit from each other. For example, not that it affects me, I hadn't realised here was a lifetime allowance until you mentioned it, so thank you! :)


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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby vand » January 5th, 2022, 9:20 am

Hello everyone.

I'm very excited (and relieved) to have found TLF.

I'm 45, and have considered myself an "investor" since I first dabbled with stocks back in the early 2000s. It's hard to sum up my whole journey, but there have been plenty of ups and downs since then. I made a lot of mistakes in the early days, and had to work a long time to improve my patience and discipline.

My experience was that no matter how many books you read (and I read most of the important ones), you need to go out and do it yourself, and make your own mistakes in order to really learn. I've bounced around several various forums, but on most of them no one is interested in individual security analysis or investment themes, as it seems no one is interested in doing anything other than vanilla indexing, whereas I personally still enjoy the discipline of finding attractive companies at reasonable prices to invest in.

Looking forward to sharing ideas and contributing along.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby geoffp » January 5th, 2022, 9:54 am


I'm another transferee from Fixed Interest Investor (using the same username) and expect to see a few more of the old crowd over here. I had been a member of the old Mutual Fool boards for many years so am hoping for the same level of intelligent contribution on this one. Certainly my FII experience had been very good and I am really sad to see it go.

I have been investing for over 50 years and have been retired for the last decade or so. Having been on many of the more risky investment trips over those years (commodities, foreign properties, land banking, etc.) I am now almost entirely invested in an ISA that concentrates on corporate bonds and investment trusts. From a capital building equity approach that included, and benefited from, investment in the more risky slow burners I have now migrated to interest and dividend producers although, fortunately, I can still leave the returns to accumulate rather than having to draw down on them.

Looking forward to continuing to share thoughts on new issues and other activities in the Investment Trusts, Gilts and Bonds and REITs sectors on the discussion boards.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Urbandreamer » January 5th, 2022, 11:28 am

I came here from TMF, which I joined in the early 90's.

Reading about others investing for 50+ years reminds me of how much has changed since I started 30+ years ago. When I started stock brokers didn't/couldn't advertise.
Unit trusts were pushed through advisers, building societys and banks, as were structured products.
To me changes started when the government wanted to privatise the nationalised industries. They pushed the idea of a "share holder democracy" and wanted "share shops" on the high street. While I had been interested for a dacade it became easy, and I had an income.
Popular shares were listed on Cefax (an early digital TV service). There was TMF and even a TV program following a fantacy share investment game.
More information was availabe in publications stocked by W H Smiths. The FT, Investors Chronicle, Money observer etc. Mobile phones (dumb ones) soon meant that you could phone your broker to deal during a tea break at work.
Then came online brokers and "platforms". Today my phone can track my portfolio and I can even deal cheaply using it.

Some may rememeber I posted my "investment" journey on TMF. I started as a speculator. Calmed down after the dot-com crash. Moved into HYP (a specific high yield share stratergy), but found it deadly dull. To compensate I took up spread betting for a time while continuing with HYP. I stopped due to inactivity fees and the effort involved. Since then I moved away from HYP to a growth and income stratergy as I was unhappy with HYP total returns. I have seen many market colapses over the years, but the Covid colapse so close to when I plan to retire shocked me. Sure I handled it well, but the discomfort has caused me to reconsider my investemt stratergy. That said, as before, I need something that can interest me. So while I am attempting to move a good portion of my portfolio into boring stuff, I've started to investigate and dabble my toes in bitcoin. Something that didn't exist prior to 2009. As yet the sums are too small to count. Bitcoin stirs up strong feelings, but this isn't the board to debate it.

I'm very glad to hear of people joining from places other than TMF. We need a broad diversity of opinion and experience rather than an echo chamber. After all the world keeps changing, new things will be introduced by those with less experience of what use to be and no opinion exists that can't be challenged.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby csearle » January 7th, 2022, 3:39 pm

geoffp wrote:HI,

I'm another transferee from Fixed Interest Investor ...
Welcome to The Lemon Fool! :)

(Sorry this is a tad late.)


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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby unperplex » January 16th, 2022, 8:09 pm

Good evening to any newcomers and Welcome.

I have been with TLF right from the start and find it very helpful .
I followed The Motley Fool (TMF) for several years and was sorry to see it close .
I do not post very much, using the site instead as an information resource.
The posters are in general very sound and I have learned a lot from them.

I am a retired Solicitor and can confirm that the Legal Information is pretty accurate (if given by someone who knows what he is talking about - Out of politeness I shall name no names, but you will soon discover who the knowledgeable ones are….)
I am not, nor was I when in practise, a tax expert, but there seem to be a number of posters who are very informative on tax matters, and their information seems to me to be accurate.I suspect there are a number of accountants among them.
Even the gardening tips are useful.
I do not engage in Private Messaging (yet…) but, just looking at what they post, I am fairly sure that there are several other Solicitors among the posters.

I am not an expert investor.

I came to “share” investing following the 2008/9 crash, when interest rates on cash deposits dropped to ludicrously low levels and it seemed to me that I could do a lot better by investing in the stock market and I think I have, although my returns have not been astronomical….
My Portfolio now consists of 10 entities, about half individual shares, half Investment Trusts (of which I had never heard until I looked at TMF/TLF).
It is about 2/3 income (not surprising in a retired person) and 1/3 growth (I do not follow the old advice that in retirement one should look entirely for income, growth being for younger people with a longer time horizon.If I require more “income”, I shall sell a few of my “growth” IT shares)
Like many, I suppose, I have migrated over the years from individual shares to collectives (requiring less effort !)

Regards, Unperplex.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby BlackBeard » February 12th, 2022, 9:01 am

Hi I am relatively new to investing, have been doing so on and off for the last couple years, always learning! hoping to pick up some useful tips, insights and advice from TLF contributors.

Currently have 33% of assets invested across ISA's, Sipp, and through own managed share account, all money is currently invested in FTSE shares.

33% in property, own house plus BTL.

33% in businesses and business assets and cash

Cheers Blackbeard.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby HelenaMaria » February 19th, 2022, 11:38 am

Hello guys. I am Helena a new member. Wish i get some welcoming messages.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby TUK020 » February 19th, 2022, 11:58 am

HelenaMaria wrote:Hello guys. I am Helena a new member. Wish i get some welcoming messages.

Hi Helena, welcome aboard. What are you looking to achieve?

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby TUK020 » February 19th, 2022, 12:09 pm

Hello all,
I started my investment journey with a purchase of BP shares in 2004 (at 400p, on a dividend yield of 10%).
After paying off my mortgage about 15 years ago, I ramped up my investment activities both in ISA & SIPP.

I have been following TMF, and then TLF for most of this journey, and have learnt lots from contributors such as Luniversal (particularly on baskets of investment trusts) ValueMargin (miss him for his shrewd insights and assessments of companies), and of course the late Gengulphus (for many different contributions, but I would highlight his 'worked examples' of HYP investing). Also many others too numerous to mention.

In addition to what I have learnt about investing, I have come to appreciate the community and humour here, and the wonderful public spirited activities (all the mods, and Kiloran + ItsAllAGuess for their HYPTUSS spreadsheet tools for starters).

I declared victory and the end of July 2021, and stepped down from running a small company and have stopped paid employment.
Having fun, and starting to consume the fruits of my earlier labours.

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Re: Introduce Yourself and/or Ask About the Site


Postby Gostevie » February 19th, 2022, 12:23 pm

HelenaMaria wrote:Hello guys. I am Helena a new member. Wish i get some welcoming messages.

Hello Helena! Welcome to TLF. There are many very good and knowledgeable people here.


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