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Hand of God Part 3

Religion and Philosophy
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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » October 29th, 2021, 10:28 pm

Anyway, here is the latest example of something Trump "has done":

Truth Social Violated Mastodon’s License; Trump’s Entire Platform Might Now Be DOA

The Bulwark

Mar-a-Lago, we have a problem.

"Sooner or later, everything Trump touches, dies. And Truth Social is clearly no exception."

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » October 30th, 2021, 5:27 pm

Whither "morality and truth" ?

‘A roadmap for a coup’: inside Trump’s plot to steal the presidency

The Guardian

A startling memo, a surreal Oval Office encounter – just some of the twists in the unfolding story of Trump’s bid to cling to power, which critics say was no less than an attempted coup

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » October 30th, 2021, 5:48 pm

..."Liz Cheney, a member of the House committee inquiry into the insurrection, has issued a stark warning to her Republican colleagues. Unless they start really telling the truth, she has told them, and countering the lies about election fraud, the country is on the path of “national self-destruction”."

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby taken2often » October 30th, 2021, 11:57 pm

GoSeign What is a Bot account. No doubt some sort of insult, but at least you WOKE up

If the Media had given Trump a fair chance he would not have needed to Tweet the way he did.

For some reason the public expect cooperation between parties to benefit society. The Republican Party Never Trumpers wasted so many opportunities
whilst they held both houses. As it was he acheived plenty that cannopt be spoken about, and is being dismantled as we speak in one disaster after another.

Your expectations from a Sinner is very different from mine. I look at Actions not Words.

I am not making out that Trump or the Party are any sort of paragons, but they are miles better than the Democrat Party and Biden. Any way in 20 years time it may be the Right who are the baddies. You may think they are already there. but you are wrong. When the Antisemites come out from under their rocks you know who the baddies are.

Dolally I think perhaps you are well named. Just joking

Trump is far from perfect, but he could face the press any time anywhere and give them a good scalding. Which they well deserved. Yes he made statements that were not as true as he thought they were. Exaggerate perhaps a little. Boastful a smidgin. Class you cant change anything with class when you need to put the boot in and shake up the corruption in the DC political elite and the corrupt media. Four years of poison. Still there were plenty just lapping it up. We want to believe it so it must be true.

Thanks for you response


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » October 31st, 2021, 10:59 am

taken2often wrote:XFool
If the Media had given Trump a fair chance he would not have needed to Tweet the way he did.

For some reason the public expect cooperation between parties to benefit society.

I don't know about the current US public, however you are right about the need for political parties to compromise and cooperate in order for democracy to work. Perhaps somebody should tell the current Republican 'party' ?

taken2often wrote:Your expectations from a Sinner is very different from mine. I look at Actions not Words.

Perhaps both need to be looked at? Words can have effects all by themselves.

taken2often wrote:I am not making out that Trump or the Party are any sort of paragons

Glad to hear that!

taken2often wrote:Any way in 20 years time it may be the Right who are the baddies.

I don't think we need to wait that long.

taken2often wrote:You may think they are already there. but you are wrong.

You think things can get worse? You may be correct... :(

taken2often wrote:When the Antisemites come out from under their rocks you know who the baddies are.

They already have, though AFAIK not really in the two main parties.

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » October 31st, 2021, 11:13 am

taken2often wrote:Trump is far from perfect, but he could face the press any time anywhere and give them a good scalding. Which they well deserved. Yes he made statements that were not as true as he thought they were. Exaggerate perhaps a little. Boastful a smidgin. Class you cant change anything with class when you need to put the boot in and shake up the corruption in the DC political elite and the corrupt media.

I am simply not knowledgeable enough to comment on the state of the US political establishment. There may well be many things wrong there. But, if so, I very much doubt Trump is, ever was, or ever could be the solution.

This is where Trump reminds me of Brexit. I have little doubt many in the UK have reason to be dissatisfied with their lot, that there are things wrong in the UK political establishment and this very well may have been a major contribution to the Brexit vote. However, I remain unconvinced that Brexit in itself could be the answer to those problems. Though, ironically, it might not be impossible that it could still be an indirect trigger for addressing them. We will have to see!

taken2often wrote:We want to believe it so it must be true.

But to whom does that most apply? Motes and Beams!

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby taken2often » October 31st, 2021, 11:41 pm

Do you know anything about the content of the 3.5 Trillion Budget. Getting chopped down by Democrats to about 1.5. They are proposing a Marxist Agenda that is very Un American.

Yes words can be powerful and hurtful to the new WOKE society. Actions Trumps them. The Democrats and Liberals Talk the Talk but Trump Walked the Walk and was hated for it. He has had some very major successes. The point being that the American Media ignored them or rubbished them and our lazy media quoted them. I saw a 4/5 year old boy at a British Trump protest stating that Trump is an idiot Now that is indoctrination. I saw no positive rump stories in the British Mediaover four years. If think that is logical or fair youare part of the problem as it is you that wants to believe.

The start of the revolt appears to be the Vaccine Mandate Thousands of last years Hero's being fired. Turning parent into terrorists by questioning their childrens education. The DOJ has instructed the FBI to attend school board meetings. If they go after the Guns that should start the next revolution.

As in this country, if a party will not condem excess behaviour then they are giving it the Nod. Every society in every country have very bad people just waiting to get the Nod, that excess can be ignored. There is even people who fund this behaviour and rioting. The Democrats did not condem BLM or Antifa for Arson and Looting. One comentator stated that it could be viewed as some sort of Reparation for Slavery. It is just unbelievable what is happening over there and it is coming here.

Brexit was another good example of the difference between the Southern Elite and the population in general.
The Elite lived the benefits of the EU and the population paid the price as always. Who would not want to keep all the benefits. All you have to do is ignore the corruption. Who would keep sending money to an organisation who have not had the accounts passed for more than 20 years.

Still we in Scotland are more stupid. We want to break with our best friend and customer but stick with the corrupt EU


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby ursaminortaur » November 1st, 2021, 12:21 am

taken2often wrote:Brexit was another good example of the difference between the Southern Elite and the population in general.
The Elite lived the benefits of the EU and the population paid the price as always. Who would not want to keep all the benefits. All you have to do is ignore the corruption. Who would keep sending money to an organisation who have not had the accounts passed for more than 20 years.

Not that lie agan.

Claim: The European Union is so corrupt that the European Court of Auditors has not signed off its accounts for 20 years.

Reality Check verdict: The Court of Auditors has signed the EU accounts every year since 2007, while pointing out that EU countries, once they receive the EU funds, misuse about 4.4% of the total budget.

The misuse is with the EU member states including the UK.

The Court did point out that some of the funds - 4.4% of the total in 2014 - were not used in accordance with the EU rules. But it stressed that this "is not a measure of fraud, inefficiency or waste", but money that: "should not have been paid out because it was not used in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations".

The auditors said typical cases involved roads or airports that attracted insufficient traffic.

'Poor value for money'

It is important to stress that around 80% of the EU budget is managed by member states themselves, and not by EU institutions. The EU transfers funds to the national treasuries and then the countries themselves decide which projects to spend the money on. The auditors have called on EU countries to take more care in their spending.
There are UK-based examples too. In 2008, the Canolfan Cywain rural heritage centre opened in Gwynedd, Wales, after it received £900,000 from the EU structural development fund. It ran into financial difficulties in September 2011 and closed a year later.

On 28 April 2016, the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee called on the UK government to improve how it spends EU funds.

The committee found that UK departments contribute "additional complexity" to the implementation of EU programmes, especially agricultural and rural development ones, which also drives up errors. The errors have cost the UK government "at least £650m" in penalties, to the European Commission, over the past decade.

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » November 1st, 2021, 12:55 am

taken2often wrote:XFool
Do you know anything about the content of the 3.5 Trillion Budget. Getting chopped down by Democrats to about 1.5. They are proposing a Marxist Agenda that is very Un American.

Yes words can be powerful and hurtful to the new WOKE society. Actions Trumps them. The Democrats and Liberals Talk the Talk but Trump Walked the Walk and was hated for it. He has had some very major successes. The point being that the American Media ignored them or rubbished them and our lazy media quoted them. I saw a 4/5 year old boy at a British Trump protest stating that Trump is an idiot Now that is indoctrination. I saw no positive rump stories in the British Mediaover four years. If think that is logical or fair youare part of the problem as it is you that wants to believe.

The start of the revolt appears to be the Vaccine Mandate Thousands of last years Hero's being fired. Turning parent into terrorists by questioning their childrens education. The DOJ has instructed the FBI to attend school board meetings. If they go after the Guns that should start the next revolution.

As in this country, if a party will not condem excess behaviour then they are giving it the Nod. Every society in every country have very bad people just waiting to get the Nod, that excess can be ignored. There is even people who fund this behaviour and rioting. The Democrats did not condem BLM or Antifa for Arson and Looting. One comentator stated that it could be viewed as some sort of Reparation for Slavery. It is just unbelievable what is happening over there and it is coming here.

Brexit was another good example of the difference between the Southern Elite and the population in general.
The Elite lived the benefits of the EU and the population paid the price as always. Who would not want to keep all the benefits. All you have to do is ignore the corruption. Who would keep sending money to an organisation who have not had the accounts passed for more than 20 years.

"Who would keep sending money to an organisation who have not had the accounts passed for more than 20 years."

Oh dear! And with that single sentence it all becomes entirely clear.

taken2often, you have been brainwashed via the Internet. Really, that is all there is to the matter.

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby doolally » November 1st, 2021, 8:44 am

taken2often wrote:Still we in Scotland are more stupid. We want to break with our best friend and customer but stick with the corrupt EU

Er......who is this "we"? As I recall (unless I'm getting dighted in my old age), the last time this was put to the electorate, the noisy minority lost to the silent majority by a 10% margin or so

The only reason independence is still an issue (though somewhat parked in the far distance) is that the independence-supporting parties are governing Scotland. There is no credible opposition, and the SNP is a well-oiled political machine. But I think it's clear that peak independence is in the past

doolally (by name and nature)

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby taken2often » November 2nd, 2021, 12:02 am


Good Pivot away from the fact that a large number o want to leave and do want to stay in the EU.

It may be true that I was repeating something not correct but it was well repeated and I do not remember any great rebuttal. Saying that they are a tricky bunch of officials. I Certainly do not trust them even our own. I personnaly have lost out where our officials and the EU have created monopolies that are against the interests of the populace.

The other thing is the constant creations of laws and existing laws working against the populace. Cheap labour input keeps the working poor, poor. This also benefits the Elite. Perhaps I am just jealous.


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby csearle » November 22nd, 2021, 11:09 pm

doolally wrote:dighted
Great word, thanks. Kept me entertained for a while. Very edifying, unlike much of this thread! C.

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby 88V8 » November 25th, 2021, 6:02 pm

taken2often wrote:......

You forgot to mention Biden's Canute imitation where he aims to hold back the oil price by releasing reserves.
I'm sure Trump would have had a better solution, or at least not a worse one, but you'd have to ask Trump what it would have been.

Btw, someone has sabotaged your spellchecker :o


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby taken2often » November 25th, 2021, 6:49 pm

Biden has created the fuel problem, and he is being punished for it. The US has started buying oil again. This in turn effects us as it creates a shortage so the price rises. The Democrats have sent out massive signals that they want to close down the fossil fuel industry ASAP. Stopped pipelines. Stopped future drilling on any Federal Land etc. This is what happens when Concepts are greater than Logic.

Anything Trump did has to be undone regardless of logic. As I have stated before half of America has no idea of the good things that Trump did. It is not just that the Media lie, what is worse is what they do not report if it is against the Lefts Narrative.

The spelling is probably me. Is there a checker on lemon


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby terminal7 » December 2nd, 2021, 9:54 am

Anything Trump did has to be undone regardless of logic

Remind you of anything?


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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » December 2nd, 2021, 10:53 pm

Trump Tried to Kill Biden with COVID-19

The Bulwark

It turns out that Trump knew he had COVID at the first presidential debate, but lied about it. And then covered it up.

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » December 14th, 2021, 3:13 pm

Fox Hosts Begged Trump to Stop the January 6 Attack on the Capitol

The Bulwark

Trump’s cheerleaders knew he could have stopped the riot. And they begged Mark Meadows to get him to do it.

"No matter what they say now, Trump’s loyalists knew at the time that what was happening at the Capitol was not a peaceful protest. They knew that it was a dangerous attack on American democracy. And they knew that Trump was responsible for it. That’s why they sent the texts pleading with him, through his staff, to make it stop."

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Re: Hand of God Part 3


Postby XFool » December 22nd, 2021, 11:06 pm

Trump's Handling of COVID Was Worse Than You Thought.

The Bulwark

Someone ought to go to jail.

"I’m not sure people truly the magnitude of all of this. The president of the United States and his subordinates intentionally took actions which directly contributed to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans."

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