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Why Linux?

Seek assistance with all types of tech. - computer, phone, TV, heating controls etc.
Lemon Quarter
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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » March 17th, 2021, 8:08 am

Sigstore is a Linux Foundation project.

Sigstore is a project with the goal of providing a public good / non-profit service to improve the open source software supply chain by easing the adoption of cryptographic software signing, backed by transparency log technologies.

sigstore will seek to empower software developers to securely sign software artifacts such as release files, container images, binaries, bill of material manifests and more. Signing materials are then stored into a tamper resistant public log

sigstore will be free to use for all developers and software providers, with sigstore’s code and operation tooling being 100% open source and maintained / developed by the sigstore community.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby servodude » April 5th, 2021, 10:11 am

Snorvey wrote:Turned on my wee Asos laptop for the first time in a while today. Its running fine, but I noted there was a number of updates required, however when I start the process it says

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

I have no idea what this means and when I type it into the terminal nothing happens (I suspect there might be a 'run' command or similar before that? (I tried 'run dpkg etc' but it did not like it.

Probably needs a "sudo" before it?

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby swill453 » April 5th, 2021, 10:21 am

Snorvey wrote:I did think of that....but.....'Command not found'

There's no such command as "run". The whole line should presumably be

sudo dpkg --configure -a

(only going by the error message you quoted)


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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » April 5th, 2021, 12:28 pm

Snorvey wrote:I must have been typing it in wrong, but copying and pasting your response into the terminal seems to have done the trick.


It's worth learning the basics around bash command line in Linux, generally around ten commands will get you out of most situations with dodgy updates et al. You can use the up and down arrow keys to toggle previously used commands in terminal, so once you get a few regulars in there it's then just a case of remembering what they do!

If you cut and paste error scripts into a search engine looking for solutions just make sure you do it with your specific distribution as part of the search.
Even though there's a lot of commonality with bash scripts across Linux there's always syntax quirks to each distro.

Some skills with an editor like Nano will come in handy too... ... xt-editor/

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby 1nvest » April 5th, 2021, 11:00 pm

The concept of Unix/Linux is a closed system, where you get all of your programs from a single central source. So unlike Windows where people install things from anywhere you're less inclined to install nasties.

sudo before a command means run the command as super user (su) .... as super user do .... whatever. Where super user is like Windows "Admin".

dpkg = Debian package manager ... Debian being one of the main tree tops that maintain a central repository of trusted programs.

--configure -a ... is likely (re)configure all

So basically the error was saying that something got screwed up the package (program) management system and that running that command will fix that.

Depends upon what *nix system you run, but 'man' invokes the manual, and man man invokes the manual about how to use the manual. man dpkg for instance should give details about dpkg - what it does and what parameters it accepts ..etc. For OpenBSD for instance they take great pride in documentation and consider a error in the manual to be as bad as a bug in a program - as you could copy the wrongful manual guidance that could damage the system, so whatever version you are running the manual pages will precisely match. Many others are far less reliable with their documentation/versioning and unfortunately as there are many variants and versions of *nix whilst often they do things in a similar way often the precise commands/parameters are (more often slightly) different.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » May 12th, 2021, 10:02 am ... exim_mail/

Researchers at security biz Qualys discovered 21 vulnerabilities in Exim, a popular mail server, which can be chained to obtain "a full remote unauthenticated code execution and gain root privileges on the Exim Server."

Exim is a mail transfer agent (MTA), responsible for receiving and forwarding email messages. It runs primarily on Unix or Linux and is the default MTA on Debian - though Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux use Postfix by default.

Some hosting companies use Exim to provide email services to their customers, and it was also popular in universities and other educational institutions (it was initially developed at the University of Cambridge in 1995) though many of these have transitioned to Office 365 or Google email, not least Cambridge itself.

According to one recent survey nearly 60 per cent of mail servers visible on the internet use Exim, followed by Postfix at 34 per cent. Qualys said a Shodan search revealed nearly 4 million Exim servers exposed to the internet.

Discussed here on Security Now (Episode 818)...

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » June 15th, 2021, 1:38 pm ... d-to-know/

Docker for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

Good little overview tutorial - fills in some of the gaps that others leave.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » July 9th, 2021, 2:13 pm

Snorvey wrote:My machine is telling me that Linux Mint 20.2 'Uma' is now available to me.

Any thoughts or opinions this one? ... whats-new/

Ta ... -0-desktop

A mixture of average Mint users and 'experts' opinions.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » September 5th, 2021, 2:51 pm ... Linux-5.15

It looks like Paragon Software's NTFS3 kernel driver providing much better Linux support for the Microsoft NTFS file-system will land for the 5.15 kernel!

Last year Paragon Software made the surprise announcement that they were looking to mainline their NTFS3 kernel driver that previously was commercial-only. But given that there are less organizations interested in NTFS these days but rather Microsoft exFAT and even file-systems like F2FS for Android, it's nice to see Paragon finally willing to mainline the driver and also commit to maintaining it upstream moving forward...Cont

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » September 5th, 2021, 2:58 pm ... should-be/

Zorin OS 16 is exactly what a Linux desktop distribution should be...Cont.

Explaining Computers opinion here...
Zorin OS 16 Linux distro review, covering both Zorin OS 16 Core and Zorin OS 16 Pro. Includes installation, layouts and themes, applications and their installation, running Windows programs, and even a little on gaming! :) Cont.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » September 24th, 2021, 1:00 pm ... ilesystem/

Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem
This btrfs filesystem overview highlights some longstanding shortcomings.

Discussion regularly crops up here too.. (audio only).

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby xeny » September 24th, 2021, 2:59 pm

Infrasonic wrote:Discussion regularly crops up here too.. (audio only).

Thanks for the link to the YouTube channel. There's several interesting looking topics there.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » September 24th, 2021, 3:14 pm

Show notes per episode are here...

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » October 1st, 2021, 2:52 pm

Starting a New Series called Pi-Hosted which will be covering steps on how to turn your raspberry pi to a home server, today we will be covering Docker installation, portainer, and shellinabox.

○ TimeCode ○○○

0:00 Introduction
2:18 Flash RPi OS
4:24 Update Raspberry Pi OS
5:46 Docker Explained
6:32 Install Docker
8:38 Install Portainer
9:11 Portainer Settings
10:51 App Templates
11:51 Shell In A Box Install
13:00 Conclusion
13:34 Outro ... bKXrJVvarc

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » October 11th, 2021, 11:33 am ... ew.en.html

Chapter 2. What's new in Debian 11
Table of Contents

2.1. Supported architectures
2.2. What's new in the distribution?
2.2.1. Desktops and well known packages
2.2.2. Driverless scanning and printing
2.2.3. New generic open command
2.2.4. Control groups v2
2.2.5. Persistent systemd journal
2.2.6. New Fcitx 5 Input Method
2.2.7. News from Debian Med Blend
2.2.8. Kernel support for exFAT
2.2.9. Improved man page translations
2.2.10. Improved support for alternative init systems

There's a Chrome flag available in the Canary developer channel for Chrome OS if you fancy trying it out in the Crostini container. I'm waiting until it reaches stable as early adoption has been too hit and miss for me in the past.

11.1 updates...

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » October 13th, 2021, 10:27 am ... y_made_it/

Love it or hate it, Linux users in a Windows world must deal with Microsoft's New Technology File System (NTFS). This has always been a pain in the rump. Even after Microsoft finally gave up on its anti-Linux rhetoric and released its patents to the open-source community and expressively opened up its exFAT patents, we still couldn't get into NTFS.

Things have changed. Starting with the Linux 5.15 kernel, NTFS is finally being fully supported in Linux. This journey hasn't been easy...


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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » October 28th, 2021, 9:51 am

Pi Zero W 2 reviews.

Jeff Geerling

I got my hands on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. It's more than twice as fast as the original Pi Zero and Pi Zero W, but what other secrets does it hold?
I X-rayed it to find out what's *inside* this little Pi!

Explaining Computers

NovaSpirt Tech

They vary in their review focus so worth looking at all three.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » November 7th, 2021, 3:06 pm

Explaining Computers

Linux Survival Guide #2: Running Windows Applications

How can you run Windows applications in Linux? This video covers all of the options, including using WINE and related compatibility layer software, setting up a virtual machine, dual booting, and using a cloud Windows PC. Specific solutions demonstrated and/or discussed include WINE, CrossOver, Winetricks, PlayOnLinux, Lutris, Proton, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and Windows 365. There is also a demonstration of how to setup a Windows 11 virtual machine...
00:00 Introduction
00:58 Native Linux Application
02:16 WINE & Co
09:28 Virtual Machine
17:43 Dual Boot
20:03: Cloud Windows
21:48 Wrap

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby Infrasonic » June 17th, 2022, 1:52 pm

The Linux Vendor Firmware Service is a secure portal which allows hardware vendors to upload firmware updates.

This site is used by all major Linux distributions to provide metadata for clients such as fwupdmgr and GNOME Software.

There is no charge to vendors for the hosting or distribution of content. Consulting companies can offer advice and help you get on the LVFS.

Devices supported by the LVFS
This list shows all the updates that have been made available to the public. This list is automatically generated and will be updated when new firmware is added or existing firmware is made available. Find the latest devices supported here. For information about what vendors have been contacted about the LVFS, please see the vendor engagement list.

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Re: Why Linux?


Postby 1nvest » June 17th, 2022, 7:05 pm

formoverfunction wrote:I do already, I'm running Debian via SSH (X forwarding) and Pop! in VM from the Pro.

I find (linux to linux) tigervnc's x0vncserver to be superior to X forwarding, combined with sndiod for sound forwarding. Alternatively OpenGL. With either of those I can play games, view youtubes ...etc. as the same level of quality/speed as if being run/played locally (or in my case quicker as the server is hard wired (ethernet) whilst my laptop is predominately connected via wifi).

My laptop is now somewhat dated, 4GB/2core such that a pi 4 has higher specs. Rather than buying a new laptop I am considering buying a pi instead to stick to the laptops lid as a 'server' and run the two as above. Then whenever I want to upgrade again it would be just a matter of a relatively inexpensive swap out of the pi.

Recently I built a long term supported kernel (5.10 from, 20 minutes build time; Built the latest busybox (1.35) from (10 mins build time) to serve as the userland; Compiled framebuffer vnc (seconds build time) to add to that ... and now have a 6MB laptop boot choice that boots in a second and can comfortably handle the pixels that it is thrown by the vnc server. A nice feature is that if the server is always on then booting back to a gui desktop is also just a second or two, and you drop back in where you last left off. Or where you can 'boot' into that server from any other device that supports vnc (many do). Whilst any files on the laptop remain secure, physically isolated, no risk of ransomware.

If the server supports kvm/qemu (virtual machines) which most will, then that can also boot any iso/image (operating system) to serve up as vnc. kvm (kernel based virtual machine) is very quick in my experience, similar if not even quicker than bare metal boots. No need for dual booting when you can have multiple systems all booted at the same time and switch between those just as easily as switching between different windows.

For set up of a shared filesystem I use ssh (sshfs), define a common pooled folder/directory that all of the booted systems mount/share. And with sndiod you just direct sounds to whatever IP/device you want, such as to the laptops headphones/speakers.

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