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The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.

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The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby fourtwentyfour » June 7th, 2021, 9:32 pm

This is an interesting book about how life started, was trashed, and started again, several times. The cause being a change in the magnetic N and S pole positions causing floods and chaos. The author looks at religion, geology, archeology and tries to put the pieces of a jigsaw together to make sense of the history of the planet.

Search The Adam and Eve Story CIA for a pdf.

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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby bungeejumper » June 8th, 2021, 9:48 am

First published in 1963. (Not 1965 as claimed.) A time when the world had rather bigger things on its mind. ;)

Apparently Jesus was living in India when he was abducted by a UFO on Easter Sunday. That would have rattled the western world's teacups more than a nuclear war. More, if you can stand it, at ... laims.html


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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby ursaminortaur » June 8th, 2021, 1:04 pm

bungeejumper wrote:First published in 1963. (Not 1965 as claimed.) A time when the world had rather bigger things on its mind. ;)

Apparently Jesus was living in India when he was abducted by a UFO on Easter Sunday. That would have rattled the western world's teacups more than a nuclear war. More, if you can stand it, at ... laims.html


The author was obviously a seer - the only problem being his vision was of the 2012 Red Dwarf episode Lemons where they meet "Jesus" in India and take him back to their ship where "Jesus" reads up about himself and is horrified by all the wars etc which will be waged in his name.

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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby bungeejumper » June 8th, 2021, 2:24 pm

The stuff about the north and south poles reversing is not just credible - it's generally regarded as inevitable, because it's already happened at irregular intervals ever since the earth was born. And although I'm not a scientist, I can imagine that it might reverse tidal flows and melt the ice caps and suchlike. (It would also knock out the internet faster than Fastly. ;) )

But mixing that stuff up with bronze age mythology like Noah's flood is a bit of a stretch. For one thing, the last pole reversal was 780,000 years ago, and it may have taken 20,000 years to complete. With or without the assistance of visiting aliens.

But then, aliens were a big thing in the 1960s. Erich von Däniken ("Was God an Astronaut?") got the age of Aquarius spinning with the idea of spaceship landing strips in central America - although actually it looks as though they could have managed quite well without them anyway. ( ... 0285629115 ). By the time von Däniken died, he was discredited but filthy rich, and he barely even bothered to deny any more that the whole thing had been intended as hokum for the flower-power era.

Take a few genuine ancient mysteries, add in a few geophysical certainties, and spice it up with a bible story or an ancient Indian saga, and you've got a surefire winner. Personally, I wouldn't Adam and Eve it.


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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby ursaminortaur » June 8th, 2021, 8:06 pm

bungeejumper wrote:The stuff about the north and south poles reversing is not just credible - it's generally regarded as inevitable, because it's already happened at irregular intervals ever since the earth was born. And although I'm not a scientist, I can imagine that it might reverse tidal flows and melt the ice caps and suchlike. (It would also knock out the internet faster than Fastly. ;) )

You need to distinguish between

1) Magnetic pole reversals which indeed happen at fairly random intervals. It looks like these reversals usually take place over hundreds or thousands of years The Earth's magnetic field will become less powerful during this period and there may well be multiple poles rather than just a North and South pole. Although this will obviously affect animals which use magnetism for navigation their ancestors survived such reversals in the past. Similarly human compass use would be affected but we can probably adapt. The more serious effect would probably be the reduced effectiveness of the Earth's magnetic field against solar winds and cosmic rays though it is not expected that the magnetic field would disappear at any point during the reversal.

Most estimates for the duration of a polarity transition are between 1,000 and 10,000 years,[13] but some estimates are as quick as a human lifetime
The magnetic field will not vanish completely, but many poles might form chaotically in different places during reversal, until it stabilizes again

2) True polar wander - a solid-body rotation of a planet or moon with respect to its spin axis, causing the geographic locations of the North and South Poles to change, or "wander". There seems to be some evidence that this can happen and a movement of upto 9 degrees occurred between 90 and 40 million years ago but the movement is slow and wouldn't cause any problems. Note this movement is distinct from that caused by plate tectonics or that resulting from precession and nutation of the Earth's axis.

The scientists – including Pavel V. Doubrovine and Trond H. Torsvik of the University of Oslo, and Bernhard Steinberger of the Helmholtz Center in Potsdam, Germany – established what they believe is a stable reference frame for tracking true polar wander. Based on this reference frame, they say that twice – from 90 to 40 million years ago – the solid Earth traveled back and forth by nearly 9 degrees with respect to our planet’s axis of rotation. What’s more, for the past 40 million years, the Earth’s solid outer layers have been slowly rotating at a rate of 0.2 degrees every million years, according to these scientists.


3) Cataclysmic pole shift - This is the rapid shift that Chan Thomas' book talks about but there is no scientific evidence supporting it.

In popular literature, many conjectures have been suggested involving very rapid polar shift. A slow shift in the poles would display the most minor alterations and no destruction. A more dramatic view assumes more rapid changes, with dramatic alterations of geography and localized areas of destruction due to earthquakes and tsunamis.
Charles Hapgood is now perhaps the best remembered early proponent. In his books The Earth's Shifting Crust (1958) (which includes a foreword by Albert Einstein)[12][13] and Path of the Pole (1970), Hapgood speculated that accumulated polar ice mass destabilizes the Earth's rotation, causing crustal displacement but not disturbing the Earth's axial orientation. Hapgood argued that shifts (of no more than 40 degrees) occurred about every 5,000 years, interrupting 20,000- to 30,000-year periods of polar stability. He cited recent North Pole locations in Hudson Bay (60°N, 73°W), the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Norway (72°N, 10°E) and the Yukon (63°N, 135°W).[14] However, in his subsequent work The Path of the Pole, Hapgood conceded Einstein's point that the weight of the polar ice is insufficient to cause polar shift. Instead, Hapgood argued that causative forces must be located below the surface.[15] Hapgood encouraged Canadian librarian Rand Flem-Ath to pursue scientific evidence backing Hapgood's claims. Flem-Ath published the results of this work in 1995 in When the Sky Fell co-written with his wife Rose.[16]

In the early 1960s, Chan Thomas wrote a book titled The Adam and Eve Story and attempted to have it published by Emerson House in Los Angeles. Soon after publishing the full issue, the CIA classified his book for 50 years.[17] An FOIA lawsuit was filed against the CIA to release the book.[citation needed] In 2013, the CIA released a "cleansed" version of the original book (50 pages out of 240 original pages).[17] The major difference to Hapgood's claims is that, according to Chan Thomas, the crust moved back to its original position within a relatively short time.
While there are reputable studies showing that true polar wander has occurred at various times in the past, the rates are much smaller (1° per million years or slower) than predicted by the pole shift hypothesis (up to 1° per thousand years).[2][3][23] Analysis of the evidence does not lend credence to Hapgood's hypothesized rapid displacement of layers of the Earth.[24]

Data indicates that the geographical poles have not deviated by more than about 5° over the last 130 million years, contradicting the hypothesis of a cataclysmic polar wander event.

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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby XFool » June 8th, 2021, 8:33 pm

ursaminortaur wrote:In the early 1960s, Chan Thomas wrote a book titled The Adam and Eve Story and attempted to have it published by Emerson House in Los Angeles. Soon after publishing the full issue, the CIA classified his book for 50 years.[17] An FOIA lawsuit was filed against the CIA to release the book.[citation needed] In 2013, the CIA released a "cleansed" version of the original book (50 pages out of 240 original pages).[17]

That sounds to me the most interesting thing about the book! Is there any explanation for the CIA's involvement, or any more information?


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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby ursaminortaur » June 8th, 2021, 10:38 pm

XFool wrote:
ursaminortaur wrote:In the early 1960s, Chan Thomas wrote a book titled The Adam and Eve Story and attempted to have it published by Emerson House in Los Angeles. Soon after publishing the full issue, the CIA classified his book for 50 years.[17] An FOIA lawsuit was filed against the CIA to release the book.[citation needed] In 2013, the CIA released a "cleansed" version of the original book (50 pages out of 240 original pages).[17]

That sounds to me the most interesting thing about the book! Is there any explanation for the CIA's involvement, or any more information?


According to this post on Quora the CIA file contained this book and background check information on Chan Thomas because they were thinking of hiring him for some secret work. The book apparently had blank pages at the end of each chapter which they removed.
The actual book wan't banned and was available from booksellers before and after the CIA file was created.

Profile photo for David Montaigne
David Montaigne
, Historian, author on controversial topics like pole shifts
Answered May 6, 2019

The CIA did not censor or classify the book. They did edit out blank left hand pages at the ends of chapters of the 57 page version (from 1965) but there was nothing on pages 2, 8, 18, 20, 30, 36, 46, 48, or 52.

The only reason the CIA had such a classified file was not for the book about pole shifts - they included Chan Thomas’ recent book in their background check when they were considering hiring him for secret government work. The only things remaining classified on the CIA file when The Adam and Eve Story portion was declassified are part of the interviews and background checks. I’ve commented on this partial declassification in some of my magazine articles and books and intend to go into much more detail in an upcoming book about Chan Thomas.

The Adam and Eve Story about pole shifts is just the tip of the iceberg on him.

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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby stevensfo » June 15th, 2021, 12:49 pm

bungeejumper wrote:The stuff about the north and south poles reversing is not just credible - it's generally regarded as inevitable, because it's already happened at irregular intervals ever since the earth was born. And although I'm not a scientist, I can imagine that it might reverse tidal flows and melt the ice caps and suchlike. (It would also knock out the internet faster than Fastly. ;) )

But mixing that stuff up with bronze age mythology like Noah's flood is a bit of a stretch. For one thing, the last pole reversal was 780,000 years ago, and it may have taken 20,000 years to complete. With or without the assistance of visiting aliens.

But then, aliens were a big thing in the 1960s. Erich von Däniken ("Was God an Astronaut?") got the age of Aquarius spinning with the idea of spaceship landing strips in central America - although actually it looks as though they could have managed quite well without them anyway. ( ... 0285629115 ). By the time von Däniken died, he was discredited but filthy rich, and he barely even bothered to deny any more that the whole thing had been intended as hokum for the flower-power era.

Take a few genuine ancient mysteries, add in a few geophysical certainties, and spice it up with a bible story or an ancient Indian saga, and you've got a surefire winner. Personally, I wouldn't Adam and Eve it.


Yes, I remember those books. They were so convincing, but I was only about 11. I also remember the Bermuda Triangle business that seemed to be fashionable for about ten years, producing films, TV series, books and even a pop song. Whatever happened to that? Did it morph into an 'Irish Sea rectangle'?


PS We have a similar phenomenon in our house: a cupboard where chocolate biscuits mysteriously vanish without trace, with everyone denying any knowledge of where they went! ;)

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Re: The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas.


Postby bungeejumper » June 17th, 2021, 11:43 am

stevensfo wrote:PS We have a similar phenomenon in our house: a cupboard where chocolate biscuits mysteriously vanish without trace, with everyone denying any knowledge of where they went! ;)

Oh, indeed. The power of the supernatural. We have probably eight tape measures and five pairs of pliers in our household, and they all beam themselves spontaneously into my wife's handbag.

Look on the bright side - at least I know where they're hiding when I need one. But should I be concerned about what she's doing in her spare time? :?


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