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Loup322 resolutions for 2020

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Slice
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Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » January 6th, 2020, 2:13 pm

I started to reply on Tortoise's thread, but I thought that if she was going to update every day, if we all went on there it would get very cluttered!

This year, I have decided that to actually post some goals and updates on here, rather than just lurking. I'm certainly not going to post daily updates as Tortoise is doing, but I will read hers with interest!

So, 2020 resolutions. Well, January 2020 resolutions at any rate.

Do more exercise.
I had the first of my "being old" checks at the GP's 4 years ago, and want to have made some inroads into this before my next one in 2021. I was classed as completely inactive four years ago, as walking everywhere doesn't get my heart rate up so doesn't count. I can run for a bus, but running for a train (from the Underground to the Thameslink at Kings Cross St Pancras) is too much. My heart was still beating fast and hurting a bit 5 minutes later, and my breathing didn't feel "normal" for nearly half an hour.
  • I will swim every Wednesday that my daughter is in school, and I am not away with work.
  • In January, I will do some exercise at home at least 2 days per week.
I have found an app for my tablet that gives me a 12 minute workout each day and a "Sleepytime Stretch" each evening, and I have done the morning exercise every day bar yesterday (when my legs just hurt too much) and the evening exercise every day. I know that this is not sustainable, hence the 2 days a week target. If I can manage that, I will increase it in February.

Food and nutrition.
  • No alcohol in January (I do this most years) except on my birthday (or a nearby weekend day) if I feel like it.
  • No caffeine in February.
I am not going to make any silly resolutions about eating sensibly until the fridge is empty of cheese, the Christmas cake is all gone, and the chocolates stash in the living room is all gone.

Finish off more things than I start. I had this resolution last year, and it was great until about October. Then I got carried away and started too many things.
  • Finish off the last Christmas present :?
  • Finish off the last Christmas decorations :?
  • Finish off the purple squirrel.
The first one might get completed on the train tonight. Once the other two are completed (target my birthday?), I will allow myself to start on the patchwork cushion cover I would like to make. I think that the day after my birthday (my day off) would make a good day for a treat like this. Should be doable if the squirrel starts behaving!

Other things
  • Make a list of the "horrible jobs" that I don't want to do, and decide when to do them. This includes cleaning the windows, cleaning out the kitchen cupboards, doing the filing.
  • Make a list of the "nice jobs" that I would like to do, and decide when to do them. This includes making cheese, making a cushion cover, going to a knitting circle.
  • Try pruning a bit more in the garden. Don't worry, my philosophy is that if I kill it, something else will grow back in its place and it is no loss. There are very few things in the garden that I put in or I couldn't live without. Perhaps the lawn is the thing I care about most.
  • Plan when I am going to plant seeds for the garden. Make pots for seedlings from newspaper.
  • Buy a mower. Look into lawn seed.
  • Make dates to see friends. Fill up the diary sensibly! I got bad at this at the end of 2019, and there were people that I just couldn't fit in for a couple of months.

Oh my gosh, that's a long list. I'll come back at the start of February, and let you know how I get on. Also, if three quarters gets ticked off, that's a good thing in my view. That's how my to-do-lists work best for me!

Lemon Slice
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Re: Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » February 3rd, 2020, 1:31 pm

Okay, so how did I do in January, and what will I do in February?

This was going well until Friday, when I hurt my back. However, I managed to do my "full-body workout" twice a week (except last week), swimming on Wednesday, and my "sleepytime stretch" every evening (except one evening I was out with friends and Friday 31st to yesterday). I also did one aqua-aerobics session on a bonus day off work. My back is now fine, so targets for February are:
  • Swim every Wednesday apart from school holidays or if I am away with work
  • Full-body workout at least twice a week
  • Sleepytime stretch every evening

Food and nutrition
I did not drink in January. I ate three liquer chocolates, but I don't think that counts. On Saturday, because I could, I drank three glasses of wine and felt rubbish on Sunday morning. The rest of the bottle will probably stay in the fridge until next weekend. I love screw-tops!
February's targets
  • Have no caffeine. Tea, coffee (which I don't drink often anyway) or chocolate.
  • If the scales are still saying the wrong number at the end of Feb, keep a food diary for March
I've already had 2 cups of green tea yesterday, which does contain caffeine, but it was a birthday lunch for my sister in Wagamama, and I didn't fancy a fizzy drink. I'm going to allow myself to drink kombucha when it is ready (there's always a brew on in the kitchen), but I need to find a way to get past the 3pm slump. I usually grab a chocolate bar, but I will have to switch to crisps or a Mullerrice. Or, if I were being sensible, a stroll round the park for 10 minutes.

I finished the Christmas present, and the recipient loved it. I have also finished the squirrel, but we have decided he looks like a turkey because I overstuffed the legs, and so he is called "Squirkey". The elf Christmas decorations are finished apart from their mouths need to be embroidered on. However they are "so cute!" and have moved into the dolls house. I started the patchwork cushion cover (on my birthday, but before everything else was finished) and a different squirrel pattern (I ran out of patches one day and didn't have time to make more before my next train trip). One spanner in the works was having to sew badges from the Beaver uniform onto the Cub uniform. The main badges were done in time for the second week back to Cubs, but I still have sleeve badges to transfer.
  • Sew badges onto Cub uniform
  • Continue with cushion cover
  • Find tapestry needle (probably involves tidying the sofa and coffee table)
  • Don't start another knitting project until squirrel is finished (I need the tapestry needle for this)
  • Choose yarns for sister-in-law's jumper dress (Christmas 2020 present) and jumper for myself (but don't start knitting these!)

I wrote out my lists, booked my holiday and bought tickets for the Ideal Home Show (from the "nice" list). I didn't do anything from the "horrible" list (or assign dates). I wrote out the gardening plan, but didn't make the pots, buy the mower or get out into the garden to do more pruning. I researched how to look after the lawn, and I don't need to start mowing until March. If I mow properly, I probably won't need to buy lawn seed. I did see two friends that were on my list.
For February
  • Start planting seeds
  • Buy mower
  • Buy garden fork
  • Sort out two regular savings accounts that have / are about to mature
  • Do one horrible job. Friday 14th Feb is free for this while small one is at school.
  • Fit people into the diary
  • Floss (my teeth, not the dance)

So I did some things quite well, and others not so well. I have made Duolingo app and the sleepytime stretch into regular habits, which I'm pleased about (especially as Duolingo wasn't on last month's list). I want to get flossing my teeth into a regular routine.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » March 2nd, 2020, 2:43 pm

So, March already. Flowers coming up everywhere, with daffodils in plenty of time for St. David's Day. Storms in many places, but not too bad for us. We had one tree down across the path up to the school, so had to take a longer way round for 4 days before the Council could clear it.

And how has my progress been? February started with minor health problems. The craving for a cup of tea was really strong, because I was run down with a bit of a cold. I felt constantly tired for a couple of weeks. Also, the bad back returned the following weekend, leaving me almost unable to move for Sunday afternoon. We got a curry delivered for tea, and I even bought painkillers, which are both signs it was very painful! I decided that the bad back was due to sitting in an odd position while trying to do my patchworking on the train, so that has been brought to a stop.

The bad back meant an enforced week off exercise, other than my Wednesday swim (I felt well enough by then to do it, although the wet swimming kit did feel heavy for the rest of the day). Going back to the exercise, I didn't really feel like jumping straight back into where I left off, so I changed from "full-body workout" to the Canadian Airforce XBX program, which I have done every day since. Well, I missed one day, because I completely forgot (note: I didn't decide to skip it, so it wasn't a lack of willpower which is my usual downfall). Targets for March:
  • Swim every Wednesday
  • XBX program every morning
  • Sleepytime stretch every evening

Food and nutrition.
Well, caffeine-free wasn't as good as alcohol-free. I had 1 cup of black tea, 2 cups of green tea, about 6 chocolate bars and about 4 double chocolate muffins. Not great, but not the end of the world. However, going back onto the alcohol has been a nightmare. I have been getting through 2 bottles of wine most weekends, on my own. Not great! I have a problem that I feel I "deserve" treats (such as after cleaning the windows and curtains for a whole day), whereas really I deserve to be healthy and have a long life. The scales are still saying the wrong number, but I don't think I'm going to keep a food diary this month. The scales are only 3-4 pounds up on where they should be (but they have been there since Christmas). Targets for March:
  • Only 2 cups of black tea per day
  • Only 1 bottle of wine each weekend
  • At the 3 pm slump, if the shop has MullerRice, buy that. If there are no MullerRice and I brought £1.30 have a muffin. If there are no MullerRice, and I only brought £1, either go back to my desk empty-handed or go to the other shop and buy Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
  • PLAN when to have curries or other meals out. Don't react to a long day by going straight out for a curry. Stop doing busy stuff earlier so I can cook properly, if it is not in the plan.
  • Aim for one serving of green veg and 2 servings of wholegrain Monday-Thursday each week. (Weekends are a bit harder, so leave these for now.)

I found the tapestry needle, and the new squirrel and his friend the rabbit are now finished, apart from faces. The fox is well on its way. Then there is only a badger to go. The cushion cover cannot be done on my lap on the train, so will only be done on Wednesdays when I get a table seat on the train. I did start a new project - a dishcloth. Sister-in-law still hasn't told me what size to make the jumper dress, so I haven't bought the yarns, but I need to get back on to her about it.
  • Continue with animals, and sew their faces on (and the mouths on the elves) before starting any other projects.
  • Continue with dishcloth.
  • Work on cushion cover on Wednesdays.
  • Buy yarns for sister-in-law's jumper dress and my jumper.
  • Sew badges on Cubs uniform.
  • Mend trousers (4 pairs, two of which should have been on this list since January).

I sorted out both regular savers, and opened a Prize Saver at the local Credit Union, so the finances are going quite well. I bought a garden fork and an edging tool, and had one day in the garden cutting down bushes. I cleaned the windows and curtains in two bedrooms and the living room, and cleaned the inside of the kitchen window. That counts as 3.5 of the horrible jobs, which is really good (for me). I have got a few meetups with friends in the diary, but need to work on this some more. Also, the flossing didn't happen. Much of the garden tasks are carried over from last month (or even January), which is not great.
  • Buy mower.
  • Mow lawn.
  • Plant seeds.
  • Cut more bushes before Council collects garden waste on 11th March.
  • Do one horrible job.
  • Sort out playdates until Easter holidays.
  • Floss.

Well, writing it down doesn't look as bad as I thought it was going to be. I have actually achieved some things, and identified weaknesses to work on. Routines are desirable. I need to work on this. Sometimes, I try something out and the way I plan it in is just perfect (like the XBX exercises or Duolingo), and other times the routine was not properly thought out and just impossible because of general life (like flossing or going out for curries).

Lemon Slice
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Re: Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » April 1st, 2020, 3:58 pm

Hmm, well, life certainly has changed, hasn't it? Now I'm working from home, and supervising the schooling of the small one, so some of the priorities in life have changed. Overall, in my little world, I don't think many priorities have changed, so my goals should be the same as they were 31 days ago.

Swimming is out now (I did swim the first two Wednesdays). I have completed the XBX every morning bar two, I think, and the Sleepytime Stretch every evening bar six.
For April, I would like to continue with these two exercises and go out for some walks. The problem with that is the apathy of the small one. She did two hour long walks last week, and scooted to the supermarket with me on Saturday, but hasn't left the house since. I probably should insist, especially while the weather is good.

Caffeine and alcohol targets were not met. Probably 1.5 bottles of wine a week, and since I've been working at home about 5 cups of tea a day. Snacks have decreased - if they're not in the house I can't have them, so I buy them and give them to the small one so they are used up faster. Wholegrain and green veg target was met.
For April, try to limit alcohol and caffeine, but don't worry too much. Try to keep to two portions of wholegrain and one of green veg per day when possible. Get a takeaway every Sunday. Have fish and chips on Fridays, but from the freezer rather than the chippy (and possibly homemade chips if I get time).

I sewed the badges on the Cub uniform, and mended one pair of trousers. I finished the animals, including embroidering their faces. I have started another set of animals, but still haven't put the mouths on the elves. The dishcloth is finished (and in use!). Sister-in-law hasn't got back to me with her measurements, and I don't think yarn is an essential purchase right now (I buy online, but still someone has to deliver it to me). Cushion cover has got nowhere, as I'm not swimming and catching the same train on Wednesdays (or any trains at all). Not travelling by train means not setting aside time to do these things.
For April, try and set aside 30 minutes each day to knit or do something crafty. It is relaxing, and much more productive than playing video games! Also, I'll try and put a picture of the Woodland Creatures here, and perhaps the rabbits.
One of the purposes of the knitting is for an Easter Egg Hunt, which I have set the date for (normally it would be Easter Sunday) as Sunday 12th July. Problem is that the small one loves the animals, and wants to keep them all for herself, so I have to make some more and I don't have the right colour yarns. Need to improvise!

I bought the lawnmower, and have mown the grass twice and trimmed the hedges once. I have planted one lot of tomato seeds, but someone has taken my compost and I can't get any more at the moment. The garden waste bin was filled and collected by the Council. I cleaned the front door, inside and out, which is another of the horrible jobs. I met with two of my friends just before the lockdown, and now we are emailing, so will probably get more contact than normal. One lives alone, and the other has two small ones in a one bed flat, with a husband currently working from home. Opposite ends of stress!
For April, stay in touch with people by email. Do stuff in the garden as I can. Mow the lawn this weekend. Think about the horrible jobs, because it's too difficult to do them with the small person around. Floss. I think I'm getting a sort of routine with this, so that's an improvement. Sort out household finances for the year, with all the bills that come in and the end of April pay (with new tax codes) to work out who contributes what. This could be interesting, and my partner's job is furloughed, and he is working in a pub that's now running as an off licence. He's also applied to Tesco, but they are not taking people who are temporarily without work, which seems odd as they only want to employ them temporarily. Maybe household finances will need to be calculated a month at a time, which requires a rewrite of my spreadsheet.

I hope everyone else is doing well and looking after themselves in these strange times!


Lemon Slice
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Re: Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » May 4th, 2020, 2:26 pm

Okay, well another month has gone, and things are still a bit strange. Easter has been postponed by three months (for my egg hunt in the garden). The small one's birthday is likely to be postponed too. So how did my month go in terms of the targets set last month, and what are my targets for May?

Surprisingly good! Morning exercise on 25 days and evening exercise on 24 days. Evening exercise was most often missed because the bedtime story turned into me having extra snugs with the small one and falling asleep in her bed. We haven't been on that many walks, which I really should address.
For May, continue as before, as it seems to be working! Go out for a walk at least once a week (apart from to the supermarket).

Caffeine I have decided I am not bothered about. Alcohol got even worse, up to 2 bottles of wine a weekend. I considered a dry month in May, but the supermarket shop was so stressful that I bought a bottle. Wholegrain and green veg was forgotten, and didn't go very well. However the small one is eating mixed white and wholewheat pasta (using up odds and ends), wholewheat soda bread, and spelt bread. She's improving, as I slip. She doesn't eat greens.
For May, limit wine to one bottle a weekend. Strictly, with no other trips to the shops. Supplement with hot chocolate if necessary. Try and pay more attention to vegetables. Don't worry about eating the same meals all the time - if they tick all the boxes that's fine.

No, the trousers didn't get done. There are two sets of animals now, but the rabbits don't have eyes and the elves still have no mouths. I adapted, and my 30 minutes craft each day morphed into 30 minutes of craft, gardening, cooking (special stuff, not just regular stuff), or a jigsaw instead. So 30 minutes of something relaxing. I did craft 12 days, gardening 6 days, cooking 5 days, jigsaw 9 days.
For May, I will finish the rabbits, finish the elves, and mend the trousers. I WILL get this done this month. When I have done that (and not before), I will start knitting a cardigan for my small one.

I have mown the grass every other weekend, and done a fair amount clearing the massive bushes at the end of the garden. The garden waste bin is going out full each time they collect it, and the compost bin is full too. The peas and carrots have been planted, and the tomatoes are doing brilliantly on the windowsill. I've been emailing and phoning friends, but perhaps not as much as I should. Finances seem to be doing okay at the moment, as we are not spending anything, so things haven't been updated for the next financial year, but it doesn't look as though I will need to do it every month as I anticipated. I flossed most (21) days, so that has probably become part of the routine.
For May, I will continue with the garden work. I will buy a tripod ladder, and finish pruning the bushes in the front garden. I bought a book about carbon dioxide emissions, so I will read that and think about environmental targets. I try not to use much plastic, but other things are important too. Stay in touch with friends by email and phone, and perhaps work out a schedule to speak with them each week. Keep flossing.

Again, I hope that you are all staying safe and well.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Loup322 resolutions for 2020


Postby Loup321 » June 3rd, 2020, 11:37 am

This is really long - sorry.

Okay, it's June already. I feel like I've not achieved what I should have achieved, but I also feel that when I get to the end of writing this post I will be able to see how well I have done. Partly I've been making excuses for things, but I'm also being unrealistic with myself. I always moan that I have to leave the house at 9.00 every morning at this time of year, because the small one plays cricket on Saturday and I ring church bells on Sunday (plus school and work on weekdays). This year, what did I do? I decided to take a timelapse photo of the trees while the kids were off school. The first day was March 23rd, and 8.30 I went down and took a photo on our normal walk to school (the small one stayed home in her pyjamas). It was only going to be four weeks, starting from bare trees through to them being in full leaf. We're on week 11, and I have done it every single day, but now there is no end in sight. This is typical of the targets I set for myself! :lol:

Anyway, targets for May, how did I do, and what will I do for June?

I did well with this. Well, to start with, and then I went off on a tangent. The small creatures and elves were finished.
I also mended the whole pile of trousers, and the only thing left on the pile is the Beavers jumper, where I need to remove the badges. I don't know what to do with them, so I'll leave them on the jumper because that's harder to lose! The next job was to knit a cardigan, but that has ended up being a peg bag. Don't even ask... Nothing has happened with either cushion cover (did you even know there were two? - long story).
For June, I now have the correct yarns for a jumper for me, a cardigan for the small on and a dress for sister-in-law (still no measurements, so I will just guess). I will continue with the peg bag (about half way, excluding a strap), then start on the cardigan or dress. The small one grows, and the dress is a Christmas present, so they need to get done by November.

Again this went well. There are peas steadfastly refusing to use the canes, strawberries (must read up on these) one of which is tinged red on one side, carrots mixed in with weeds but my identification skill (of heritage carrots) is not up to the task, tomatoes upstairs on the windowsill and one cucumber plant (plus two pathetic things). The lawn has been mown three times (I think) and the garden waste bin put out full each time (plus I walked it round to the local collection point twice). I bought a ladder, and sorted out the bushes in the front, and have made good progress on the bush at the back. This has sparrows nesting so I must be careful, but the neighbours over the back wrote me a letter asking me to do something about it. Actually it's all amicable, but the height of the bush means I have only met them last weekend, and the coronavirus situation meant they couldn't just knock on the door, but a letter was very daunting at first.
In June, plant out the cucumber (today, because two of the buds are now flowers!!!!), plant out the tomatoes, continue trimming the bush at the end, continue mowing the lawn at least fortnightly. Feed plants fortnightly, as well as water then daily.

Other nature stuff.
I have started collecting rose petals and drying them to make pot pourri, I have make two batches of elderflower fizz, I am turing nettles into plant food (my next door neighbour told me about this, even though she didn't know the English word for nettle).
I will look into whether there is anything else I can do with natural stuff from my garden or the local woods.

This is where I feel I haven't been that good. Excuses. It's too early in the morning (I find I'm a bit stiff for the first 10 minutes, but 15 minutes after I've got up...) I'm busy playing games on my tablet. I need to wash my hair today and now there's not time. I can only do it before I get dressed (I think this one is reasonable). There isn't time (because I've spent an hour playing games, and I need to go out at 8.30). There is also the excuse that I won't have time when I am back at work, but that's not even on the cards before September. Evening excuses are that I'm too tired, or the small person and I are having a cuddle at bedtime and I fall asleep. Also, I've played games on my tablet for ages, and now it's flat (I use an app in the evening) or it's nearly 11.00 and I need to get up at 6.30 to have time in the morning (which I won't use). It's rubbish. However, I did do morning exercise on 24 days and evening exercises on 17 days. With my target at the start of the year of twice a week plus swimming, this is actually very good.
For June. I will work out realistically a schedule that I can stick to now (not when I am back at work, but now). If I can do 5 days a week in the mornings and 5 days a week in the evenings, that would be fantastic. I think last month I got complacent on this as it was going so well. I am partly setting myelf up to fail by aiming for every day, and partly not celebrating the small progresses. I am certainly fitter than I was at the start of the year, which is surely the whole point of it all?

Actual alcohol consumption was fractionally lower than March or April (all of which were considerably lower than February!). Don't cook with wine - that means an extra bottle is needed, which means more gets drunk. I do need to drink more liquid in the afternoon. While I'm working, making tea is easy, but after I stop I don't drink much, and I need to think about this. I did make a nice curry (only for me as it was quite spicy), and I will probably do this again. It was Achari Paneer, and tasted almost exactly the same as the one from the takeaway we like. We also made Malai Tikka for the small one, and the only problem with the meal was the shop bought samosa I got instead of popadoms and chutney.
For June, think about drinking more in the afternoons. Also, plan more meals with wholegrains and green veg. Get back on the ball with these. Have another curry night at home.

I have tried to stay in contact with people, but it's finding the time that's the problem. I never did get a schedule sorted. I have managed to put more money in my pension each month, because I am not spending anything. We also managed to make our usual takeaway at home, which lasted two weekends (we froze portions), so that saved £30. The garden has split out to it's own topic.
This month I need to buy an iron and ironing board. If I write it here I will probably do it! I need to start arranging dates to meet people (I will not say more anout this and turn this into a coronavirus post!), and try and stay in phone or video contact with those that I can't.

All in, I guess it's actually been quite good. I'm glad I'm concerned about the exercise, because it means I will think about it. The craft and gardening have gone well, and the nutrition is probably almost where I want it (apart from wholegrains and greens).

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