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Jump into January 2017

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 15th, 2017, 4:16 pm


And here's an update, a week later


Home/Work Routine 2017 goals

1) Don't go into work "late" more than twice/month - on track
2) Leave the office 5 pm at the latest three days/week (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - on track
3) Be in bed lights out by 10 pm three days/week - still working on this one
4) Don't play online scrabble except during the commute - I *think* I'm on track (but could be in denial)
5) Fit in a short daily meditation three days/week - managed one day/week (just like last week)
6) Daily (hamstring and more) stretches - didn't manage at all this week (focus more on this)

Professional 2017 goals

2017 #1 - Fellowship application accepted, with (online) profile in line with "senior" level language - working on it right now
2017 #2 - Add a professional Society CPD committee membership to my activities - should ask first if they need someone ! :)
2017 #3 - Write and publish a CPD blog series in house - floated idea, positive reception, need to scope content
2017 #4 - Get a (project) management mentor - postpone until April, need to fix appraisal actions first
2017 #5 - Define and start implementing my 5 year "post 50s career resilience" plan - next weekend
2017 #6 - Get a good in my April 2017 appraisal, ongoing support and resources from my employer - meeting will be in two months, heads down and focus!

Study and life admin 2017 goals

1) Keep 1 m radius clear around my desk - still ok
2) Put away *at the end of each day* clutter around my desk - mostly ok :)
3) Do my tax return - not done this week ! :(
4) Do my (work) diary at least three days/week - 2.5 days, getting better
5) Organise my networks, connections into (mind)maps - who do I stay in touch with, and how? - next weekend
6) Clear out the garage. And the workshop. And the conservatory - Easter holiday :)

Lemon Pip
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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Wondergirly » January 16th, 2017, 12:19 pm

Time for a mid-moth update........
Wondergirly wrote:Health
I have a fancy to travel 1000 miles on my own two feet this year. Having done some rough calculations, it will take an average of at least 8000 steps per day, which appears to be achievable. Going pretty well, over target so far but have to stay in front as weather/life may stop play some days

My final appointment with the surgeon is scheduled for 31st January, but the lovely Mr Hull said I was to feel free to cancel it the week before if I have had no problems. So far, so good.

I am going to put finding a new Pilates teacher on the back burner for now and see how I get on with other things. Weight-training will commence this month. Not started yet, must get the book and the weights out from the back of the wardrobe

It is the end of our company financial year on the 31st, so I can begin to gather up most of the information needed by our accountant.
Still need to close an account, but waiting on Someone Else to do Something. Someone Else still has not done the Something

Also, having been quiet for a few weeks, our fraudster has raised his ugly head and has managed to defraud Experian! I have a demand for payment from them, with a threat of legal action so I now have to sort this out :( Very, very annoyed.

Go through our outgoings and see if there is any fat to be cut. Obvious contenders are the entertainment and grocery budgets. At least 10% should be achievable. Quite a frugal month so far but still need to formally adjust the budget. Have hit 'send' on my tax return though, which wasn't on the list but obviously needed doing :)

Structural engineer should be here on Wednesday 4th, which means progress. All plans and calcs on their way to Building Control today, so progress made.

Dedecorate the house, pack away anything good enough to keep and write a list of what needs to be bought for next Christmas (I would normally buy in the sales, but see next item) Done

At some point this year, if we ever are lucky enough to commence building works, we will need to rent storage. So, need to get 'stuff' down to a minimum. Begin this month with bedding, towels, Christmas items and general decor stuff (art, souvenirs, general fripperies) In progress

Get the front garden down to bare bones. There are a lot of old and sad shrubs in there, weeds growing among things etc. and the lawn edges are not edges. Cut back, dig up, neaten, and then see what gaps need to be filled before spring gets a grip and everything goes crazy again. Many old shrubs rehomed or taken to the tip, border clearing still in progress, but new plants have arrived and are ready to go in. Looks better already.

Absolutely nothing in the diary so must organise at least one outing of some sort. Had a very nice lunch out with friends

Plenty of walking when the weather is amenable (see above), and a couple of craft projects to keep me occupied indoors; a poncho in a fabulous-but difficult to knit-yarn which is about one third complete, and I plan on starting a crocheted 'temperature blanket' as soon as I get to the yarn shop on Wednesday :lol: Poncho almost finished but need more yarn. Blanket going well and really enjoying crochet again.

Not really thinking of any major goals for this year; if we remain in good health, get the building work done, AND remain solvent by this time next year I will consider it a very good 2017!


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby PennyUK » January 16th, 2017, 3:43 pm

It's only halfway through the month, surely a reasonable time to post my goals: I haven't posted the things I have done.

1)Ponder My Ideal Life
2)Interview 19th [1]
- go to interview
- sort interview outfit
- FIND CERTIFICATES - A/O/degree (Iast needed three housemoves ago)
3) Etsy shop (part of decluttering) [2]
- investigate how to
- setup policies
- decide items/take photos
- (plan launch in mid February)
4)Make lots of lists
5) FutureLearn Course[3] 16/01, 23/01, 30/01
6) Sort out WI program Xmas/July/Sept/Oct/Feb
7) Organise Directors meeting

1) Chase up tiler
2) Tax Return
3) Relation's Flat - decide how to leasehold [4]
4) Deal with stuff from boxes in garage
- quilt pile/towels/lego/beaded

1) Do Crafty Things
2) Read Real Books
3) Haircut
4) Check Outfit for Do
5) Opus Angoricum at V+A - book tickets + travel
6) Weekly run (two times))

[1] This is for a team of people for temporary work in the summer, and I've done similar before. So I'm reasonably confident: but I haven't actually had a job interview for a very long time.
[2] I have acquired a lot of vintage craft stuff: it will either sell or it won't.
[3] Course is called "Managing My Money" and the subject matter is fairly basic knowledge for a typical Fool. I actually want to do the third course in the series, but was worried I'd forget about it if I didn't start sooner.
[4] Needs a specialist Leasehold Lawyer, but I haven't a clue how to find one, and whether it should be near me/the Relative or the flat.

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 18th, 2017, 6:45 am

Good luck with the interview, Penny!

My goals were so dull it is hard to make the effort to report, but that was the point , to get them done. At the half-way mark the score is:


Write a difficult letter (a frog)
Draw up and post the decluttering list
Finish putting the Christmas things away
Keep being there for TJ during this stressful examination season .
Thank goodness that is over! It mopped up most of last week. He has since run a half marathon, joined a swimming club, cheered up and started planning optimistically for the semester ahead


Start getting rid of the surplus furniture. One office chair gone to the recycling centre
Keep attending SW meetings I have lost the weight I gained over Christmas. It is not much trouble to follow this eating plan, the food is so good. It’s only a pity there are not more meal times in the week, to be able to try more of the recipes.
Rationalise the cash accounts and decide to what extent it is worth chasing rates with small sums
Finish sorting the bedding out (check there isn’t any more in the boxes, possibly buy some new, send some to TJ, bin some and pack the rest away)
Go through the things TJ has left here or might want, post off what he wants and dispose of the rest

Not started:

Do some ISA transfers
Sort out my desk, now it has stopped moving around the house
Unpack the boxes of books

Have you tried wearing socks in bed for your insomnia, Doone? It can help at this time of year, as cold feet can be a contributory factor.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby splosh » January 19th, 2017, 5:18 pm

Just checking in on myself again, and discovering a couple I had completely forgotten about (as well as the ones I know I'm behind on!)

1. 2 arrangement commissions
First one is delivered, to great jubilation and recjoicing from the client. The second one is staring balefully at me while I procrastinate and do busy-work.
2. 1 coaching gig end of the month
3. Choir concert and transition into suspension of activities One rehearsal to go and then the concert day. Some of the admin done for the next phase. All quite emotionally difficult - I am finding it hard to get on with preparing for things happening later in the year with this hanging over me. My future self will be irritated if I don't crack on with some of it though.
4. Buy new laptop Done!
5. Book training course Oh yes, I had forgotten about this one.
6. Start prep for events in March and July These are the ones I am struggling to get moving on.
7. Meeting about possible new work Successful meeting, new work will start in the autumn. Won't be a very big time commitment, but it will be interesting, a good CV line, and excellent for networking. I'm not very good at proactively going out and meeting people cold, but I am good at forming good working relationships that pay off in the future when circumstances bring me in contact with people.

1. 2 quartet rehearsals
Had both already.
2. See at least two local friends Got a date in the diary with one. Need to make more of an effort to catch up with the other.
3. Go to history talk Later in the month

Home, health, family
1. See brother
2. Get weight back under control <Stares blankly into the distance>
3. Buy clothes Yes! And, having decluttered a lot of stuff that was just getting a bit too shabby, I can see where I can usefully target further shopping.
4. Start garden planning Not yet
5. Get on with under-stair storage project Still going well, but not yet finished.
6. Moderate screen time Doing a bit better with this, but not much.

Well, checking in was in some ways a work-avoidance strategy, but I can see something I can get on with that isn't as hard as the stuff I am actively procrastinating, so it's turned out quite useful. Work-as-work-avoidance is one of my most established productivity hacks :-)


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby doone100 » January 20th, 2017, 1:33 pm

Have you tried wearing socks in bed for your insomnia, Doone? It can help at this time of year, as cold feet can be a contributory factor.

Thanks for the suggestion T.
I have no problem falling asleep, its staying asleep that is the problem or being able to drop off again after waking. The bedroom is quite warm, I would prefer it a little cooler but Mr Doone doesn't.

It has been a little better for the last week, but I think I need to have treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is often a reason for waking in the wee small hours.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 21st, 2017, 1:44 pm

Hi all,

And here's the report for the end of this week. It's amazing just how goals can slip away from your immediate attention.

That is, unless you YTST them :)


Home/Work Routine 2017 goals

1) Don't go into work "late" more than twice/month - on track
2) Leave the office 5 pm at the latest three days/week (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - worked from home two days, which was good
3) Be in bed lights out by 10 pm three days/week - went to bed at 1 am one night ! going backwards with this one
4) Don't play online scrabble except during the commute - still ok, had "virtual commute" when I worked from home
5) Fit in a short daily meditation three days/week - 1 day/week, but have finished the pack I wasn't really enjoying
6) Daily (hamstring and more) stretches - oh dear ! Just back from training, and absence of practice is really showing

Professional 2017 goals

2017 #1 - Fellowship application accepted, with (online) profile in line with "senior" level language - this weekend ? (adopts hopeful tone ?)
2017 #2 - Add a professional Society CPD committee membership to my activities - progress, have been invited to end of March meeting
2017 #3 - Write and publish a CPD blog series in house - erk, gotta finish the scope this weekend, meeting with boss on Monday !
2017 #4 - Get a (project) management mentor - postpone until April
2017 #5 - Define and start implementing my 5 year "post 50s career resilience" plan - was supposed to be this weekend, but see #3
2017 #6 - Get a good in my April 2017 appraisal, ongoing support and resources from my employer - focus on focus

Study and life admin 2017 goals

1) Keep 1 m radius clear around my desk - still ok
2) Put away *at the end of each day* clutter around my desk - clutter building up, will deal with now
3) Do my tax return - should do this weekend, but it's already looking full
4) Do my (work) diary at least three days/week - 3 days (I think)
5) Organise my networks, connections into (mind)maps - who do I stay in touch with, and how? - that is so not going to happen this month (now)
6) Clear out the garage. And the workshop. And the conservatory - Easter holiday :) No change there

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 22nd, 2017, 6:12 am

You are being very awesome this year, FS101!

Three weeks already. However I have cheered myself up by reviewing progress. I see that sorting out parental paperwork is not on this month's list, so I shall stop making myself sad with it and focus on what is.

Write a difficult letter
Draw up and post the decluttering list
Finish putting the Christmas things away
Keep being there for TJ during this stressful examination season
Finish sorting the bedding out
Go through the things TJ has left here or might want, post off what he wants and dispose of the rest

Start getting rid of the surplus furniture
Keep attending SW meetings
Unpack the boxes of books

Not started:
Rationalise the cash accounts and decide to what extent it is worth chasing rates with small sums
Do some ISA transfers
Sort out my desk, now it has stopped moving around the house


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tanya2012 » January 25th, 2017, 8:22 pm

Scuppered my January goals which I hadn't even posted by slipping in shower at the weekend and breaking my right wrist. Yes, I am right-handed. Enjoying a bit of time out from work in a perverse way but very frustrating.
Tanya x

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 26th, 2017, 11:31 am

Ouch Tanya - how horrid for you! I hope it is not *too* painful, and that it heals swiftly.

When I read my original posting,I was really interested in looking at what I have managed, and where I have not started at all. I am actually rather pleased with what I have done, but realise it has been at the cost of not managing other things. For instance, I have done nothing (other than one drawer and the cupboard under it) towards decluttering. No heaps of clothes to be sorted through, mainly because, in order to do the work that had to be done, I had heaps of paper to sort through first! I realise that it is not just that I need to set aside a day a week to keep everything up to date, I need to do two days to do it properly! Hence the panic whenever a deadline looms, as the papers have been through a hurricane since the last panic, and then I only sort out the necessary papers rather than sorting properly! So....this time, the papers have been sorted *and* filed, and then I was able to:-

1. File and File the Annual Returns for both myself and himself. I even set a prompt payment time for the monies to leave.
2. Do the VAT returns, and again set up bank payment dates.
3 Clear up general admin such as bill paying, and bank recs.

I am also clearing through the annual accounts for our local Garden Club, and am having a degree of success with reading books, rather than magazines.. It seems that if I have several books on the go, then I am happy to read whichever suits my mood at that moment, and finding that this suits me very well.

However, on one subject in particular things have not been so good.

My size is still dispiriting....I cannot see me being stick thin by May (I have never been stick thin, so why this is now compuslory, I cannot understand) and I am terrified about going into shops and trying on clothes that do not suit/fit me, and feeling lumpen. Sadly, my daughter and I do not agree on what I will look good in, and I do want both her and myself to be happy that day. I think that one of the problems is that when I look at "Mother of the Bride" pages, the models they use, if I am lucky, will be in their forties, and I am several decades past that, and most of those clothes are just not reflective of the person I am now. Oh well, perhaps writing it down will give me clarity, as happened with the work issue.

So, definitely a curate's egg of a month, but there is still the best part of a week to go, and despite some things not going as planned, I do feel this is useful.


ps On reviewing this - I suddenly thought "stay away from Mother of the Bride pages" and perhaps things might be better!!

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 27th, 2017, 2:05 pm

I am sorry your size is dispiriting you. Anne-Marie. You have tine to get a bit trimmer over the next four months, if you felt up to it? But you may be too busy. One needs to be in the right frame of mind to address the issue.

Have you considered booking a personal shopper at John Lewis? I have heard very favourable reports of the service, which is free. They have loads of MTB outfits it would seem. How about these two? ... y/p3136216 ... d/p3108291

The MTB dilemma must be very familiar to a personal shopper, they would probably be able quickly to shortlist things that suit you and reduce the angst.

Another thing that helps enormously, I find, is buying new underwear. If you haven't done that recently you could get yourself measured at M&S. With well fitted new underwear all one's outfits look better straight away.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 27th, 2017, 6:10 pm

T, that is so kind of you!

Funnily enough I have been looking at Gina Bacconi, but not through John Lewis.

I don't know why I feel dispirited, as I have been losing weight steadily over the past four months (not counting Christmas, which saw a bad relapse!). But it is only around 1lb a week, so people who see me frequently see no difference, except to say that I look well! Also I think it is looking online intead of going instore, where as I said, all the MTB photos are of women in their forties if I'm lucky, and I was never going to look like that again however thin I become!! I have decided not to look anymore until March, and then go into the good department stores and spend time browsing and trying. I think you are right about a personal shopper though, and I shall look into it. Ditto underwear. I shall look the best I can possibly be, and enjoy myself!

But thank you, for your encouragement. It helps to get things into perspective! :P


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 28th, 2017, 3:35 pm

Hi everyone,

Annemarie, am sorry to hear you are feeling bleurgh about your size. As someone who is 3.5-4 stone lighter than when I first started posting (that's MF, I haven't just lost all that since the Lemon started :)) I can sympathise. I didn't have a (full length) mirror in my house for 15 years. I used to be a size 20/22 and am now a steady 12.

Myfitnesspal as a "energy in, energy out" measuring tool is brilliant, and you will be amazed at just how much lots of small walks add up to (and the importance of portion control - sorry). If you're going to do one thing today, go out for a half an hour walk ?

Something else which has made a huge difference is getting personal trainer (a good one, I think there are three levels). It doesn't have to be a shouty one like one of those off the TV, nor one who is a third of your age (I'm guessing here :)). Mine is over 40, and has clients all the way into her 70s. They would work on underlying core strength and posture, which will make a difference to how clothes hang. I guess one way to select is to ask how many over 40s they train. You really need to know what you are doing with older bodies.

I'd like to second T's suggestion of some decent underwear and, if you are "generously proportioned" on top, I can definitely recommend a trip to a Bravissimo shop. A good uplift will definitely make you feel good about yourself.

And I have no idea what stick thin is :) I'm still above that BMI 25 line ;)

P.S. I shall avoid posting my "progress" this week. T, I have been awesome (thank you :)) but more at posting my progress than actually doing things

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby splosh » January 29th, 2017, 10:54 am

Hi everyone,
Two days left in which to either complete, defer, or abandon anything still left undone...

1. 2 arrangement commissions
One done, as previously reported, the other very nearly ready. Plan to deliver it tomorrow.
2. 1 coaching gig Still to come
3. Choir concert and transition into suspension of activities Concert was yesterday, and it went well. Lots of the admin for transition done, just some tidying up and filing left to do. Want to get this done today so it isn't hanging over me any more.
4. Buy new laptop Done!
5. Book training course Picked up at my last check-in as a forgotten item, and now done. Have also booked travel and hotel, so all set.
6. Start prep for events in March and July Token effort for March event, nothing yet for July. Need to get cracking on these.
7. Meeting about possible new work As previously reported, new work expected to start in the Autumn.

1. 2 quartet rehearsals
2. See at least two local friends Had a good catch-up with one, am really feeling the need for a catch-up with the other. Will see if I can nobble her in the next couple of days.
3. Go to history talk Done. It was interesting :-)

Home, health, family
1. See brother
2. Get weight back under control Well, it seems to have stopped actually going up, which I suppose is technically meeting that goal. But my waistbands are not entirely convinced.
3. Buy clothes Done quite well here. Have decluttered more than I have bought, though, so can still usefully keep looking to fill some gaps.
4. Start garden planning Have done some, though not a huge amount. Still, the goal was to start, and I have started.
5. Get on with under-stair storage project Today we will actually be able to start moving things in. But we have been re-thinking the door, having had a quote from the guy who made our boot drawer that was priced as 'don't really want this work, but will do it if you pay me enough'. The rethinking has produced a rather simpler and more elegant solution than Plan A, which we can do ourselves. So the to-do list has got longer, but it still feels like making good progress.
6. Moderate screen time I'm not sure how much less screen time I have had, but the balance between doing useful things and making myself depressed reading too much news and social media commentary has improved.

Sending quick recovery vibes to Tanya, and feeling-good-about-yourself vibes to Anne-Marie, and general, good-work-keep-going vibes to everyone.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 29th, 2017, 1:31 pm

Hi everyone,

3) Do my tax return - Done !!

Now, as to the rest of that list, have got 3.5 hours free before go see an elderly neighbour. Better get cracking !


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 30th, 2017, 11:30 am

Many thanks to T and fs101 - this morning I am feeling much more positive, and ready to get on with the job, rather than wailing about how long it is taking!

Overall this month, I have been able to tick most boxes, leaving a couple of frogs that will continue with me into February! These include

1. Work on redecorating/updating. Nothing practical done, but I have had more ideas about the way forward, and how I can do it.
2. Decluttering - little tangible work, but I am almost through reading Marie Kondo, and really enjoying how she approaches the idea of throwing things away. I shall be at the apartment in February, so am going to declutter there, using her approach, and then I will feel strong enough (I hope) to start on the real task, the house.
3. Finances - kept my head above water, with all the tasks that had to be done, but nothing about future planning. Must get up to speed on this.
4. Buddhist practice - I really really need to live in the moment!!

But this leaves:

1 Ongoing work on looking good for May - I realise that this is not a wave of the wand jobby, and it will be a baby step at a time. However, with a great deal of thanks to T and fs101, I can see that I will still look good, however much weight I do/do not manage to shift. People do not run screaming in horror at the moment, so why should they start on this one particular day! I still want to look my best for my daughter's sake, but with no need to go into self loathing. However, I have added more walking into my daily routine, and a few excercises, and this will hopfeully tone my muscles so that I am standing better.
2 Yoga - I have contacted a yoga teacher to take a few one-on-one sessions to start in March. This will start the process of reclaiming my fitness. In the meantime. walking and exercises at home will have to suffice.
3. Work - I ticked all my boxes here, and am feeling fairly euphoric about it. Of course, work being work, more has replaced the original list, but at least it is current, rather than frog like. But the fascinating discovery has been that I actually need to spend longer - around 2 days a week - to keep everything under control. I have been using panic mode for too long! And I do not mind this, as I know that I will feel less stressed by doing everything properly. Actually I think that the Marie Kondo technique for work is what I am looking at. ;)
4. I am reading books more than magazines, and really enjoying having several on the go at one time.

So, still a curate's egg month, but I feel so much better being on the sunny side rather than the dark side! Thank you Splosh for the good vibes, they seem to be working.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 31st, 2017, 9:03 am

I am glad you are feeling more cheerful, Anne-Marie.

I too have been walking. I was thinking about how I could help TJ get on with his studies, and I thought maybe if I went for a walk each day, to get fit, it might encourage him to work each day too. I can’t help with the Maths because it is too hard. But I can attend to my own business effectively and set the mood.

I decided to go for a walk 6 days out of 7 and put Strava on my phone to record it. TJ is very pleased; he worries about me dying on account of my being so extraordinarily old (59), and he has seen me go through patches of ill-health, so he is delighted I am making an effort. He is making an effort with his studies too, this is only week 2 of term but so far so good. He has a lot to do; 80 more credits to get even if he passes the January exams. Thank goodness those are over, I found them gruelling. That was the goal Keep being there for TJ during this stressful examination season (time-consuming, he calls a lot). Results next week.

As regards Keep attending SW meetings, I have done, but I don’t seem to have lost weight. I have had some awesome meals though, their recipes are excellent and our consultant is an inspiring cook. I am sticking to the guidelines. I suppose I must just eat too much of it. However if I keep eating healthy food and walking every day, surely I am bound to get slimmer in time. I feel well on it, anyway.

Write a difficult letter (a frog that is stopping me doing everything else) and Finish putting the Christmas things away are done. So are the de-cluttering-related goals Draw up and post the decluttering list, Start getting rid of the surplus furniture, Go through the things TJ has left here or might want, post off what he wants and dispose of the rest and Finish sorting the bedding out .

Unpack the boxes of books is taking longer then i expected, but for the honourable reason that instead of simply putting them on the shelves I have been combing through them and removing large quantities to go to charity

Sort out my desk is not started. Nor is Do some ISA transfers. I started on Rationalise the cash accounts and decide to what extent it is worth chasing rates with small sums. I still have nineteen savings accounts. I closed two, but then the Leeds made me open another one when they dropped the rate on their regular saver. The answer to the question is that it is too time-consuming to do it perfectly these days, all the rates and therefore the differentials are so low.

Who would like to start the February thread? What shall we call it?


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 31st, 2017, 11:51 am

Fortunate February?

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby PennyUK » January 31st, 2017, 8:31 pm

As an end-of-month checkin, all my non-essential goals have been ditched. My dad is in hospital, so I have been travelling up to see him a lot.

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 31st, 2017, 9:38 pm

I am sorry to hear about your dad, Penny. Sending you both my very kind wishes xxx

Fortunate February would be excellent, Anne-Marie. It would be splendid to have some good fortune during that grey little month. Would you like to start it off for us?


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