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Jump into January 2017

Think it, Plan it, Do it
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Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 1st, 2017, 10:51 am

Happy New Year to us all!

It is the very first day of 2017, and the whole year lies clean and fresh before us. We have never been in
this year before, and although it is only a day away from 2016, we have, right now, the choice to make of this new year
all that we could want. This page of our life is totally unwritten, so what are we going to choose to make of it?

We have no magic wands, but we do know about courage and determination.

So, let's put our intentions into practice, and begin that journey of a thousand miles, with the step that begins today.

I will post my own intentions and update later.

Let's do our best to make this journey that is our life as good as it possibly can be, my friends


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Wondergirly » January 1st, 2017, 11:27 am

Marvellous introduction Anne-Marie

I still have a party to go to today so not quite ready to deal with 2017 yet, but will have a good think :idea: as I undecorate the house tomorrow.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby PennyUK » January 1st, 2017, 6:04 pm

Thank you for the introduction Anne-Marie.

It's been really hard for me to come up with my goals for this year. And then last week it dawned on me that was because I didn't have a current Big Picture for how I wanted to life to be for the next few years: the one I had was looking a bit dog-eared and generally outdated.

It is nearly a decade since I'd developed it and while I still liked it in general, all sorts of things have changed since then including moving to a new area, and all my children going to University. So part of the aim for the next two or three months is to come up with a new Big Picture to put into action.

Of course, there are also a whole load of normal things to be doing in January. So I will spend a little while longer thinking them through and coming up with a plan to put here.

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tanya2012 » January 1st, 2017, 9:32 pm

Tomorrow I think I actually get a day off from life so plan to give my goals for 2017 some serious thought. I will also set some little quick fix goals for January. Must admit I did spend a very successful day at Dad's today - more of later but broached a few issues.
Happy New Year all with love from Tanya and the cats.

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 2nd, 2017, 2:40 pm


I thought I would review my long rambling Sweet Sixteen post from a couple of days ago and extract out the goals. Made a couple of tweaks, but most are unchanged.

I reckon I'm going to keep these "static" through the whole of 2017, let's see how it goes

Home/Work Routine 2017 goals

1) Don't go into work "late" more than twice/month

2) Leave the office 5 pm at the latest three days/week (Tues, Thurs, Fri)

3) Be in bed lights out by 10 pm three days/week

4) Don't play online scrabble except during the commute

5) Fit in a short daily meditation three days/week

6) Daily (hamstring and more) stretches. Some crazy end target about being able to put my head on the floor :)

Professional 2017 goals

2017 #1 - Fellowship application accepted, with (online) profile in line with "senior" level language

2017 #2 - Add a professional Society CPD committee membership to my activities

2017 #3 - Write and publish a CPD blog series in house

2017 #4 - Get a (project) management mentor - and a qualification ?

2017 #5 - Define and start implementing my 5 year "post 50s career resilience" plan

2017 #6 - Get a good in my April 2017 appraisal, ongoing support and resources from my employer

Study and life admin 2017 goals

1) Keep 1 m radius clear around my desk

2) Put away *at the end of each day* clutter around my desk

3) Do my tax return

4) Do my (work) diary at least three days/week

5) Organise my networks, connections into (mind)maps - who do I stay in touch with, and how?

6) Clear out the garage. And the workshop. And the conservatory.

That's all folks :)


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Wondergirly » January 2nd, 2017, 9:02 pm

I have a fancy to travel 1000 miles on my own two feet this year. Having done some rough calculations, it will take an average of at least 8000 steps per day, which appears to be achievable.
My final appointment with the surgeon is scheduled for 31st January, but the lovely Mr Hull said I was to feel free to cancel it the week before if I have had no problems. So far, so good.
I am going to put finding a new Pilates teacher on the back burner for now and see how I get on with other things. Weight-training will commence this month.

It is the end of our company financial year on the 31st, so I can begin to gather up most of the information needed by our accountant.
Still need to close an account, but waiting on Someone Else to do Something.

Go through our outgoings and see if there is any fat to be cut. Obvious contenders are the entertainment and grocery budgets. At least 10% should be achievable.

Structural engineer should be here on Wednesday 4th, which means progress.
Dedecorate the house, pack away anything good enough to keep and write a list of what needs to be bought for next Christmas (I would normally buy in the sales, but see next item)
At some point this year, if we ever are lucky enough to commence building works, we will need to rent storage. So, need to get 'stuff' down to a minimum. Begin this month with bedding, towels, Christmas items and general decor stuff (art, souvenirs, general fripperies)
Get the front garden down to bare bones. There are a lot of old and sad shrubs in there, weeds growing among things etc. and the lawn edges are not edges. Cut back, dig up, neaten, and then see what gaps need to be filled before spring gets a grip and everything goes crazy again.

Absolutely nothing in the diary so must organise at least one outing of some sort.
Plenty of walking when the weather is amenable (see above), and a couple of craft projects to keep me occupied indoors; a poncho in a fabulous-but difficult to knit-yarn which is about one third complete, and I plan on starting a crocheted 'temperature blanket' as soon as I get to the yarn shop on Wednesday :lol:

Not really thinking of any major goals for this year; if we remain in good health, get the building work done, AND remain solvent by this time next year I will consider it a very good 2017!


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby splosh » January 3rd, 2017, 8:31 am

Hi all,
Bit late to the party as I didn't want to start thinking too hard about work things until after the bank holidays :-) Happy New Year to everyone, and thanks to Anne-Marie for getting us started in 2017.

Overall goals for the year:
By the end of 2017,
- I will know what my pattern of activities looks like after closing my choir
- I will have better facilitation skills
- I will have spent more time with my family than in 2016
- Our new financial structure will be bedding in
- I will have had some fun/interesting experiences to look back on
- Our under-stair storage will be in use
- The futility room will be less cluttered
- We will have a hanging fernery

And for January:

1. 2 arrangement commissions
2. 1 coaching gig
3. Choir concert and transition into suspension of activities
4. Buy new laptop
5. Book training course
6. Start prep for events in March and July
7. Meeting about possible new work

1. 2 quartet rehearsals
2. See at least two local friends
3. Go to history talk

Home, health, family
1. See brother
2. Get weight back under control
3. Buy clothes
4. Start garden planning
5. Get on with under-stair storage project
6. Moderate screen time

It has to be said that my old laptop is helping me moderate screen time by periodically over-heating and shutting itself down. But that's not necessarily helpful for achieving my work goals. What I need is a laptop that works properly, and some self-discipline...


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby DeBriefed » January 3rd, 2017, 11:17 am

I'm very impressed by all the year goals. I'm having baby no 2 this year and find it very hard to imagine what life will look like after that, so my overarching goal is just to see what happens and navigate as I go (bit of a cop out but there you go!)
The only other long term goals are practical/housey:
A) I would really like to get our bathroom re-done - it's white, so not horrible, but all flaky paint and ageing accessories (suspect it is at least 30 years since it was last done - quite possibly more given the tiles are all imperial sizes). Especially with no window, it feels a bit dingy and could really do with a freshen up.
B) A couple of our remaining single-glazed windows could also do with double-glazing this year.
C) Our garden door is progressively rotting and lost a chunk during the winter: look into replacing with plastic (dodgy damp proof course means inevitably a new wooden one would simply rot too) and get on and do it over the summer.

As for month goals (tragic number carried over from December's already short list!):

1) Sort out dates for friends to come to lunch in January.
2) Declutter airing cupboard and find space for new towels.
3) Declutter/file 2016 paperwork and do tax return.
4) Get professional help to deal with mouse problem (if mouse seen again).
5) Get baby clothes out of loft, donate pink stuff and find a home for gender neutral stuff.
6) Do Christmas thank-yous.
7) Sort out handover of all ongoing projects at work so that early mat leave wouldn't be a disaster if baby decides to make a break for it ahead of schedule...

Given poor success rate in December and some ongoing family issues, I think that will more than do!

Happy New Year everyone!

LT xx

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby doone100 » January 3rd, 2017, 4:59 pm

Thank you Anne- Marie for starting us off
2017 goals

Health- lose 10 lb and take more exercise

Home- De-clutter(yes, really!!) Renovations to include a new shed, bathroom and kitchen.No big garden plans this year

Family- Be kinder and more patient with FIL, Mr Doone, Master Doone and GF. Visit Mum as often as possible. Offer practical help to Miss Doone and chap with new house.

Work- go with the flow for now. I may think about dropping a few hours in 2017

Finance- we have some endowments maturing this year, spend sensibly on the house and put some aside in savings. Keep all other spend to a minimum

Hobby- Enjoy it!

Kit- find my sewing mojo and crack on with new clothes.

January goals-
Health- get back on board with Eight Week Blood Sugar Diet (apart from 26th)start gentle exercise once my knee stops hurting.

Home- De-clutter in our bedroom, clean windows and behind furniture. Tackle the chaos that is our medieval kit room, including fabric stash. Mr Doone to have a shed clear out.

Family- think before I speak, help daughter and chap at their new house.

Work- catch up from Christmas break, run December reports, re-input shifts

Finance- meal planning and focus on non discretionary spend.

Hobby- Bloody AGM minutes- speak with treasurer regarding the list of paid members. Prioritise sewing projects. Try one new recipe

Kit. Finish current unfinished projects

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 3rd, 2017, 5:41 pm


Although I have not posted goals on this board for some time, I am going to miss out the explanation, and jump straight into my goals for 2017

1 I intend to continue with my studies of the Buddha and his teachings, as it seems to be giving me a much calmer view on life.

2. I intend to look as good as I can by May when my youngest daughter is getting married again, and I really do not want to look like an old bag rather than the mother of the bride! For a start, I need to lose weight, so that when I begin looking for outfits in March/April I shall not be too demoralised.

3. I intend to take a one-to-one consultation with a yogi, so that I can re-start my practice with an agreed set of exercises, geared to the limitations of my body. Then when I have these more or less under control, I can rejoin a class.

4. I intend to redecorate several of the rooms here, and in our small apartment. The colours here have yet to be agreed by myself and himself, but fortunately we both agree that the apartment is to be painted white throughout. Also, I want to re-upholster our chairs and sofas. We sadly have no cats in our household at the moment, and the tattered and torn arms of the furniture are a sad reminder of that. Here, the difference in the choice of colours between the two of us is enormous, and I have yet to find a way through this dilemma (but I shall :roll: )

5. I intend to discipline myself to a day of work a week, rather than leaving everything until the end of the month and then panic! That's what happens when I can set my own times - I just leave it all.

6 I intend to de-clutter in 2017. I look around me here at home, and see stuff everywhere. I know houses are always full at this time of year, but this is becoming beyond a joke. I have the books, I have the intention, now to start the work. For those of you who use Marie Kondo as your expert, do/did you really put all your clothes on the floor at once - I will have a pile which I am certain will cause me to stop and put everything back, just as it is. Please tell me that it is ok to have an outlandish pile on the floor, and that I will be able to deal with it.

7. I intend to read more books rather than magazines.

8. I intend to look at my finances overall to see what, if anything, needs shifting around. It is good to do this in January along with my Annual Return, which always terrifies me until I have finished, when I recall that I have been doing it now for some years, and it is not beyond me.

Do you know, I think that is quite sufficient for the time being. Onward and upward


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 5th, 2017, 4:47 pm

Please can I celebrate with you that I am now slogging my way through all my paperwork for the year so that I can fill in my Annual Return. I hate starting this task, and then find it is nowhere near as bad as I had believed, so fingers crossed, I will have it ready to file by the weekend. Hurrah! And note to self....if you tackled this more systematically, it would all seem much less of a terrifying prospect! Please try to remember this in future (why don't I ever listen to myself?)


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby doone100 » January 6th, 2017, 3:45 pm

Well done Anne-Marie, a nice piece of Frog-slaying achieved there.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 6th, 2017, 7:40 pm

Thank you Doone :D

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 7th, 2017, 6:49 pm

Thank you for an inspiring introduction, Anne-Marie.

I’ve had a good think about goals for 2017. I shall be 60 this year. I considered tackling some new project, a job or a qualification for example. But I’ve had some sort of project on for the last forty-odd years. I shall try a year without one, and see whether it makes a pleasant change. Looking at the goals below, this seems to be a tidying-up year. Starting with myself.

1. Health

Get fitter. Not many of us get through our 60s without something requiring the attentions of the NHS. Something that in past centuries would most likely have carried us off, hence why one’s years were said to be threescore and ten. Today we generally get a second chance, to fix things and carry on. I want to be fit enough so that when my ailment strikes, whatever it is, I can recover well. Two years ago I had an NHS health check. They gave me a card with my scores on for their various tests and questions (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc). I am aiming to improve them this year and get them all within the recommended limits by the next check in three years’ time.

2. Investing

Prioritise this. Get things tidy, review plans and implement as necessary. . A problem last year was the disruption of the building work, a lot of dust and moving things around. Also the distraction of poor savings rates on cash. Keeping ones interest on savings above zero is time-consuming these days. I shall do less building work and give the matter more time and attention.

3. House project

There was far too much of this last year. Unfortunately there is still a certain amount of designing and shopping to do, my least favourite tasks. (My top favourite tasks are demolition, general site labouring and painting & decorating, but there is little of those left) I shall tick off the following:

Furnish the sitting room
Paint the exterior
Install a balustrade round the terrace
Get the works signed off by the planning department and building control

4. Declutter

Please don’t imagine I live in some hoarder’s lair, with all my talk of decluttering. It is ordinary things If the house was bigger the amount wouldn’t be a problem, but it’s pretty small. For some years I kept having tides of stuff surging in for various life-change reasons. But most of that has gone and the decluttering is now on a normal scale. It is just a question of picking through the flotsam and jetsam. Trying to have the right tools for the job, as it were, and no more. A high standard, but I want to get a bit closer to it and feel the house is really clear. I shall make a list on the deluttering thread of the remaining clutter zones and sort some of them out.

5. Support TJ

He is half way through the final year of his Maths degree and finding things rather heavy going. So am I! It is time-consuming and sometimes a puzzle to know how to help. I shall plod on.

6. Go on holiday

7. Win the Lottery

Nearly forgot this one! Win A MAJOR PRIZE on the Lottery or Premium Bonds. Is that clear enough? This year the Goddess Fortune will come up with the goods.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 7th, 2017, 6:52 pm

January goals are:

Keep attending SW meetings
Keep being there for TJ during this stressful examination season (time-consuming, he calls a lot)
Write a difficult letter (a frog that is stopping me doing everything else)
Do some ISA transfers
Rationalise the cash accounts and decide to what extent it is worth chasing rates with small sums
Finish putting the Christmas things away
Draw up and post the decluttering list
Start getting rid of the surplus furniture
Go through the things TJ has left here or might want, post off what he wants and dispose of the rest
Finish sorting the bedding out (check there isn’t any more in the boxes, possibly buy some new, send some to TJ, bin some and pack the rest away)
Sort out my desk, now it has stopped moving around the house
Unpack the boxes of books


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby futuresaver101 » January 8th, 2017, 4:31 pm

Hi all,

Thought my goals would benefit from a weekly report. Let's rephrase that, I need to report in so I keep on top of things, italic means mostly ok, bold means needs more focus.

Re Marie Kondo, I recommend starting with your undies drawer (or sock drawer). Do the empty it all out onto the bed, sort as per Kondo suggests, and then put back, folded nicely. Live with it for a few months, get into the habit of folding (easier and easier because you get daily joy from opening your drawers and getting your "smalls" out because it all looks so nice).

And then, once you are in the groove, select another class of clothing (shoes?) and apply the same technique. What I found was that I couldn't throw out all the worn stuff in one go. I kept a few bits but the act of cleaning things out made the "worn-ness" of what I kept look more obvious, and it's clearer why they need to be passed on. I'll do a charity shop run this week.


Home/Work Routine 2017 goals

1) Don't go into work "late" more than twice/month - no late starts this week
2) Leave the office 5 pm at the latest three days/week (Tues, Thurs, Fri) - managed two days this week, and worked from home. So that's ok
3) Be in bed lights out by 10 pm three days/week - yeah, didn't get to grips with this one. Hence falling into bed last night at 10 pm !
4) Don't play online scrabble except during the commute - hmmm, did the commute. And a "little" bit at the weekend. Need to change this habit ! Use the freed up time for the CPD blog writing
5) Fit in a short daily meditation three days/week - managed one day/week
6) Daily (hamstring and more) stretches - I'd say three days in total, and have just got some expert feedback on what I was doing wrong

Professional 2017 goals

2017 #1 - Fellowship application accepted, with (online) profile in line with "senior" level language - had a meeting this week, another application iteration to go through, work ongoing
2017 #2 - Add a professional Society CPD committee membership to my activities - will raise this week with my boss, HR
2017 #3 - Write and publish a CPD blog series in house - now I am no longer mentoring, have got "morning time", will start writing content during the morning commute
2017 #4 - Get a (project) management mentor - and a qualification ? - big surprise here, my boss independently started talking about training opportunities, will be via mentoring support rather than paying courses, but this one might be out of the gates sooner than I expected
2017 #5 - Define and start implementing my 5 year "post 50s career resilience" plan - prep work ongoing, will work on this in two weekends time
2017 #6 - Get a good in my April 2017 appraisal, ongoing support and resources from my employer - dependent on quite a few things, including #1, #2,#3 above

Study and life admin 2017 goals

1) Keep 1 m radius clear around my desk - (turns around) looks good at the moment
2) Put away *at the end of each day* clutter around my desk - mostly ok :) and I have got into the habit of a daily check, which is half the battle
3) Do my tax return - schedule for next weekend
4) Do my (work) diary at least three days/week - fail :) actually, it's more like fail :(. This will support #6. Gotta get on this one
5) Organise my networks, connections into (mind)maps - who do I stay in touch with, and how? - fits in with my #5 goal, do the first draft in two weeks
6) Clear out the garage. And the workshop. And the conservatory. - my hubby has already started talking about what he would like in the garage once cleared, having a vision is part of the way there. Perhaps we should schedule a couple of weeks off around Easter to implement ?

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 8th, 2017, 6:13 pm

Good thinking, FS101.For my first weeks report I am pleased to say I have written the froggy letter. and what is more, posted it. I walked up to the post box with it this afternoon, to get it out of the house so it was completely finished .

I checked with TJ, a disciple of Marie Kondo, Anne-Marie. I texted to ask whether there should be a pile of clothes. He replied 'Yep. Get 'em all out'. So there you have it :-) But you might have more than he did to start with. I find if I just get rid of a few things its a start, and the rest will follow. The more you get rid of the easier it is to see what is left and be selective.


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby amh4 » January 8th, 2017, 7:27 pm

Thank so the thoughts on decluttering T and FS101 - I can see that everything clothes-wise out and sorted in one go would be really good and satisfying, but I have a terrible feeling that I if I did so, I would disappear under an avalanche of assorted clothes, never to be seen again (yes, I am really, really bad at throwing/giving away clothes!). :lol:

So, I think I will do what FS101 suggests, and do my underwear drawer first, so sort clothing and shoes into subgroups, and do the whole thing one subgroup at a time. I fear that my fear will stop me otherwise. And I will do one subgroup (underwear) this week!


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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby doone100 » January 11th, 2017, 1:41 pm

A quick third of the month update, a wobbly start to the month attributed partially due to having Mr Insomnia visiting, I am so very, very tired.

January goals-
Health- get back on board with Eight Week Blood Sugar Diet (apart from 26th)start gentle exercise once my knee stops hurting.I have not done too well with this, too much cake and chocolate just a stone's throw from my desk.

Home- De-clutter in our bedroom, clean windows and behind furniture. Tackle the chaos that is our medieval kit room, including fabric stash. Mr Doone to have a shed clear out.A start made on the bedroom de-cluttering, it looks a lot better and the windows are clean. I need to move some Christmas things from the new spare room to the attic then I can start on the medieval kit room.

Family- think before I speak, help daughter and chap at their new house. On going

Work- catch up from Christmas break, run December reports, re-input shiftsAlmost there, catch up complete, reports done, shifts done, I just need to add some exceptions now that the shifts are in the system.

Finance- meal planning and focus on non discretionary spend. On going

Hobby- Bloody AGM minutes- speak with treasurer regarding the list of paid members. Prioritise sewing projects. Try one new recipe no progress at all

Kit. Finish current unfinished projectsNo progress

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Re: Jump into January 2017


Postby splosh » January 12th, 2017, 5:53 pm

Hi everyone! Bit delayed in coming in for a report as I lost my password (bit of a shock to the system having to have a new one as the one I'd used for 16 years on TMF didn't fit the criteria here), but I have been lurking like billyo, and am now sorted out to log in again with a little help from my friends.

1. 2 arrangement commissions
First one is complete in draft. Still a fair bit of work to do, but it is coming along. Need to crack on as another has come in this week, though they are not expecting delivery until next month.
2. 1 coaching gig end of the month
3. Choir concert and transition into suspension of activities We have had the first of our last 3 rehearsals, and are on course to go out on a high.
4. Buy new laptop Done! I am typing on it even now.
5. Book training course Not done yet.
6. Start prep for events in March and July Nothing yet.
7. Meeting about possible new work Next week

1. 2 quartet rehearsals
Had both already.
2. See at least two local friends Got a date in the diary with one. Have had a couple of short, meet-in-the-street chats with the other one I really want to catch up with, but need to have a proper sit-down with a cuppa before too long.
3. Go to history talk Later in the month

Home, health, family
1. See brother
2. Get weight back under control Best not say too much about this yet
3. Buy clothes Yes! Have done very well with this, and can now join the declutterers without leaving myself to go naked.
4. Start garden planning Not yet
5. Get on with under-stair storage project This is going very indeed. Which is good because we keep thinking of other small projects to do.
6. Moderate screen time Not doing very well with this.

So, going okay so far. In some ways it feels like I'm a bit behind myself, but things like shopping for and then moving into a new computer always take more time than I'd like. But I guess that's why we write the goals, so we can check up on ourselves to see how far we're getting blown off course by day-to-day distractions.


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