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Dutch citizen driving to UK from Holland

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 9:30 am
by poundcoin
My son and family live in Holland but wanted to drive home for Christmas prob via Harwich..

They have tried looking online at what the procedure is with paperwork and covid testing a) when here and b) when returning but are totally confused by the answers they've found.

Has anyone any practical experience of relos driving here from EU recently and whats required on their return.

Re: Dutch citizen driving to UK from Holland

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 10:02 am
by Howard
A relative recently travelling from another European country to the UK told me that they contacted the British Embassy and found their advice very straightforward and helpful. (Much better than confusing advice from other agencies on the internet.)

Hope this may be a good approach in Holland as well.



Re: Dutch citizen driving to UK from Holland

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 10:10 am
by redsturgeon
If they are fully vaccinated then they should have no issue. From the UK government site

Who needs to take a test
You must take a COVID-19 test before you travel to England if you either:

do not qualify as fully vaccinated for travel to England
have been in a country or territory on the red list in the 10 days before you will arrive in England
You do not have to take a COVID-19 test before you travel to England if you qualify as fully vaccinated and you have not been in a red list country.

This also seems straight forward for their return to the Netherlands

Fully vaccinated travellers arriving in the Netherlands from the UK via aeroplane, ferry, passenger car, train or bus must show one of the following:

a negative PCR test result (taken no more than 48 hours before departure);
a negative antigen test result (taken no more than 24 hours before departure).
Fully vaccinated travellers are exempt from quarantine on arrival in the Netherlands.

UK nationals who are legally resident in the Netherlands
UK nationals who are legally resident in the Netherlands are allowed to re-enter the country regardless of their vaccination status, but will need to show one of the following:

a residency permit
a certificate of application
They may be subject to questioning by Dutch border authorities when they arrive in the Netherlands.

This measure does not apply to those travelling to the Netherlands from a country that is on the list of safe countries/regions, published by the Dutch government.

And of course the passenger locator form requirements that can now be a lateral flow test

Fully vaccinated travellers are required to:

book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test – to be taken after arrival in England
complete a passenger locator form – any time in the 48 hours before arrival in England
take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after arrival in England

Caveat that this may all change at any time.


Re: Dutch citizen driving to UK from Holland

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 11:08 am
by Midsmartin
The best thing is to check the UK government website for information about entering the UK, and the Dutch government website for info on re entering the Netherlands. Any other sources might be out of date or inaccurate.

Re: Dutch citizen driving to UK from Holland

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 12:51 pm
by poundcoin
Thanks for the replies all , will pass this on.