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A Day Out in Covid 19 Restrictions

Posted: January 4th, 2021, 11:25 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
This time last year (that's 2020 for the non mathematicians amongst us, including me) we had booked a week in Spain over Easter and had plans to spend 2 weeks in Orlando in August and 1 week in Tenerife in late October.

We were so looking forward to a year of "time outs" with our daughter.

It wasn't to be. And my/our thoughts are now with those who have lost far more than a "year out". We've been planning our next "time out". At about 3.45pm tomorrow we will be mounting a full scale time out at our local Co-op. We know they haven't caught up with theme park technology and don't issue time sensitive ride tickets. But when you need two tonnes of toilet roll it's worth queuing isn't it? Immediately after our small adventure in the local purveyor of goods we propose to drive straight home, via the London Eye :lol:

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