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Aviva (AV.)

Posted: February 26th, 2019, 5:21 pm
by idpickering
This from TMF;

Why I think the Aviva share price is perfect for my 2019 ISA

It just has to be dividend paying shares stashed in a stocks and shares ISA, and I typically look for solid reliable dividends that I think will keep on paying over the long term.

But with my long-term horizon, I see great scope for adding companies in cyclical sectors, whose earnings and dividends can rise and fall, but which provide an attractive (if perhaps a little erratic) long-term cash stream.

The insurance sector has been a favourite of mine for a long time, and I’m looking at Aviva (LSE: AV) once again, now that its share price has been in a bit of a slump and its forecast dividend yields have climbed.

We’re in very uncertain economic times, and that helped push the Aviva share price down by more than 25% between last summer’s high point and the end of 2018. ... -2019-isa/

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: February 26th, 2019, 6:20 pm
by monabri
Needs the appointment of a CEO!

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: March 4th, 2019, 7:09 am
by idpickering
Aviva Appoints Chief Executive Officer

Aviva plc ("Aviva" or the "Company") today announces Maurice Tulloch will become Chief Executive Officer with effect from 4th March 2019.

Sir Adrian Montague, Chairman of Aviva, who has been acting in an executive capacity pending the appointment of a CEO, will revert to his role as non-executive Chairman on 4th March 2019.

Maurice joined Aviva in 1992 and was appointed to the Board of Aviva plc in June 2017. Maurice is currently Aviva's Chief Executive Officer, International Insurance and has responsibility for Aviva's life insurance and general insurance operations in France, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Turkey and India. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of Aviva UK and Ireland General Insurance, one of the largest businesses in the Aviva group.

Details of Maurice's remuneration can be found at the end of this announcement. ... 00086772R/

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: March 4th, 2019, 8:16 am
by csearle
Coincidentally last week I top-sliced AZN from 175% median to 125% portfolio-median using the released cash, along with accumulated dividends, to top-up AV.

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: March 4th, 2019, 11:51 am
by monabri
The 2018 Final results are due out on 7th March. That gives the new CEO virtually no time to kitchen-sink the results so he can fudge his long term incentive plan ! ;)

(#5 in my HYP at 4.0% of the p/f by value)

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: March 7th, 2019, 8:42 am
by monabri
Link to info - Final Results 2018


Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: March 7th, 2019, 2:31 pm
by idpickering
This from TMF;

This is what I’d do about the Aviva share price and that 7% dividend yield

The FTSE 100’s life insurance giant Aviva (LSE: AV) looks tempting against traditional valuation measures. The current share price of around 419p throws up a price-to-earnings rating of just over seven, a price-to-book ratio of around one, and a dividend yield of more than 7% — cheap, cheap, cheap!

But if you look at the six-year financial record, you’ll see that revenue, earnings and operating cash flow have all been patchy over the period, rising up and down from year to year. Meanwhile, the dividend has been on a steady upwards trajectory. In fairness, City analysts expect advances in revenue and earnings during 2019. ... end-yield/

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 8:12 am
by monabri ... 49268.html

"Following the recent appointment of Maurice Tulloch as Aviva's CEO, the Board of Aviva and Andy Briggs have decided that Andy will step down as CEO UK Insurance and as a Director of Aviva plc from today. "

"Andy Briggs will serve six months notice with effect from 24 April 2019 and will be placed on garden leave from 30 April 2019."

"Andy Briggs will be treated as a good leaver under the Aviva plc Annual Bonus Plan ("ABP") and Long-Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") in accordance with the plan rules"

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 8:36 am
by daveh
monabri wrote:

"Following the recent appointment of Maurice Tulloch as Aviva's CEO, the Board of Aviva and Andy Briggs have decided that Andy will step down as CEO UK Insurance and as a Director of Aviva plc from today. "

"Andy Briggs will serve six months notice with effect from 24 April 2019 and will be placed on garden leave from 30 April 2019."

"Andy Briggs will be treated as a good leaver under the Aviva plc Annual Bonus Plan ("ABP") and Long-Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") in accordance with the plan rules"

Yet in the RNS on investigate it says:

Following the recent appointment of Maurice Tulloch as Aviva's CEO, the Board of Aviva and Andy Briggs have decided that Andy will step down as CEO UK Insurance and as a Director of Aviva plc from today. Andy will remain with the Group until 23 October 2019 to support an orderly transition.

and then further down the RNS in the remuneration section is the quote that he will be placed on gardening leave as above. How do you support an orderly transition if you are on holiday?

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 8:48 am
by monabri
daveh wrote:How do you support an orderly transition if you are on holiday?

Other than by staying out of the way?....

It's a strangely/poorly worded announcement all in all.

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 1:59 pm
by daveh
monabri wrote:
daveh wrote:How do you support an orderly transition if you are on holiday?

Other than by staying out of the way?....

It's a strangely/poorly worded announcement all in all.

Yes it sounds more like he's been fired (or resigned) because he doesn't like whats happening with the new boss and they are holding him to the contractual requirement of 6 months notice, but don't want hime involved in the bussiness or off working for someone else straight away.

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 3:20 pm
by Dod101
Tulloch is an internal appointment and Andy Briggs came with the purchase of Friends Provident. I would guess that Briggs is p****d off with the way things have gone and there is an attempt to do some face saving but it has not worked out very well.


Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 3:53 pm
by monabri
Dod101 wrote:Tulloch is an internal appointment and Andy Briggs came with the purchase of Friends Provident. I would guess that Briggs is p****d off with the way things have gone and there is an attempt to do some face saving but it has not worked out very well.


I was thinking along similar lines - Briggs didn't get the top job, had a strop and ...this is the end result! (garden leave ?).

(Dod, What did you say about Aviva and something to do with feet and guns being discharged ? :roll: )

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 4:04 pm
by Dod101
I don't think I said anything like that about Aviva, but this particular situation is not that unusual if someone feels they have been passed over. The Finance Director of HSBC left and joined I think Glaxo when he did not get the top job there, although it was all done in a much smoother way.

I seem to have more shares I would not buy than that I would but I am afraid that I do not think a lot of Aviva at the best of times.


Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: May 5th, 2019, 2:36 pm
by idpickering
This from TMF, penned by Rupert Hargreaves;

Is time running out to buy the Aviva share price and that 7.6% yield?

The last time I covered the Aviva (LSE: AV) share price, I noted the firm’s discount valuation, along with its 8.1% dividend yield (at the time of writing) looked too attractive to pass up. That was around a month ago and, since then, the stock has added around 10p, or 31p including dividends, giving a total return of approximately 7.4%.

The thing is, I think this could be just the start of a much bigger rally for the Aviva share price. Today, I’m going to explain why I believe time could be running out to buy into this undervalued income opportunity. ... 7-6-yield/

I hold these, and despite being in the red, and having spent enough there already, I can't bring myself to buy even more.


Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: May 29th, 2019, 3:43 pm
by monabri
Tulloch planning a shake up of Aviva?

"The shake-up could include a split of the UK business into two parts, with one containing the life insurance arm and the other including non-life insurance such as home and car cover, the newspaper reported." ... 21040.html

Another article: ... ss-reports

"Tulloch added: "There is a clear opportunity to realise Aviva's significant but untapped potential. Aviva is financially strong, we have a well-known brand and excellent businesses. But there is more to do to improve returns for shareholders."

"At the time of writing, it was unknown of any effect on Aviva Investors and its £337bn global AUM business."

Aviva is expected to announce the CEO's plans to investors on 6 June.

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: June 5th, 2019, 8:58 am
by monabri
And goodbye to the CFO who is taking "gardening leave".... ... 98806.html

Strangely worded RNS!

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: June 5th, 2019, 6:08 pm
by flyer61
New CEO putting his people in around him. Same happened at easyJet when the new bloke Johan came in. All Dame Caroline's people shown the door apart from the CFO ironically!

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: June 6th, 2019, 7:15 am
by idpickering
Aviva plc (Aviva) will today host a presentation for analysts and investors.

Chief Executive Officer, Maurice Tulloch, will provide an update on progress since his appointment in March 2019 and will highlight the following key points:
•Aviva’s life and general insurance businesses in the UK will be managed separately, with the digital direct business integrated into UK General Insurance. This will enable stronger accountability and greater management focus on the UK’s leading life and general insurance businesses.
•Angela Darlington* is appointed interim Chief Executive Officer of UK Life and Colm Holmes* is appointed Chief Executive Officer of General Insurance.
•Aviva intends to reduce expenses by £300 million per annum by 2022, net of inflation, at constant currency. Cost savings will be achieved through lower central costs, savings in contractor and consultant spend, reduction in project expenditure and other efficiencies. This will involve approximately 1,800 role reductions across the group over the next three years, out of a total workforce of around 30,000. Aviva will look to ensure that redundancies are kept to a minimum wherever possible, for example through natural turnover. Aviva has engaged with Unite and our employee representative bodies and will continue to consult on specific proposals.
•Aviva reiterates its commitment to a progressive dividend policy and debt reduction of at least £1.5 billion.
•Year-to-date trading is broadly consistent with 2018: weaker performance in savings and asset management arising from lower investment markets have been partly offset by growth in Europe and Asia together with progress on our turnaround in Canada. UK longevity assumptions will be assessed in the second half of 2019. ... or-update/

Re: Aviva (AV.)

Posted: August 8th, 2019, 7:25 am
by idpickering