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Investment Bonds with Life Insurance

Posted: June 24th, 2024, 8:33 pm
by Helinlouise

If I would like to research Investment Bonds with an element of life insurance/assurance, where could I go?

I specifically would like to know:

1) What companies do them (I can only find a few on Google but not any kind of list of top providers)
2) What the performance of these are so I can benchmark them against each other

Thanks for any help


Re: Investment Bonds with Life Insurance

Posted: June 25th, 2024, 1:02 am
by Alaric
Helinlouise wrote:
If I would like to research Investment Bonds with an element of life insurance/assurance, where could I go?

Probably to an IFA or the likes of St James Place. These products tend not to be particularly good value when measured against investing via an ISA either directly into shares or via OEICs or ETFs.

Re: Investment Bonds with Life Insurance

Posted: June 25th, 2024, 11:00 am
by tjh290633
Helinlouise wrote:Hi,

If I would like to research Investment Bonds with an element of life insurance/assurance, where could I go?

I specifically would like to know:

1) What companies do them (I can only find a few on Google but not any kind of list of top providers)
2) What the performance of these are so I can benchmark them against each other

Thanks for any help


My understanding was that it was cheaper to buy the insurance separately. Years ago, by combining the two, you could get income tax relief on all your premiums, so that you got a discount on your investment. In the 1990s this was abolished, and so such products were largely abandoned.

Steer well clear.