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Hitler's Scouse Nephew .

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Lemon Slice
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Hitler's Scouse Nephew .


Postby poundcoin » June 27th, 2018, 5:21 pm

I expect I'm the only one who hasn't heard of this but have just seen a photo of Adolf Hitler's Liverpool born nephew.
He was called William Patrick Hitler who joined the U.S.Navy towards the end of the war . Wonder if they called him Bill or Paddy ? :)
If all the info in his Wiki is true (including blackmailing his Uncle Adolf into giving him a better job in Germany) , I'm surprised his story hasn't been made into a major film .

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Hitler's Scouse Nephew .


Postby JMN2 » June 30th, 2018, 2:40 pm

I was not aware of any nephew but do remember the story that Adolf himself spent time in Liverpool after or before WW1 and earned some pocket money working at the bar in the Philharmonic. Not proven, most likely an urban myth.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Hitler's Scouse Nephew .


Postby poundcoin » June 30th, 2018, 4:49 pm

Thanks for replying JMN2 .
I found the 1911 Census entry for Hitler's brother living at 102 Upper Stanhope St. Toxteth .
Rather than using his name Alois , he is listed as Anton Hitler , a chef / waiter . His Dublin born wife is called Cissie rather than Bridget Elizabeth ( nee Dowling).
Their son William is shown as 1 month old .

I was going to upload a pic of the census form but then found Find My Past had already done it in a blog which has a few more details . ... 68326.html

I've read elsewhere that Adolph did visit his brother in Liverpool and had used a ticket meant for a sister's visit , much to the annoyance of Alois who thought of him as an idle loafer !

What's slightly ironic is that Hitler's brother was cheffing or waitering in the Lyons Teahouse , a Jewish run business and that 102 Upper Stanhope Street was later bombed by the Luftwaffe .

Lemon Slice
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Re: Hitler's Scouse Nephew .


Postby BrummieDave » July 1st, 2018, 11:08 am

I went on the open top bus tour in Liverpool a year or so ago, and I think the link to Hitler and his nephew was part of the very funny live commentary. I may be wrong though, but I've definitely heard it somewhere and that's the most likely time.

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