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Open research based on real data

Scientific discovery and discussion
Lemon Pip
Posts: 65
Joined: November 9th, 2016, 9:25 pm

Open research based on real data


Postby Injunear » February 15th, 2017, 10:54 am

This is a very interesting piece of research using real data from unimpeachable sources.

Of special relevance is his very last sentence. He is open to being shown to be wrong. In fact he invites the criticism.

Whether one is inclined to accept his conclusions or not, this piece illustrates that what is presented as fact is, in fact, often the result of manipulation that may or may not have unduly tainted the conclusions one can draw. An appropriate critique of such manipulations should be welcomed by anyone who is genuinely committed to good science.

Lemon Half
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Re: Open research based on real data


Postby tjh290633 » February 15th, 2017, 4:51 pm

Thank you, Injuneer. That was well worth working through. It's a pity that it was read out verbatim all the way through, but the conclusions are stark. The Fort Collins anomaly shows up how data can be distorted by probably well-meaning adjustments.

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Re: Open research based on real data


Postby escalader » February 15th, 2017, 5:22 pm

This is a very interesting piece of research using real data from unimpeachable sources.

Of special relevance is his very last sentence. He is open to being shown to be wrong. In fact he invites the criticism.

Whether one is inclined to accept his conclusions or not, this piece illustrates that what is presented as fact is, in fact, often the result of manipulation that may or may not have unduly tainted the conclusions one can draw. An appropriate critique of such manipulations should be welcomed by anyone who is genuinely committed to good science.


I did find this interesting although tl;dr so I read the synopsis on climate etc.

If you are genuinely interested in this aspect of the science, there is a good article at ... ture-data/

with plenty of links to peer reviewed articles which cover this topic.

Lemon Pip
Posts: 65
Joined: November 9th, 2016, 9:25 pm

Re: Open research based on real data


Postby Injunear » February 17th, 2017, 5:54 pm

If you are genuinely interested in this aspect of the science, there is a good article at ... ture-data/

with plenty of links to peer reviewed articles which cover this topic.

This is interesting, although it is difficult to draw any specific conclusions about the homogenisation algorithms that are cited in the context of a global temperature record, compared with the very specific issue that the source I referred to was highlighting. For example I personally don't know how a global temperature is arrived at, nor, in some respects, how it can be.

Also I think I did say that manipulation can influence the conclusions, either way, not that the manipulations are always unnecessary - clearly, for example, time of observation (TOB) adjustment will be necessary. It is still important to ensure that a necessary adjustment is done correctly and that the method of adjustment should be open to criticism and correction. No amount of consensus can change this.

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