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"Hob Hole" recommended holiday read

Posted: August 13th, 2017, 12:49 pm
by Beerpig
Hi fellow book lovers.
I realise many Fools have read this but for those who have not I would like to press my own book "Hob Hole", a roller coast tale of love and treachery set in Durham at the outbreak of WW1.

It is available as a kindle from amazon here ... 0993343104

Facebook page here

If you would like a hard copy I'd be pleased to send you one if you contact me ob

Cheers all
Happy reading whatever the material and thanks for reading this post.

Re: "Hob Hole" recommended holiday read

Posted: August 21st, 2017, 4:02 pm
by JMN2
Just bought this and will start reading shortly, looking forward to it!