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Interesting website - 'Recommend me a book'

Posted: May 29th, 2017, 6:42 am
by Itsallaguess
Came across this interesting website this morning and thought you guys might appreciate it here.

It allows you to read the first page of a book, without knowing anything else about it other than the text on the first page, and then if it piques your interest then you can reveal the name of the book, or simply move on to the first page of another book, and so on -

An interesting idea, I think, that helps to remove external influences and quickly gets to the heart of a book - simply the written words....

An improvement might be some sort of genre-filter, and it seems to generate a lot of 'classic' books, but I thought it was a good internet-based idea that has a lot of potential, so hopefully some here might find it interesting.



Re: Interesting website - 'Recommend me a book'

Posted: May 29th, 2017, 10:33 am
by stevensfo
Came across this interesting website this morning and thought you guys might appreciate it here.

Why, oh why did you have to post that link on a Monday morning?

It's so **** addictive!


PS Thanks!

Re: Interesting website - 'Recommend me a book'

Posted: May 30th, 2017, 12:36 am
by AleisterCrowley
Very addictive! - although the (alleged) 'High Wind in Jamaica' opening passage is clearly 'Stonemouth' by Iain Banks