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Investing Short Term

Posted: May 24th, 2023, 9:53 pm
by robertbanking
Hello you very intelligent and wonderful people, i sincerely hope you are having a good week and you are happy.

I kindly wondered i know certain stocks due to certain situations with the economy start to fall. For instance on the NASDAQ Meta fell to around 90 USD in November 2022 and has since risen over the last 6 months back to around 245 USD. I was wondering if there was a short term investing strategy that could be implemented around this please. I kindly wanted to ask what was the main reason for the fall in share price please and then the subsequent rise within the last 12 months? Further does anyone have any investing strategy such as this please that could be looking at a time period of around 6 months? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and it is a real privilege to be part of these amazing forums, with so many knowledgeable people. All the best.

Re: Investing Short Term

Posted: May 25th, 2023, 6:59 am
by Gerry557
You can invest in anything short term. There are some who day trade.

I suppose you just have to identify the shares that are going to go up over your time period.

Lots of people who invest short term end up as long term holders. Mainly waiting for their fallen investment to get back to evens

Re: Investing Short Term

Posted: May 25th, 2023, 8:26 am
by GoSeigen
robertbanking wrote:Hello you very intelligent and wonderful people, i sincerely hope you are having a good week and you are happy.

I kindly wondered i know certain stocks due to certain situations with the economy start to fall. For instance on the NASDAQ Meta fell to around 90 USD in November 2022 and has since risen over the last 6 months back to around 245 USD. I was wondering if there was a short term investing strategy that could be implemented around this please. I kindly wanted to ask what was the main reason for the fall in share price please and then the subsequent rise within the last 12 months? Further does anyone have any investing strategy such as this please that could be looking at a time period of around 6 months? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and it is a real privilege to be part of these amazing forums, with so many knowledgeable people. All the best.

This is a curiously phrased question. Normally the implication of investing short-term is that you need your capital for a specific liability after a short period of time. In that situation the correct approach is the opposite of what you're suggesting: it is to allocate funds to short-dated, low volatility investments.

So I'm guessing what you're really asking about is making money fast (MMF) or day trading? Do you have to pay some one in six months, or are you hoping to make a lot of money in six months because you think that is when this market "opportunity" you have identified is available?

You might want to confirm this so that posters respond appropriately...


Re: Investing Short Term

Posted: May 25th, 2023, 9:49 am
by pyad
You need to be aware that the overwhelming majority attempting short term trading lose money in the end. Anyone can get lucky but do it repeatedly and you are near certain to lose. Essentially it's for mugs who are taken in by stories of big profits.

As I think I've mentioned to you previously in response to a related question from you, if you have to ask here I very much doubt that you have what it takes so my advice is to forget it.

Re: Investing Short Term

Posted: May 25th, 2023, 11:18 am
by monabri
robertbanking wrote: Further does anyone have any investing strategy such as this please that could be looking at a time period of around 6 months? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful it would mean the world to me.

Oh that's called "taking a punt"! You might get lucky...but it'd be luck, not a strategy. Forget it! As pyad intimated "if you have to ask"....

Re: Investing Short Term

Posted: May 25th, 2023, 11:50 am
by BullDog
The only question really is - red or black? Take your pick, place your stake.