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P2P TheBridgeCrowd

Posted: December 26th, 2017, 10:11 am
by whistler360
I’ve been searching google for P2P lending/investing and I have come across the bridge crowd:

They have an average annual return of 12% and claim to have 0 capital losses since 2002. The investments are secured against a property as a first or second charge.

I’ve found comments on other discussion boards where people have invested and seem happy but thought I’d ask here if anyone has used them or knows anything more about them?


Re: P2P TheBridgeCrowd

Posted: December 27th, 2017, 12:06 am
by DrBunsenHoneydew
Who pays a secured mortgage rate that leaves 12% returns after all costs and profits? Desperate subprime borrowers. I see that “no proof of income” is required and “no monthly repayments” needed - simply roll up all the costs! What could possibly go wrong?

Re: P2P TheBridgeCrowd

Posted: December 27th, 2017, 12:33 pm
by whistler360
DrBunsenHoneydew wrote:Who pays a secured mortgage rate that leaves 12% returns after all costs and profits? Desperate subprime borrowers. I see that “no proof of income” is required and “no monthly repayments” needed - simply roll up all the costs! What could possibly go wrong?

Very true. It certainly isn’t a cheap loan but it’s not a mortgage. This is a bridging loan with a short life span. I’ve never needed a bridging loan so I don’t know what constitutes a good rate for this type of short term loan.

There are other operators out there doing this sort of thing, such as proplend (state up to 12% return), LendInvest, etc, who state they lend to developers and renovators.

I know P2P lending, focused on lending to individuals through sites like Zopa, gets discussed on here from time to time so I wondered if anyone has experience of this type of P2P lending.


Re: P2P TheBridgeCrowd

Posted: December 29th, 2017, 12:38 am
by BobGe

Re: P2P TheBridgeCrowd

Posted: February 11th, 2018, 4:48 pm
by Karellan
whistler360 wrote:
I know P2P lending, focused on lending to individuals through sites like Zopa, gets discussed on here from time to time so I wondered if anyone has experience of this type of P2P lending.

I have some p2p accounts including LendInvest , Octopus and LandLordInvest. Generally I am happy with them and what they give me. They are all different but useful to know about.