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Facts, quotes and polls.

Posted: August 18th, 2017, 11:29 am
by Bink333
I like polls.

I was going to post one, but I still can't find a poll post posting option.

I was wondering, however...

If I were to include a piece of information in my poll, that isn't a quote from The Independent newspaper, how can I possibly persuade people that it's in fact a fact when in fact I can't actually quote The Independent's facts?

DAK if Wikipedia is in fact also on the "Don't quote our facts" no-fact quote list, and if not why not? Would it be OK if I quote Wikipedia, who've independently quoted The Independent ignoring their "Quote us and we'll sue your Wikiarse" rules?

What about the Daily Mail?

I mean, if a fact is published in the Daily Mail, is it a fact at all, or just bandwidth filling nonsense spouted by a hate peddling spurious-fact regurgitation machine? Either way, if I quote the Daily Mail, surely it's infringing the T&Cs in some way, even if they don't appear on the "Don't quote our facts" of-course-its-true-I-read-it-in-the-Daily-Mail fact quotes list?

What about independent sources I've found DMOR? If an independent source isn't in the Independent, is it still an Independent source? And, does The Independent's inclusion on the "Don't quote our facts" ourfactsnotyours-facts quotes list cover independent research even if The Independent have not quite got around to publishing it yet?

Worse still, what happens if they publish the independent research anyone's done and published here, and then claim that in fact we've quoted them (and not the other way around) thereby infringing their "Don't quote us or we'll have you you 'orrible little oik" rules, when the only reason that the date of their publication pre-dating our posts is because some pesky pink pepperpot has bumped the thread concerned, and it's incumbent date....?

Just askin'

Hope your Summer has been as wet as mine's been.


Re: Facts, quotes and polls.

Posted: August 18th, 2017, 11:46 am
by kiloran
Whatever you do, stay clear of the Beano. Its T's and C's include: "You are not allowed to create links to the Site from any other website, without our prior written consent". I suspect I may be in conflict with their T's and C's by quoting that piece of text. :shock:


Bink's Fact's, quote's and poll's.

Posted: August 18th, 2017, 12:08 pm
by PinkDalek
You were doing fine until
"because some pesky pink pepperpot has bumped the thread concerned, and it's incumbent date....?"


It's behind you.

Re: Facts, quotes and polls.

Posted: October 9th, 2017, 1:59 pm
I suggest you start with "some bloke dahn ma local.." - everyone will believe it then.



Re: Bink's Fact's, quote's and poll's.

Posted: October 9th, 2017, 2:14 pm
by Lootman
PinkDalek wrote:You were doing fine until
"because some pesky pink pepperpot has bumped the thread concerned, and it's incumbent date....?"


It's behind you.

So you were fine with " bandwidth filling nonsense spouted by a hate peddling spurious-fact regurgitation machine" which preceded it?

Re: Bink's Fact's, quote's and poll's.

Posted: October 9th, 2017, 2:29 pm
by PinkDalek
Lootman wrote:
PinkDalek wrote:You were doing fine until
"because some pesky pink pepperpot has bumped the thread concerned, and it's incumbent date....?"


It's behind you.

So you were fine with " bandwidth filling nonsense spouted by a hate peddling spurious-fact regurgitation machine" which preceded it?

You don't really think I read Bink's post, do you?