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By happy coincidence...

Posted: May 12th, 2017, 4:00 pm
by CryptoPlankton
,,,the day of RECkoning is also the day I celebrate getting my second lemon pip.

Just saying - I wouldn't want to encourage abuse of the new system... ;)

Re: By happy coincidence...

Posted: May 16th, 2017, 1:18 pm
Let's hope there aren't any limits to the amount of thanks you can bestow a person.

The number of times I've said "I can't thank you enough!" to someone...


Re: By happy coincidence...

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 4:04 pm
by madhatter
[quote=- I wouldn't want to encourage abuse of the new system... ;)[/quote]
'corse not, 'corse not.

But wot's this 'ere "rating" lark all abart then?

I noticed Crypto's rose from 10 to 12 percent (can't find the buggery percent sign on this phone)