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Where are YOU ranked in the LoOTP LM League?

Posted: December 23rd, 2016, 2:00 pm
by PinkDalek
As at 22 July 20016:

Tuppense has now got 1 LM.

PD :-)

pp Jamiered


83 - Peacocksplace
61 - Jamiered
47 - Used2BeSpeedy (1)
28 - TheOriginalS2 (2)
23 - widescreen
22 - tonybistro
17 - bullstopper
16 - CaptainLogic, Hedonistix, SwingSwingSwing, Thelwalll
13 - ArabianOnyx, BizR, PinkDalek1, PunkPanther
11 - DamnBuster, PSYAN1DE, SugarKane
10 - Squanderbug, StrollingMolby
9 - justajester2007
8 - CryptoPlanktonV, demonise, HairyGolfer, mcar66, RealityBytes, Runemage, sandersj89
7 - Bink286 (6), dakeyras, Great2BGold
6 - MonsterMork
5 - deskbound, DiveAtFifty, Jenkinated (3), MorningMajor, oldestrocker (4), SKOTCH, stockcube, summer|1ghtning (5), The0ni0nKing
4 - 0nions, Darrellisgrumpy, diane5, ormondroyd, TheBlindSquirrel, WowThatsGreat, XtrFOrt
3 - 780liz, AV82EC, Hyksos, kieranw, MickyB, oimon, Stonedagain, zebee100
2 - ArthurGoring, Ascalon, breelander, Cornish, crocc, GeordieSteve, GoodPrognosis, Gypsy1039, LoopyOrangeLady, mansredfire, mgmidget1500, ollocks, PetreaW, pfwesterman, RaggyDolly, raimesh, SeaLily, Sh0taa, silverwing008, StirredNotShaken, xxROSSxx
1 - 2tallbyfar, ahenry, alanlpps, amhappy, AngelAnne, BadForBusiness, BigMacMeal, BigSD, bobthebuilder2, bonjeroo, cavebat, Cerne, chaspebble, Chooseday, CiderMyth, codetyke, Colinsnuname, craig1985, csearle, dbxl, Dif100, doglet01, FanciThat, finsy, garethnelson, Grafter67, Herbalistic, HopsMaltYeast, irradi8, kismetc, LarryDuff, licence, LittleWebWizard, MadHatter101, Marathonchap, mdt64, MikeHarrison, MmmMudHuts, MrsBug, MsMuffett, Ol1ve, PEPPERMINTPIG, PessimisticBull, philweb, phluph, PhunnyPhool, PurpleValentimes, Room102, roscodagama, RPAT123, rubetart, Sapper1ccy, ShaggyDabbyDo, ShaniaTwain, Sheathe, SickOfCommuting, Splart, squiffs, TangerineKeith, Technopauper, TheBullet, TimDJ, tori26, Tuppense, warmhearted, wykeham, XJRCrunch, XMFLostInThought, zarn1woop, Zepto100

(1) Includes LM's won as BTGPN, RedSpeedie, Gingerhunk, RedSpeedy, SpeedyBumbleBum, speedy1967
(2) Includes LMs won as Spun0ut, jestingwithyou, spunout and TheOriginalS2
(3) Includes LMs won as jenko13 and TMFJenko
(4) Includes LMs won as FriendlyStevie, ForeverStevie and oldestrocker
(5) Includes LMs won as PeterGoesRock, SummerLightening, and summerlightning
(6) Includes LMs won as Bink182 and Bink286

3 LM's have been deleted from the records by TMF (62000, 378000, 482000)

The following posters have achieved the notable accolade of hitting three consecutive LM's
Peacocksplace - 227000, 228000, 229000 and 387000, 388000, 389000
Used2BeSpeedy - 630000, 631000, 632000
bullstopper - 257000, 258000, 259000
Jamiered - 671000, 672000, 673000
The0ni0nKing - 140000, 141000, 142000
Thelwalll - 59000, 60000, 61000