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Lemon Slice
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Postby madhatter » June 26th, 2018, 5:28 pm

After my expedition to Dartford Marshes, and spotting emus from the train on the way home (I know they farm ostriches but hadn’t heard of emus in the same context) then seeing a flying male stag beetle when I got home followed within minutes by a juvenile Pied Wossname wagging its tail, there was a bit of a gap.

Last week started with a walk over Dartford Heath. Some interesting plants (one of which remains unidentified) but such butterflies as there were kept their distance. Friday and Saturday however, nosing around the Darent valley near Shoreham was a bit of a high spot.

Several species of Orchid still around and got pictures of a Marbled White butterfly among others. Then walking through the village saw a lesser stag beetle motionless on the pavement. Picking it up induced it to waggle it’s legs a bit, so I dropped it through the adjacent fence. They are meant to be relatively common though rarely seen. Both sexes look like a much smaller female proper stag beetle. Still big beetles compared to other British beetles though. It was my first live one, after finding a very dessicated dead one in the house some years ago.

Still getting Goldfinches and yesterday saw a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly, for the first time this year. Big buggers, despite the name. Apparently Large Tortoiseshell butterflies used to be native but are now very scarce migrants.

One presumes they are even bigger buggers.

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