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Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!

Grumpy Old Lemons Like You
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Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby stevensfo » October 2nd, 2023, 5:13 pm

In the last few months, I've got really p*ssed off with articles using the expression 'Road Rage'. It's as though they are trying to excuse the idiots' behaviour, because he/she was unhappy in their car and that gave them an excuse to attack other people.

It is not road rage, whatever that means. It is assault, attempted assault, hate crime, anti-social behaviour or whatever the other crimes are, but please stop trying to justify it by using Road Rage!!

Why can't muggers and burglars call it 'Defence Rage' when somebody defends themselves?


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby UncleEbenezer » October 2nd, 2023, 5:52 pm

Two answers to that:

1. People. at the wheel of a car, people are more aggressive and unreasonable than their normal selves. Road Rage is an extreme manifestation of that.

2. Attitudes. Mr Toad was a lovable rogue. Crime committed with a motor vehicle isn't real crime.

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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby DrFfybes » October 2nd, 2023, 6:06 pm

stevensfo wrote:It is not road rage, whatever that means.

It is a phenomenom of aggressive behaviour ("rage") exhibited by road users where they wouldn't normally express such behaviour. eg if someone stepped out of a shop in front of themvwhilst walking along a footpath and they had to stop then the reaction would be different.

At least you now know what it means.

stevensfo wrote:In the last few months, I've got really p*ssed off with articles using the expression 'Road Rage'.

There's probably a similar term for people who get uncharacteristically angry when behind a keyboard :)

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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby ReformedCharacter » October 2nd, 2023, 7:04 pm

You probably won't like this one either :)

Motorway service stations hiring staff to police surging levels of EV ‘charge rage’


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby stevensfo » October 4th, 2023, 8:57 am

DrFfybes wrote:
stevensfo wrote:It is not road rage, whatever that means.

It is a phenomenom of aggressive behaviour ("rage") exhibited by road users where they wouldn't normally express such behaviour. eg if someone stepped out of a shop in front of themvwhilst walking along a footpath and they had to stop then the reaction would be different.

At least you now know what it means.

stevensfo wrote:In the last few months, I've got really p*ssed off with articles using the expression 'Road Rage'.

There's probably a similar term for people who get uncharacteristically angry when behind a keyboard :)

Oh I often have keyboard rage, usually when when replying to annoying work emails in the evening after too much whisky.

I then wake up about 3am in a cold sweat thinking 'OMG What did I write??' 8-)


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby DrFfybes » October 4th, 2023, 9:03 am

stevensfo wrote:
Oh I often have keyboard rage, usually when when replying to annoying work emails in the evening after too much whisky.

I then wake up about 3am in a cold sweat thinking 'OMG What did I write??' 8-)


That's what the "Drafts" folder is for :)



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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby Arborbridge » October 4th, 2023, 9:17 am

ReformedCharacter wrote:You probably won't like this one either :)

Motorway service stations hiring staff to police surging levels of EV ‘charge rage’


That was typical Torygraph anti EV agenda driven take on what happened there. The media seize on any such story, polish it up in the way they want and publish it as "truth" (but it's never the whole truth).

I'd say it is very sensible to have someone on hand to organise a queuing system in busy times. Actually, it seems odd to me that charging points haven't been built like filling stations where the "pumps" are laid out in a way so that queing is normal. We don't have queu rage in banks or shops because they are laid out properly.
I've only encountered the problem of too many cars waiting to charge once, and it was obvious that there is no sensible system - the cars were just sort of buzzing around and jumping into a slot if one was available - it would have been very difficult to decide whose turn it was.
I just did the sensible thing and found an empty charge point a couple of miles away. No one needed to queue as long as the media made out.


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby Lootman » October 4th, 2023, 9:28 am

Arborbridge wrote: We don't have queue rage in banks or shops because they are laid out properly.

It does depend on the layout though. I still visit various places where there is one queue per kiosk and so you have to play that game of figuring out which queue will be the quickest/slowest based on a judgement about the people in that queue. This might cause you to avoid:

1) That large African family with a huge number of bags at the airport check-in, or
2) That guy in the bank with a satchel full of notes and coins doing his weekly business bank deposit, or
3) That old woman in the supermarket with fifty tins of catfood and a handful of discount coupons and vouchers.

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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby Arborbridge » October 4th, 2023, 9:32 am

Lootman wrote:
Arborbridge wrote: We don't have queue rage in banks or shops because they are laid out properly.

It does depend on the layout though. I still visit various places where there is one queue per kiosk and so you have to play that game of figuring out which queue will be the quickest/slowest based on a judgement about the people in that queue. This might cause you to avoid:

1) That large African family with a huge number of bags at the airport check-in, or
2) That guy in the bank with a satchel full of notes and coins doing his weekly business bank deposit, or
3) That old woman in the supermarket with fifty tins of catfood and a handful of discount coupons and vouchers.

Yes, and just like investing - if you jump from one to the other, you never quite know if you have gained, but suspect you haven't!

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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby AsleepInYorkshire » October 4th, 2023, 10:55 am

stevensfo wrote:In the last few months, I've got really p*ssed off with articles using the expression 'Road Rage'. It's as though they are trying to excuse the idiots' behaviour, because he/she was unhappy in their car and that gave them an excuse to attack other people.

It is not road rage, whatever that means. It is assault, attempted assault, hate crime, anti-social behaviour or whatever the other crimes are, but please stop trying to justify it by using Road Rage!!

Why can't muggers and burglars call it 'Defence Rage' when somebody defends themselves?


A quiet chat about the lack of use of indicators


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby tjh290633 » October 4th, 2023, 3:33 pm

Lootman wrote:
Arborbridge wrote: We don't have queue rage in banks or shops because they are laid out properly.

It does depend on the layout though. I still visit various places where there is one queue per kiosk and so you have to play that game of figuring out which queue will be the quickest/slowest based on a judgement about the people in that queue. This might cause you to avoid:

1) That large African family with a huge number of bags at the airport check-in, or
2) That guy in the bank with a satchel full of notes and coins doing his weekly business bank deposit, or
3) That old woman in the supermarket with fifty tins of catfood and a handful of discount coupons and vouchers.

I recall that in Poland many years ago the advice was to avoid a queue with young Poles returning from Western Europe. Invariably they had a magazine like Playboy, which was found and then had to be scrutinised from cover to cover by all the customs officers present.

Little old ladies were a better bet.


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Re: Stop using the expression 'Road Rage'!!


Postby bungeejumper » October 11th, 2023, 11:59 am

tjh290633 wrote:I recall that in Poland many years ago the advice was to avoid a queue with young Poles returning from Western Europe. Invariably they had a magazine like Playboy, which was found and then had to be scrutinised from cover to cover by all the customs officers present.

Little old ladies were a better bet.

Hah! During my student days in cold-war Berlin,it was the little old black-clad ladies you had to watch out for. Nobody was more likely to cause a civic punch-up than the "Tanten" (aunties), a bit like Giles's cartoon grannies, who would elbow you out of the way at the supermarket or rugger-tackle you off the pavement at the tram-stop queue. The worst of it was that there were probably a hundred thousand of them. :shock:

The underlying demographic facts shed a little more light on the problem. Hitler's wars had killed off a very large proportion of the males who these frustrated wimmin would otherwise have been expected to marry, and the last thirty years had been spent nursing one hell of a collective sexual grudge, which had surely been augmented by the general latitude accorded to these poor women who everybody assumed were war widows. (Some were, most weren't.) And then, of course, there was also the hideous fact that 80% of them had been brutally raped by the Russians in 1945. :|

All in all, it wasn't hard to see how they'd got to be this aggressive. And OK, being Berliners was also part of the problem. The city still has a reputation for being in-your-face, rude. ironic, pushy and often amazingly funny in a way that only a hard-wired local could appreciate. (It takes a bit of getting used to.)

Either way, the Tanten were a force to be reckoned with. If they didn't beat you to death with their brollies, they'd cheerfully push you under a bus if it meant they could get aboard ahead of you. Sharing a city with these feral septuagenarian gangs was enough to sharpen up your survival instincts no end. :|


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