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Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: January 22nd, 2022, 9:01 am
by GeoffF100
Vanguards have published an economic and market update: ... mic-update

"The Bank of England (BOE) voted at its 16 December meeting to raise its Bank Rate by 15 basis points to 0.25% and to maintain its asset-purchase programme at current levels, in essence ending such purchases and capping its balance sheet at £895 billion. We expect a quarter-point interest-rate hike, to 0.5%, with the next policy announcement, on 3 February as the bank’s Monetary Policy Committee seeks to show its resolve in bringing inflation back to its 2% target."

"Vanguard expects headline and core inflation to peak above 6% (closer to 7%) and 4.5%, respectively, in the first half of 2022, later than in the euro area as a government energy price cap is expected to rise in April. We then expect both core and headline inflation to fall to around 3% by the end of 2022 and further still in 2023."

Re: Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: February 21st, 2022, 1:57 pm
by GeoffF100

Re: Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: March 4th, 2022, 9:54 pm
by GeoffF100

Re: Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: March 8th, 2022, 1:11 pm
by Quint
Not looking too good is it chief.

Re: Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: March 19th, 2022, 8:19 am
by GeoffF100

Re: Vanguard Economic Update

Posted: April 15th, 2022, 9:34 pm
by GeoffF100