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Posted: June 19th, 2024, 8:45 pm
by terminal7
Vincent - played by Benedict Cumberbatch - is an alcoholic master puppeteer on a show similar to Sesame Street and his young son goes missing in a rundown New York - it's the 1980s. Not a sympathetic character in sight and a very hard watch. A series of 6 episodes - watched 2 so far and will stick with it. The OH found it too grim and gave up.

Acting excellent - particularly BC and Clarke Peters. On Netflix.


Re: Eric

Posted: June 19th, 2024, 9:11 pm
by Boots
I liked it. As you say, not an easy watch, but I found it quite compelling.

Re: Eric

Posted: June 19th, 2024, 9:46 pm
by Laughton
Just finished episode 4.

As already said, BC excellent - well most of them are.

Will polish off the final 2 tomorrow.


Re: Eric

Posted: June 20th, 2024, 11:40 am
by Gerry557
I watched this a while ago. I can't say I "enjoyed" it. It's a harrowing watch with some really good bits.

It's not bad at all just that I wouldn't recommend it unless you can stand that sort of thing. It reminds me of Blackhawk Down in similar ways, a difficult watch but highly regarded. I even bought this on UHD as the sound is fantastic.

I don't know if this is part of a theme but there is also a film called If, which also has large animated monsters that are imaginary friends. This looks a bit lighter and hopefully a more enjoyable watch. This might be more the sort of thing that might get rewatches but probably won't be as well regarded as Eric, especially by the levies.

Re: Eric

Posted: June 22nd, 2024, 10:50 am
by terminal7
Just finished watching and the series after reaching the heights in E4 I found that it started to fizzle away in E5 and exhausted itself in E6. Just too many independent themes running. Possibly the series should have had more episodes to flesh out themes and characters or reduced coverage of topics. What was very clever is that the series almost appeared that it had been made in the 1980s. Some of the music was superb, with Dylan, Lou Reed and Fairport Convention (E5). The cherry on the cake was Nico in E6. It will undoubtedly win awards, but feel that it could have been so much better. All in all - better that 99% of Netflix output - so worth your time subject to the provisos already highlighted by posters.
