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ABDRN Diversified Income and Growth

Posted: June 19th, 2024, 4:23 pm
by Nocton
The return of capital to shareholders is now in progress and on 10 July shareholders will receive 800 1p B shares for every 21 ordinary shares. I.e. approximately 38p per share.
Current prices are:
Share price 82.63p
NAV 107.84p

The proposal says that the return of share capital represents ~35.4% of NAV.
We can expect at least the current NAV to be eventually returned meaning there is at least about 70p to come. There will also be further dividend payments also. It will be interesting to see what the share price falls to after the B share record date of 4 July. If 38p is simply taken off 82p that gives a price of 44p with a likely return of at least 70p. That would be a good return, but the only question is how long will the process take?