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Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value

Closed-end funds and OEICs
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Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value


Postby heathmount » March 26th, 2024, 5:56 pm


I hold Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) and received this email from AJ Bell:

We’ve got an important update for you about an investment you hold – BLUEFIELD SOLAR INCOME FUND LTD.
Recently, this investment failed a fair value assessment, carried out by the manager of the investment itself. This means the investment may not offer you good enough value over the long term.

Price and value have been highlighted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as key factors in delivering good outcomes for customers. As part of the FCA’s Consumer Duty Regulation, financial products sold to UK retail customers are required to complete a fair value assessment, using a number of factors to assess whether the product offers value to its customers.

Off-shore funds are not required to produce a fair value assessment, however we believe it's important to still understand whether they are providing value, we have therefore worked with an independent third party called 360 Fund Insight who have carried out this analysis. A PDF is available which shows some information about the methodology which goes into assessments by 360 Fund Insight.

It then goes on to say I can keep or sell this investment.

So I thank AJ Bell for telling me this but I can't really find anything about what this actually means. Share price has fallen this year so I sort of assume this news is built in to the price. But what does this actually mean? I'm not asking for advice as to whether I should sell, but have these "fair value" assessments been issued before on other trusts, what do they indicate, and do they generally end bad/well?


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Re: Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value


Postby RockRabbit » March 26th, 2024, 6:41 pm

I've never heard of these assessments.

Have you received, or requested, the pdf document referred to by AJ Bell? Perhaps you can ask AJ Bell or 360 for the full report? ... t-of-value

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Re: Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value


Postby RajK » March 27th, 2024, 11:32 am

Over on citywire forums a poster queried the same email and contacted Bludefield directly and they responded. Holders may want to contact the company directly.

got this from Bluefield comms yesterday evening...

Thank you for your email. We understand that the email was sent in error by AJ Bell and will be retracted. We would refer you to the latest announcements on the Company’s website, for information on its financial performance.

Kind regards

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Re: Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value


Postby Euro17 » March 27th, 2024, 3:07 pm

I have also had this email from A J Bell for my Amedeo Air Four Plus (AA4) holding. I have absolutely no idea what it means !

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Re: Bluefield Solar Income (BSIF) Fair Value


Postby AndrewInDevon » March 29th, 2024, 9:39 am

Looks like BSIF have self-assessed themselves as having passed the test. All funds undertake these self-assessments, they look like a low-bar tick box exercise which adds little value. Its "risk management" industry gone up its own backside with garbage reporting, sowing more confusion than illumination.

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