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Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 5th, 2021, 2:30 am
by 20thcenturyboy
I am trying to track down the new administrators of the fund "Solus UK Special Situations Fund Acc" which is an OEIC. Unfortunately the last letter I have from Solus is dated 2004 and the company and website no longer exists. Does anyone know what they morphed into? I have an account with them but no further docs (I have changed addresses a few times too).

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 5th, 2021, 8:04 am
by DavidM13

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 5th, 2021, 12:04 pm
by 20thcenturyboy
Yes thanks, I have emailed Brown Shipley for advice. That article is from 2009 though and there is virtually nothing online after that. Wonder if it's even around anymore :?

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 5th, 2021, 7:04 pm
by Tigger
Googling a little further I found this...

The SVS Brown Shipley Dynamic Fund was originally known as the FP Brown Shipley Multi Manager International Fund which launched on 20/01/2003. On 29/07/2014 the FP Brown Shipley UK Flagship Fund merged into the SVS Brown Shipley Dynamic Fund.

So it looks like you should now have units in SVS Brown Shipley Dynamic Fund, which is still in existence. Hopefully, Brown Shipley will be able to confirm this and reunite you with your cash!

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 5th, 2021, 10:00 pm
do let us know how you get on...

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 6th, 2021, 3:44 pm
by 20thcenturyboy
Just got the below back from Brown Shipley. I feel like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery :-)

Brown Shipley managed the assets within the Solus Special Situations fund. However, it was sold to clients via external advisers (i.e Accountants and IFAs), or bought directly by customers.

The management of the whole Solus Special Situation fund was then taken over by another fund manager Premier in Guildford now known as Premier Milton.

All customers/clients who have this fund should contact Smith and Williamson (contact details below) because they were the external adviser.

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 6th, 2021, 3:56 pm
by Alaric
20thcenturyboy wrote:Just got the below back from Brown Shipley. I feel like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery :-)

If you aren't holding it in a SIPP or ISA, then even if Accumulation units were held, someone should have been issuing a tax statement of any dividends declared.

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 6th, 2021, 8:37 pm
by mc2fool
20thcenturyboy wrote:Just got the below back from Brown Shipley. I feel like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery :-)

Brown Shipley managed the assets within the Solus Special Situations fund. However, it was sold to clients via external advisers (i.e Accountants and IFAs), or bought directly by customers.

The management of the whole Solus Special Situation fund was then taken over by another fund manager Premier in Guildford now known as Premier Milton.

All customers/clients who have this fund should contact Smith and Williamson (contact details below) because they were the external adviser.

I take it you've found ?

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: August 16th, 2021, 2:23 pm
by 20thcenturyboy
Quick update:

It seems the Solus fund has been chucked around various funds like this:

Solus UK Special Situations -> Brown Shipley UK Flagship -> SVS Brown Shipley Dynamic ... ge/a349641 ... ge/a763648

So it has gone from a UK Special Situations fund to a "balanced" multinational fund.

Re: Solus UK Special Situations (20 years ago!)

Posted: June 27th, 2024, 9:47 am
by Westall18
Hi looks like I’m in the same boat as yourself regarding Solus UK Special Situations Acc I have a letter dated June 2005 but I’m hitting a brick wall in tracking down any further as to where the fund is now. Can you give any information on contacting who holds the fund at present.