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2018 - First Class February

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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2018 - First Class February


Postby pancake101 » February 5th, 2018, 7:20 pm

Today is the the fifth day in a First Class February.

Are any of us achieving first class results in their goals and life aims. If so please share the details - we love a good story here.

We need to aim for what we want - voice it , write it here and work towards it.

A new month has started - lets get started. Lets make February 2018 First Class for ourselves.

Lemon Slice
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby Pipsmum » February 5th, 2018, 10:22 pm

What a lovely thread.

I'm spending much more time with my dear crumblies because of age and resulting illness related necessities. So after a short readjustment period of recalibrating my own life to suit the new time demands. I decided to make the best of it all together, and take my paints over there to see if I could get my dad interested in painting again. Purely just to give us quality time and some fun.

Karma has ensued. I had a bad fall too a year and a half-ish ago resulting in a disabled hand. This CRPS condition within it, improves at snails pace, but all this painting has helped with the flexibility too. I didn't think last year that I ever would be able to paint again. This mitt couldn't even grip a bit of loo roll, let alone a brush.

So... this years master mission is to enter competitions with the aim of waving a magic wand over our lives by trying to win one. Failing that, I will have lots of paintings at the end so can have an exhibition and sell them all. Two pics painted and entered so far.

Then I might buy some more shares.....

The message from the crumblies is to enjoy each and every day, and do whatever it is you want to do... right now... because you might not be able to do it tomorrow.

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby pancake101 » February 8th, 2018, 3:07 pm

Pipsmum you are so right - who knows what tomorrow will bring. I hope your hand continues to improve.

My goals this month

Get a bit more fit and hope to lose some extra pounds.
Work at how best to sort out finances - Libre keeps failing to open and I then have panic attacks trying to locate the spreadsheets I have. Perhaps I should just buy a book!
More decluttering - getting some rooms painted so good to go through some of the 'stuff'.
Enjoy my trip away later this month.
Order all the bits and pieces that need replaced for the coming year, now. This month anyway!


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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby doone100 » February 9th, 2018, 1:10 pm

Thanks for starting this off Pancake.
A few goals for me this month.
Lose weight, I would like to lose a stone over the next 4 weeks
Sort out paperwork that belonged to late FIL, I think 9/10ths can be binned.
Make a start on emptying the shed
Make a start on the loft of doom and try not to bash my head on the multigym too often in the process of moving things about..
Maintain general tidiness of kitchen and spare bedroom
Talk to Master Doone about the piles of stuff on the bookshelf on the landing.

That's it for me, a very gentle introduction to goal setting after a chaotic 2017.

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby futuresaver101 » February 11th, 2018, 4:23 pm


Thank you pancake for a perfect Feb intro (and reminding me through your name that pancake day is coming up soon !)

In terms of goals, before I start writing them down, I have to salute doone with their "loft of doom" imagery. We in the FS101 household have a garage/workshop of doom (Mr FS101's domain). My dream goal would be that it is cleared out by the end of 2018.

As for First Class goals, I think I'm feeling a bit more economy coach at the moment :)

1) Meditate each day as part of the commute. Doesn't sound too onerous once I tell you that Headspace has a 3 min option :)
2) Complete drafts of *three* articles for posting online over the next two months, need to time them with an upcoming industry conference. No more dithering
3) Work out in a way that I ache (appropriately) the next day. Also, work out more each week, no slacking off
4) Keep my motivation up
5) Take advantage of internal mentoring on a technical topic...

That's me for this month, now to implement actions in the remaining three weeks.

Good luck to all YTST-ers


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby Brava21 » February 15th, 2018, 12:08 pm

Agreed, Pipsmum, this is a lovely thread. First class indeed, well done, pancake!

I have been procrastinating about posting as I haven’t really thought about any goals for February, except to get through it (I hate Jan and Feb).

You are right though, Pipsmum. I found your wise words really uplifting and also poignant; it isn’t a good time of year for me. Apart from the hating Jan and Feb thing, I lost both my parents in Jan and both their funerals were in Feb. The anniversaries go, in this order over the two months: Mum’s death; Dad’s death; Mum’s funeral; Dad’s birthday; Dad’s funeral. Just the last one to go, now.

This month, we have a night away in a plush hotel to look forward to (Mr B booked one of those dinner, B&B and use of the gym/pool facilities deals for us as a treat). We also have March to look forward to, hurrah. :D

Goals I think are…just one… to start the spring cleaning. I am going to start with taking down curtains, washing them and rehanging, because I am not very keen on doing that, and it will be a job knocked off.

The other thing I have just started doing is making notes on how long household items last. I am thinking of things like shampoo, conditioner, soap, washing powder, washing up liquid…and so on. I am writing in my diary when I start a new one of these things and then will note how long it lasts me. It seemed odd to me that I genuinely don’t know how long everything lasted - my mum always knew all this stuff (comes from keeping to a tight budget, no doubt).

Much later in the year, I shall report back on this and bore you all with it ;)

In the meantime, I shall get on with getting February over with. Best to all.

Brava x

Lemon Slice
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby Pipsmum » February 25th, 2018, 8:05 pm

Sticking to plan so far. Three competitions painted for and entered. Not accepted yet into any, but that doesn't really matter to me. I've already won by entering at all.

For those trying to lose weight safely. I found a nice little phone app called 'my fitness pal' which is an easy to use calorie counter that knows all the values of foods and works out your goals for you, including adding available calories when you've done some work to earn them. It also analyses what you've eaten to let you know if you're short of anything important. I have no affiliation to them at all, but found it a good tool to just monitor my calories for three weeks without any change just to see where I was eating mindlessly and what the naughty calorie culprits might be.

I did learn that pizzas are a calorific terror having previously thought they were a reasonably healthy option. Quite fun to see what your normal behaviour is before adjusting it. Makes changing it so much easier, and probably more permanently, by slight adjustment rather than radical and unsustainable change. The horrors of finding out a shortbread finger was 116 calories made me eat one and really enjoy it rather than stuff three without thinking or noticing.

My loft of doom is going to remain that way until the weather is warmer. It is currently the Siberian loft of doom.

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - First Class February


Postby Brava21 » February 28th, 2018, 3:36 pm

Afternoon all

Last day of February reached – hurrah!

And there was I thinking that we were going to leave winter behind whilst getting away with any terrible weather...oh well...

I have done well with the spring cleaning; I have taken down, washed and re hung all of the curtains except the ones in the living room (which I was going to do this week, but it seemed daft to be taking down insulating material when it is so bitterly cold outside…I’ll wait until the Beast from the East has left, I think). I have also laundered all the bedding on the spare bed, the valance on our bed, and have cleaned each of the venetian blinds laboriously with a clean, slightly damp sock. Am feeling quite virtuous.

March goals…? Hmm, will have a think

Brava x

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