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And now it's November...

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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And now it's November...


Postby Brava21 » November 7th, 2017, 11:37 am

Hi all

I apologise for the very poor November thread name, but did want to post with goals for this the last but one month of the calendar year (yikes!). What are our goals for this month?

For those of who work, there are just six weeks (after this week) in work until the Christmas* break, which does concentrate one’s mind a bit, doesn’t it…

My goals for the month are to continue my goals to:

1) Keep running, despite the fact that I am rubbish and that getting back into it is really hard (consider gym membership for a couple of rolling months at Mr B’s gym, if the weather is going to be very cold this winter. Is it, though, or do the papers just like to scaremonger?)
2) Carry on supporting Mr B in his weight loss programme with the low carb meals and try to lose a couple more pounds myself (just 2 this month would be good)
3) Be more sociable. This is going well for me, with coffees booked in with different work mates over the next couple of weeks plus a curry tomorrow night with two dear friends (looking forward to that!)
Good luck to all with their goals and see you later in the month.

Brava x

*I think I am allowed to use that word now but just in case not, I’ll go and sit on the naughty step for a few minutes :D

Lemon Pip
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby pancake101 » November 8th, 2017, 12:52 pm

Hi Brava

Thanks for the intro. Also for the mention of the C word - I had tried to ignore it but the it cannot be - already the shops have rows dedicated to the seasonal merchandise and it will only be a short while before the music starts!

My goals are simple

Continue to ignore with the C word until the 1st December, if possible!
Keep spreadsheets up to date
Keep daily lists and then remember to look at them! This works for me - even the the things I really do not want to do get done (all be it several days or weeks after first listed).
Return to our local gym - boring, boring boring but its the only way that anything exercise gets done! Too wet for outdoor walks - so need to add it to my daily list!

2 Lemon pips
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Tortoise1000 » November 14th, 2017, 6:13 pm

I am quite sure we are allowed to mention Christmas, Brava. I received my first round robin yesterday. 6 pages long and 4,400 words. Beat that! :-)

I was going to have a rest from goals this month, but then as the days worse on I thought I’d frame that more definitely. The goal this month is to tidy up what I have got, and not start buying or constructing anything new. Shopping and projects cause stress at this time of year, and I for one have felt like hibernating. I am getting more used to the darkness now, but I am harried by legions of tiny frogs. I am going to tackle some every day, and if I don’t start anything new I should be ahead by the end of the month.

I don’t mean I wont do normal social activities, of course. Thats the problem with retiring, they seem to spread out and take up all the time. I am sure I got more done when I was busier.

I was going to post this earlier this afternoon, but I made a start instead. I have got my desk completely clear and polished, ordered some logs for the stove and written a letter of condolence. This is the kind of frog I mean; small, but legion. Onward! I shall clear them from every corner of the house and from my pile of paperwork.

The only new thing I shall start this month is Ceroc, which a friend has been urging me to try for some time. However that comes under health and fitness, so is allowed. It shouldn’t generate any frogs, anyway, should it? I have no idea really. Any Ceroc fans on the board?


Lemon Pip
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Brava21 » November 22nd, 2017, 2:21 pm

Well! I had genuinely never heard of Ceroc, Tortoise. How sheltered am I?! A quick google shows it to look like massive fun. Have you been yet, and what did you think?


2 Lemon pips
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Tortoise1000 » November 25th, 2017, 2:33 pm

Yes, I have been twice! I thought it was massive fun :-). Very enjoyable, and very good exercise. If there is a class near you, do try it. It will cheer you up no end on a winter's evening. It can be hard to leave the house at this time of year, in the dark, but this is well worth it and you will come home feeling all exhilarated and happy.

I am doing well on my 'not buying anything new' goal. Yesterday, Black Friday, I made terrific savings by not buying any of the expensive gadgets I was thinking of. I bought only a pair of trousers in a smaller size, because I shall need them soon if I keep dancing about.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Tortoise1000 » December 1st, 2017, 4:37 pm

Quiet in here. How did you get on , Brava and pancake?

November report:

The goal this month is to tidy up what I have got, and not start buying or constructing anything new. I am harried by legions of tiny frogs. I am going to tackle some every day, and if I don’t start anything new I should be ahead by the end of the month.

The only new thing I shall start this month is Ceroc, which a friend has been urging me to try for some time.

Yes! I have resisted new projects and purchases. The carpenter/handyman has got to the end of his list of odd jobs. I haven't kept a record of everything I have done, but I feel less harried by frogs. The decluttering is on track. I had a reward for my efforts yesterday; with excellent timing the Age UK man called and took away several accumulated sacks full.

Ceroc classes attended three times. Really good fun, as I told you, and excellent exercise. Some people get addicted and go every night of the week! Once a week will do for me at present, while I am such a beginner, but I shall definitely stick at it.


Lemon Pip
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Brava21 » December 6th, 2017, 8:04 am

Hi all

End of month recap (a little late)...

I didn't do so badly with my goals last month:

1) Running - yes, have kept it up and am consistently covering 20 ish miles a week (albeit very badly - for those with an interest in this sort of thing, to give you an idea of how laboriously slow I am, I am doing 12 minute miles - and for the life of me, can't make my legs go any faster, it is like they have forgotten how) and plan to keep going with this as best I can over the winter. I haven't done anything about investigating Mr B's gym, though. what I should do is go there with him of a weekend when he is due a session (they just charge a nominal sum for this though Mr B thinks that if we are charming enough they may let my try out the facilities for free) and see if I like it. I don't find treadmills to be the best, but they do beat the alternative, which is not running because there's ice on the ground.

2) Supporting Mr B - he continues to lose weight and is consistently the house 'Slimmer of the Week'. He looks great and is that stage where everyone in work keeps telling him how great he looks. A couple of weeks ago he went to see the rugby with friends he hadn't seen for a few months and they were all very impressed indeed. I am very proud of him. He has another medical review coming up - they have already reduced the T2D meds and hopefully will reduce them further next time. I just wish I could get my act together - I wanted to lose a couple of pounds in November but didn't manage it. Looking on the bright side I did not gain any either and, despite the refusal of the scales to budge, there is no doubt that my work trousers feel a little roomier. Hmm. Onwards with this; hopefully January will bring some weight loss.

3) Socialising - I have done quite well, and enjoyed some catch ups for coffee, one evening occasion (curry - yum) and a lunch with friends. I do have to force myself to do this stuff a lot of the time, though...I am one of those people who just finds it easier to retreat into themselves, really.

I shall look to continue this stuff into December - goals to be posted soon. I realise that what I really need is a new hobby, but I'm really not sure what. All suggestions gratefully received :)

Brava x

2 Lemon pips
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Re: And now it's November...


Postby Tortoise1000 » December 6th, 2017, 2:21 pm

Ceroc! Very good for the waistline, and good socialising practice too, in a structured environment that makes it very easy. Have a go :-)


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