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Agreeable August

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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Agreeable August


Postby splosh » August 1st, 2017, 10:32 am

The title is an instruction to the month. I have just been looking at the weather forecast for the next week, and I think August needs buck its ideas up a bit. We don't need a heatwave, just some pleasant sun and a lower risk of being caught in a shower every time we venture out, please.

But whatever the weather holds, let us have an agreeable time, getting stuff done to take us into the future in good order, while enjoying the present on the way past.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby splosh » August 1st, 2017, 10:39 am

I presumptuously got the month started, so I could use posting my goals as a virtuous procrastination method to avoid getting on with them. It is a pleasantly (indeed agreeably) relaxed month for me, just a pity that a couple of the few things that need doing are frogs...

1. Prep for course I'll be leading later in the year
2. Figure out what to do about a big event next year that has developed multi-dimensional uncertainties
3. Prep for classes at event in September
4. Prepare workshop for start of Sept
5. Build up blog spike while I have time to write

1. Lunch with friend
2. Weekend with other friends
3. Day at the cricket
4. Plan trips for December and March

1. Visit Mum
2. Play in garden (aka keep things ticking over while it's at its best)
3. Get out on our bikes
4. Smear test
5. Buy some clothes

1. Investigate data protection regulations change for both organisations I volunteer for


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Brava21 » August 1st, 2017, 2:03 pm

Hi Splosh

Thank you for starting us off with a great intro and the goals post. I shall have to post mine, but first I am off for a recap of July, over on that thread.

Brava x

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 2nd, 2017, 9:20 pm

I don’t think that weather request you made has been listened to at all, sposh. In fact I would say the month is defying you. Let’s look up and find one with some clout.

The weather has made my goals somewhat disjointed. This should be a holiday month, a peaceful sunny interlude before real life intrudes again in September. It feels more like November. Like I should give up on the garden for this year and order a load of logs for the fire. Anyway, with no summery things on it, here is a list:

1. Health

Attend SW meetings
Record a walk on Strava three times a week
Ongoing saga of optician appointments as usual.

2. Investing

The fog is clearing on this, and I have a plan. It was working out the implementation that was complicated, and multiple Isa acounts. I can see why some peop[e just put it all in Vanguard LifeStrategy. However that would not suit me unfortunately, I like to fiddle about more. I think I have worked out how to arrange things now, and I have a tidy To Do list. Action as required.

3. House project

Repaint my bedroom. I redecorated it last year after the building work, but simply all white. The grey in the other bedrooms is so restful, I shall do this one the same colour. It need a new carpet too, I might get that organised.

4. Declutter

Mental and administrative clutter. Write a list of froggy tasks and do one per day

5. Support TJ

Back from the Alps on Friday and moving into his new home. I have found out the reason for the radio silence, btw: no phone . Drowned in the mountain lake he has been staying near, I think. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that before? It was much the most likely explanation. That makes his losses for July: one top of the range Garmin watch thingy; one road bike; one smartphone. Plus the things he left behind in the student shared house because he lost his keys and anything else he has lost in the Alps. Gosh, he is expensive to keep! I am glad it is not me that has to do it any more. I wonder if he will be able to keep up with himself?

- Continue to maintain his budgeting spreadsheet for him and have weekly finance meetings via Skype. I was hoping this would be a turning point, with him starting work and being so keen to work hard and clear his overdraft. It will be an uphill task if he keeps losing things at this rate. I shall persist, however, so long as he wants me to.

- Help him deal with administrative muddles from moving out of the student house. Ditto probably moving into new shared house. Ad-hoc job hunting assistance if required

- Progress his Army application appeal.Hoping to get all the paperwork together this month, though it down to other people so I can only ask politely.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 3rd, 2017, 2:41 pm

Frog 1 ticked off (email of questions for the shutter company).

Can also report good progress on the 'walking round the park lake' project I mentioned the other day, the resolution to do it every day this week. So far so good (had to set off early to dodge the rain yesterday). Today a friend came with me. She said if she had known she would have come every day. I do like people who are up for things!


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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 5th, 2017, 5:33 pm

This frog list is doing the trick. They are mostly small frogs but there were so many, mostly not vital, that I wasn't getting started. Frog 2 swalllowed yesterday was to open an NS&I Guaranteed Growth Bond, £3,000 at a princely 2.2% interest. What parlous times we savers live in. It seemed hardly worth doing but if one doesnt make some effort the rates are even worse.

Frog 3 for today was to email some photos. One of Dads students, graduated 1979, just found out he has passed away, and sent me (via the funeral director) some photos from Dads leaving party. Dads secretary, a protegee he encouraged to stop being a secretary and go to university herself, eventually doing a PhD, was pictured in them, so I sent them on to her. That was a frog because it was a bit sad, although I know she will like to have them. This executoring seems to be something that goes on a long time.

TJ has reappeared, after a 17 hour minibus trip back from Bavaria, a mornings work cleaning the minibus etc, moving house in the afternoon, working 10 hours overnight in the bar and a trial shift this lunchtime at another bar. He asked he for tips on how to survive tonight 10 hours shift, I suggested bean soup and oranges He contacted me with some difficulty as his MacBook Air has died so no Skype. He was facebook Messengering from Tesco on a borrowed iPad and wanted to Facetime but I cant remember how to get into it. His mobile has not recovered from the drowning. We spent ages trying to sort out how to call. I wrote, could he not find a phone box and just ring me like we did quite simply in the olden days?! But apparently there are no phone boxes these days, there was not even a coin box phone in Tesco. Eventually he bought himself a Tesco phone. He's demoralised with all his possessions out of action, as well one might be. He had a hybrid bike for a spare since the road bike was stolen, but its locked up and he has lost the key to the bike lock. Aargh! Should he give up and be a Buddhist monk with nothing but a robe and bowl? But he'd lose the bowl.

On the plus side, the job interview went well, he really wants the job and he is through to the next stage.

Park lake walked round twice today. I am definitely getting quicker. I feel feeble compared with TJ's activity rate. On the other hand , I have not lost the use of two bicycles, a Macbook Air, a Garmin and an expensive mobile. I didnt own any of them in the first place :-)


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 6th, 2017, 8:34 pm

This frog list is working. I didnt think I would have time for one today, and after all, should one have to deal with frogs on a Sunday? There are better things to do. Nonetheless I thought I should keep up the momentum. I decided to spend a few spare minutes at the end of the day on Frog 4: upgrading my Talktalk broadband and phone package. A few minutes, what was I thinking of ? I must have started at least an hour ago. Oo, they are hard work! I would leave if I didnt have a Talktalk email address; as it is I am afraid I would lose it if I did. I suppose I am stuck with them forever :-( However it's done, thank goodness. The bill will go down from £40 to £34 a month and the broadband will supposedly be four times faster. Good!


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Brava21 » August 8th, 2017, 11:51 am

Gosh, Splosh and Tortoise, you are busy. I feel rather lazy in comparison, but have decided to take it easy over August and don't have much planned. Here are my goals, such as they are:

Finally had a letter (extremely short and curt) from the hospital saying that my last scan was normal and that they do not plan to see me again. My head does still feel very tender, though; this may be entirely normal I suppose. The OH Dr at work is writing to the consultant to ask for a further, supplementary report. Perhaps, as this is one clinician to another, she will be able to elicit more information than me. if she is not successful then perhaps I do go down the concerns/complaints route. In the meantime, if I am discharged then I can try to get into running again. I can manage 3 miles without stopping, but am hilariously slow. I suppose my comeback to below average runner will take some time :D

The weight loss continues to go quite well, and I should like to lose another 3lb this month. The scales tell me I have 6lb to lose to get to my goal weight, but I am sure that there are far more than 6lb lurking around my mid section and I think I may have to rethink that one as I get closer.

As per usual virtually everyone has b*ggered off on holiday and I am more or less it. The goal is to enjoy the peace and quiet in between picking up stuff that had not been done before people went on leave and not to moan about it all too much.

Mr B and I are going to Snowdonia for our wedding anniversary (the anniversary is just after the Bank Holiday weekend but we'll be there over the weekend). We have been up Snowdon many times but never Cader Idris, so we are going to do that. I realised this morning that after this week, we have two weeks in work before we go - which is nice, but it feels like August is over before it's started. Where is the year going?!

That is all. It is not industrious but I don't think I am feeling very productive!

Brava x

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 8th, 2017, 7:51 pm

Hallo Brava! Three miles? That sounds pretty good to me. I hope when you can start to run again it will help sort your head out. It must be good for the brain, getting fitter.

I am not sure about busy, I just seem to have collected a series of things that are all being tackled incrementally so the day fills up with tiny jobs. One frog to cross off, one piece of furniture to move, one walk round the park lake, 21 pages of Wolf Hall, etc, the effect is curious. . What with the rain as well, this is not like August at all. Actually they dont exactly fill the day, they are quite small, but somehow I have to concentrate to fit them in, not let the main events and routines of the day squeeze them out.

’Wolf Hall’ is my book club book. It wasn't on the original goals list, but its very long: 650 pages. It's all in the present tense which makes for a dreamy effect and I keep falling asleep over it. There will no catching up at the last minute on this one though, so I must read some every day,.

The bedroom decorating is proceeding on a similar basis. The furniture is too heavy for me to clear the room quickly into the hall, decorate and move it back. So I am doing it one piece at a time, tidly, finding a suitable place for each elsewhere in the house. It is slower but easier this way. Three pieces done so far and one half way.

Frog 5 yesterday was to print off and read some stuff from a website to which I shortly won’t have access. Frog 6 today was to text the plumber.

The reason these apparently minor things become frogs is the impediments. Such as having to find the password for the website. Before I contacted the plumber I had to find the boiler service log. Then I had to compose a polite text because I want him to fix the loo seat again which has come loose. It is of a peculiar design which makes plumbers curse. Having got his reply, that he will look in his diary and give me a date, I have to remember to chase him up a few times until he does so. Hence is was easier not to address the matter, and why there are others of the same ilk. However, there will be no ilking this month, I am determined!

I like to see you mention Cader Idris. The names of these mountains take me back to my childhood holidays in North Wales. Dad took us up all the mountains when we were little. Cader Idris I remember as being a fine one.


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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 10th, 2017, 7:39 pm

Reporting in with more trivia. This is going well. Yesterday's frog was to chase up a consultants secretary, did that. As a result of the previous day's frog action, the plumber came round, serviced the boiler and went away promising to find a solution to the impossibly difficult to fix toilet seat. I googled it and found a lot of angry people with the same problem. So I shall be interested to see how he solves it. Today's frog was to ask the painter to paint the outside of the house, a task neglected since the building work stopped. I found his contact details and sent him an email.

Furniture is moving too. Yesterday two friends came round and helped me move the wardrobe into the second bedroom. Today I finished moving the large chest of drawers.

Park lake walked round, twice yesterday on my own between the showers, twice today in company in sunshine. Twice round the lake is about two and a half miles. I thought it might get boring walking round it every day, but there is always something new to be seen. Yesterday I saw that some gypsies have got in and set up camp next to the tennis courts. Naughty! Today the model boat club were busy making improvements to the grounds of their shed. They did look happy, digging and barrowing.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby splosh » August 11th, 2017, 5:30 pm

Friday afternoon seems a good moment to check up on progress...

1. Prep for course I'll be leading later in the year.
I've made a start
2. Figure out what to do about a big event next year that has developed multi-dimensional uncertainties. Some of the uncertainties have resolved. I think we are nearing a good solution, but am awaiting a decision from other people to be sure.
3. Prep for classes at event in September. Made a start here, too.
4. Prepare workshop for start of Sept. Outline done. Will need to engage with the detail more nearer the time, but don't need to do any more for a couple of weeks now.
5. Build up blog spike while I have time to write. Done some work here, but not a huge amount.

I had very good discipline the first week of the month on doing a bit of the longer-term things every day, but have been a bit slacker this week. Trying to keep a balance between maintaining enough momentum that things don't slip back into froggishness, but enjoying not having too busy a schedule for the month. Tortoise's frog-slaying is setting a good example, so I shall endeavour to return to my more disciplined ways next week.

1. Lunch with friend
. Yes, nice catch-up
2. Weekend with other friends. Ditto
3. Day at the cricket. Later in the month
4. Plan trips for December and March. Not much progress here yet.

1. Visit Mum
. Done, she is in good form.
2. Play in garden (aka keep things ticking over while it's at its best). Little bits here and there. The weather could usefully be more accommodating.
3. Get out on our bikes. Only once so far (see note about weather), but that's better than nothing.
4. Smear test. I do keep forgetting this one. It's almost like it's the thing I'll enjoy least this month.
5. Buy some clothes Success! Could do with some more still, but any success is worth celebrating.

1. Investigate data protection regulations change for both organisations I volunteer for
. I have done some useful work on this. One of the organisations is a bit of a mess, though I think the new regs may be the spur needed to sort some stuff out that needed sorting anyway. The other one I don't know the detail of yet (have only just started with them), but I suspect is a bit more organised. The best thing that can be said about this goal is that at least it is less unpleasant than having a smear test...

Not on the list for the month was starting to plan a new kitchen. But it's actually a really good topic of conversation for long car journeys, and our trips to visit our friends and my Mum ended up being surprisingly productive. Actually doing it won't happen until next year at the earliest, but it takes a good deal of thinking about so as well to start now.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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Re: Agreeable August


Postby futuresaver101 » August 11th, 2017, 8:09 pm

Hi everyone,

I can't believe it's the 11th. Heck, I can't believe it's August.

Now, as to some goals. I am staycationing (with small trips to friends and family) on holiday - as of this Friday.

So, the no. 1 goal is to actually have a holiday :)

Mr FS101 and I also need to some DIY on the house, so the staycation rule will be as follows

"Decide each evening whether the next day will be a DIY day or a holiday day"

Me, I would plan further ahead but Mr FS101 isn't much of a planner.

I also have all those podcasts, blogs, online profile (LinkedIn and Twitter) and other improving activities it would be sensible to fit in whilst I am off work. Along with doing more sport. And getting my head in gear for job tracking/hunting over the next 12 months. And some life admin (finally claiming expenses on my work-funded dental policy for starters)

And I particularly like T's idea of a frog-a-day...

(Does anyone get the impression that I find it difficult to stop ;))

So, the plan is as follow
Sat am - sport
Sat - Tues - trip away to see godchildren, then 24 hour mini break in a nice hotel
Tues evening - sport, and finishing off one or two bits of work
Wed - a library and lounging day, interspersed with gardening catch up, and sport
Thurs - a day out in a local town (cinema, lunch, pottering in shops), and sport
Friday...a DIY day?

I will post updates in a few days, as this "holiday" plan evolves


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 13th, 2017, 8:48 pm

Holiday plan sound good FS101, I hope you are enjoying it.

I too will be having a staycation this week, as TJ has decided to visit for a few days. I paused the frog list in favour of working out menus, food shopping and getting ahead on the cooking. I am hoping to help him feed himself better. He finds cooking very difficult, spends far too much money on low-grade takeaways and as an athlete is worried about his terrible diet. So as well as cooking him good meals myself, I plan to include some simple ideas he could copy. I roasted a couple of chickens today, he knows how to do that and make stock with the carcass. Using the cold roast chicken and the stock, I shall show him how to make chicken and salad 'wraps' that he always seems to be buying, and chunky carrot and coriander and lentil soup, and home-made pot noodles. I bought a pot noodle the other day, it cost a pound! I have never bought one before. What a ludicrous artifact! A few scrunched-up dry noodles and some flavouring, and it isnt even a proper meal when you have made it, no fresh veg or protein. We shall experiment making better ones.

The other thing I have done in preparation is finish the bedroom furniture removal. Its all neatly in place in other rooms, the second bedroom to which I have removed some of it looks really good, all clothes etc are moved. The ex-master bedroom contains now only a double bed, freshly made up today, and a small chest of drawers. It is splendidly spacious; TJ is going to be impressed with his accommodation. Then once he is gone I shall cover the bed and crack on with the painting.

A reprieve on Wolf Hall; I am not the only one struggling to read it at speed. The book club has decided to cancel the August meeting, since some people are away anyway, and discuss the book in September. Good! It deserves more time spent on it. I have gone back to the beginning and am getting more out of it. 15 pages a day is the new target.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 15th, 2017, 10:52 am

Peaceful here. TJ arrived with a bulging 150-litre North Face duffel bag ... UTF8&psc=1

which seemed large for a three-night stay. Turned out it contained laundry, of course, how didn't I think of that :-) I have done it all and folded it impressively neatly, and done all the other housework I can think of, and popped in to see if he wants to wake up, but no movement. I suppose I could do another frog while I watch the morning pass by. However it is pleasant sitting here idly, with the birds busy in the back garden and some tradesmen out the front, doing something to a house two doors down. Maybe I will plan another healthy cookery lesson. We had two yesterday. Lesson 1 was Buy a Tin of Tesco Tuscan Bean Soup, Here Is One To Try. Lesson 2 was Overnight Oats. The oats were very good , btw, if you haven't tried them. You arrange 40 g porridge oats, 200g yoghurt and some frozen fruit in layers in a bowl or jar, cover and leave it in the fridge overnight. I may eat TJ's too if he doesnt get up soon.

OK I have done a very small frog. I keep picking the smallest off the list. This was to renew my Club Lloyds Bank account benefit. Its one of that bunch of accounts I opened last year with the travelling £1500 standing order and the two direct debits on each. Lloyds is 2% interest on £5,000. Worth having these days, and you get this benefit you can choose each year as well. Either a magazine subscription, or six cinema tickets, or some restaurant discounts. Chose the cinema tickets.

I have also done some of my favourite spreadsheet sums to try to convince TJ about the cookery. When we made the Overnight Oats and I produced the frozen fruit (£2/kg from Tesco) he asked me if it was expensive. Nothing is expensive compared with junk food! I've worked out that he is spending £104 a week on food and living mainly on takeaways and toast. Meanwhile I am spending £113 on my no-expense-spared SW diet including a great deal of upmarket fish and seafood, organic meat, soft fruit, all colours of fresh veg, herbs and salad, Nespresso capsules etc. He could spend half what he does and eat far better, as any Fool knows. I shall bludgeon him with figures when he wakes up.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby splosh » August 18th, 2017, 2:19 pm

I finally made it into the doctor's surgery today to see about making an appointment for a smear test.

'Would you like to wait and have it in 20 mins?' asked the receptionist, 'We've had a cancellation'.

So rather to my surprise I have actually got that goal done, phew.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby futuresaver101 » August 20th, 2017, 9:58 am


So, no plan survives contact with reality :)

Sat am - sport Sport, can't remember what else. Probably laundry
Sat - Tues - trip away to see godchildren, then 24 hour mini break in a nice hotel Good time with children. Bought a nearly new car (this is a considered purchase, has been on the list for ooh 3-5 years). Went to hotel, and checked out with refund after 15 minutes. Not a nice hotel. Went back to godchildren.
Tues evening - sport, and finishing off one or two bits of work Managed the sport not the work
Wed - a library and lounging day, interspersed with gardening catch up, and sport This one happened as planned
Thurs - a day out in a local town (cinema, lunch, pottering in shops), and sport Drive North to pick up car. Journey takes more than 9 hours instead of less than 5. Get climbed on by godchildren, have a lovely dinner and a bit too much to drink
Friday...a DIY day? Hangover, resolve to stick to 1-2 units rather than 5. Pick up almost new car, godchildren very excited to climb around in the back. Drive South. Finish with sport and a nice Friday evening

Saturday was a cleaning the house day (at least the morning) and then our new friends came around with their kids and a lovely time, staying afternoon through to the early evening.

Isn't decluttering strangely unsettling and positive at the same time? I might do a bit more of it, but not too much.

I'm also realising that (i) kids are a fantastic reset from work (ii) our godchildren have trained us in basic child wrangling. Socially, it means we can make new friends. My 30s were quite tough, not much time for friends and also ended up changing sectors so lost work friends.

And here we are on Sunday. I ate a whole pot of ice cream yesterday in lieu of dinner (and it was gooood) so some physical exercise might be in order. Have put the sofa covers in the washing machine so can't lounge on sofa. Although do feel like I need a bit of a rest (see children exposure above ;))

Tentative plan for week 2
Sunday - I might try a IT and phone detox for 24 hours (obvs after signing off here). Declutter the conservatory, a tip trip (?), local walk in the woods.

Monday - DIY prep (trip to local stores, buy paint etc.). Tip trip ? Leave mid afternoon for an evening networking event. In Reading :) Despite location, and vacation, it was worth hanging on to the invite. They are sought after.

Tuesday - Looks to be a good DIY day, plus some sport. I don't know how long this DIY is going to take, probably two days for the outside and two days for the inside. Outside is essential, inside is a nice to have (although hasn't been done on the inside for 16 years so it needs doing, I don't have T DIY energy ;)

Wednesday - Hubby leaves mid-morning for 24 hour trip to see friend. This might be my work catch up day, it's not day job work but a side project I've got. Don't feel that enthusiastic about it though right now. Clearly need more down time. Also play scrabble with an elderly friend.

Thursday - More not-work work ? or more lounging ? haircut at 4 pm, in London. Meet husband in London and go Oxford Street shopping. Counts as a London day. Might meet a friend who wants some advice.

Friday - I fancy a day trip to the seaside in our new car. With picnic.

Saturday - Sport, then what? I know a Bank Holiday trip away is going to be superbusy but it does somehow appeal. There is also a beer festival in our town.

Sunday - DIY ? minibreak ? Choices, choices...

Monday - DIY ? minibreak ?

Tuesday - Back to work...and get some new business cards done with my Fellowship(s) on them

It might just be Sunday morning slow start, but I am in a bit of a reflective mood. It is clear(er) to me now that I usually spend my days at 100%, and when I think I'm stopping it's actually only just a mild slow down. When I do stop, my appetite for things I want to do (even things I enjoy) is somewhat different to what I thought it would be. My not-work work projects are more work-related in terms of requiring energy (rather than giving energy) than I had realised.

I'll report in on my progress and evolving plans on Wednesday

Hope everyone else is having an Agreeable August.


P.S. Splosh, that reminds me - I shall go get a medical test done, see if I can get a cancellation.

P.P.S. I noticed that there is an option to donate towards the running costs of this site. Will go give a bit of money, the moderators are doing a heck of a job.

Lemon Pip
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby splosh » August 22nd, 2017, 5:57 pm

Hope you are finding more things that give rather than take energy in your time off, FS101. Useful distinction to make there.

I think I'm quite on top of things, so popping in to see if this is a delusion or not!

1. Prep for course I'll be leading later in the year
Done quite a lot here. Waiting to hear back from the other tutor before I carry on.
2. Figure out what to do about a big event next year that has developed multi-dimensional uncertainties. Very pleased about this. Lots of things cleared up, and with good results.
3. Prep for classes at event in September. Nearly finished. One handout to go.
4. Prepare workshop for start of Sept. All planned. Will need a bit more attention next week.
5. Build up blog spike while I have time to write. Um, to an extent. Not a huge extent, but better than nothing.

1. Lunch with friend
. Gosh that feels ages ago by now.
2. Weekend with other friends. As does this
3. Day at the cricket. Well, I thought this one was going to be easy to achieve, we bought the tickets months ago. But we didn't count on England beating the West Indies in 3 days flat. We went for a picnic instead.
4. Plan trips for December and March. Plans for December well-developed. Flights, most of the accommodation, and some event tickets purchased. March plans less well developed, but then again less urgent. I won't mind if this gets bumped to Oct (no chance of getting onto it in Sept.)

1. Visit Mum
Did so, she's well.
2. Play in garden (aka keep things ticking over while it's at its best). Weather hasn't been as nice as I hoped, but I'm out there now. And the beans and tomatoes have both been making generous contributions to our meals.
3. Get out on our bikes. Just a couple of times so far, but nice trips.
4. Smear test. As reported on Friday, DONE at last.
5. Buy some clothes. Um, some, probably could do with some more.

1. Investigate data protection regulations change for both organisations I volunteer for
. Did quite well with this earlier in the month. Now onto the difficult bit of figuring out how to make appropriate changes. Bit anxious about one of the organisations, the other one will be simpler to deal with.

So, yes, doing okay it seems.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 22nd, 2017, 7:59 pm

Hope you are still enjoying your hard-working holiday, FS101! It seems interestingly varied, you are certainly packing a lot in.

I like your story about the smear test, splosh. Do you think it might be their policy, perhaps? I bet they don't actually do bookings at all. Whenever a patient tentatively mentions the subject, they say 'Oh we've just had a cancellation, you can have one now' and whisk them in before they have time to think :-)

I am posting to motivate myself to start again following TJs visit. I have returned the house to normal following his departure. He got the job he went back for the second interview for, btw. A big promotion on his previous one and a job he keenly wanted, in a very professional organization. I am impressed by what he has told me about it. More hours and better pay, too.We have revised his spreadsheet to show that he might actually start digging himself out of his overdraft in due course. Also I helped him give in his notice. He was a bit concerned about leaving the previous job so soon, but I advised him how to do it gracefully so he is still in their good books. He started training at the new job yesterday and will finish at the old one early next week. He is dead keen and planning to work his socks off.

Right, back to the frogs. And the decorating. No excuses not to paint the bedroom now. I shall start tomorrow.


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Re: Agreeable August


Postby futuresaver101 » August 23rd, 2017, 2:47 pm

Hi all,

Splosh and T - thanks for the thoughtful observations. I am not good at "vegetating", which is my word for relaxing. Might explain why I don't do much of it, the word does appear to make me think about my compost heap !

Here's another report on what happens when plans meet reality :)

Sunday - I might try a IT and phone detox for 24 hours (obvs after signing off here). Declutter the conservatory, a tip trip (?), local walk in the woods. Did some decluttering, and my dad came to visit for a stay over. Didn't manage an IT detox.

Monday - DIY prep (trip to local stores, buy paint etc.). Tip trip ? Leave mid afternoon for an evening networking event. In Reading :) Despite location, and vacation, it was worth hanging on to the invite. They are sought after. Change of plans, got hubby to drive me to Reading for a mini break in a nice hotel, and popped out for a couple of hours. Networking was interesting, full of networking millennials, who seem extremely confident and only interested in networking with CEOs.

Tuesday - Looks to be a good DIY day, plus some sport. I don't know how long this DIY is going to take, probably two days for the outside and two days for the inside. Outside is essential, inside is a nice to have (although hasn't been done on the inside for 16 years so it needs doing, I don't have T DIY energy ;) Nice lie in and cooked breakfast, shopping in Reading getting clothes for husband (does anyone else have trouble getting their OH into shops). Drive back through countryside, came back to a house that smelt slightly "fusty". Six bags of hubby's clothes ready for charity shop, four throws/duvets to laundrette.

Wednesday - Hubby leaves mid-morning for 24 hour trip to see friend. This might be my work catch up day, it's not day job work but a side project I've got. Don't feel that enthusiastic about it though right now. Clearly need more down time. Also play scrabble with an elderly friend. So, hubby has left as planned, I've cancelled the scrabble and am sat down to do my career plans and (more) life admin. Started with you guys of course :)

Let's see what happens over the next few days...

Thursday - Morning lie in and/or completing home-work catch up and/or my side project. Lunch in London with a friend, followed by haircut and evening in London with hubby.

Friday - Currently planning a DIY day although I'm not that enthusiastic.

Saturday - Such a cool plan here, have booked one night in our old university town (student accommodation !!!) where the OH and I first met. Planning to visit the village and pubs where we used to date.

Sunday - Go to seaside, again revisit old haunts. Possible pub quiz in the evening.

Monday - As yet unplanned, either DIY or beer and/or food festivals which are happening in our town or nearby. Anyone want to take bets on what's going to happen in practice :) ?

Next report just before I go back to work :)

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Agreeable August


Postby Tortoise1000 » August 23rd, 2017, 8:25 pm

Another fine example of diligence on this holiday, FS101! You are posting more than you ever do about work :-)

Decorating snookered today by a recurrence of the balance problem. I thought it has gone away but it started again this morning, feeling of going over sideways. Not ideal for painting. However I was determined to make a start, so I have got all the materials out and made a shopping list for a trip to B&Q. An exciting one: I shall be able to claim my oldie discount card!


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