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Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby futuresaver101 » June 2nd, 2017, 7:07 am

Hi all,

As it's somewhat early (this morning, this month) and I wasn't planning to do this, I haven't been musing on many (any) wise words with which to encourage you on your YTST journey. Also I'm feeling green.

So, below, here's some recycling. Gotta say - we ROCK as a board :)


Here's YramNos in 2016 on MF

My knee's a bit duff 2
I want to get started! It’s ages since I posted on this board and as I have distinctively duff knees and FS101 seems reluctant to expose her knees I’m going to get started anyway.

1 Actually my main goal this month has to do with my knees. I’m disabled so there is no way that I could do the recommended 10,000 steps daily but my average step count for May was only 1300 so I want the average for June to be over 2000.
2 Just had the bathroom , sitting room and hall redecorated so I want to get those three rooms back to order and thoroughly decluttered.
3 List 20 items on EBay. This is not unconnected with item 2 above.
4 Get started on making my Christmas cards. Sorry about that.

And Penny UK in 2015

June: Preparing for launch off

Rocket launches often seem like the start of the journey, the beginning. We fire up our rockets, loosen the bolts holding us in place and launch off with the mission.

But the launch itself - just like any launch - has involved much hard work for many people. The astronuts may get the glory, but there are numerous people who have been involved, from rocket scientists who draw up the plans, to the technicians who put it together. They are all preparing for launch off.

Maybe we are near the finish line, with the launch of the final product close by. June could be the time to finish everything off, ready to launch it into our homes or the world..

Perhaps we are in the middle of our life projects. The designs drawn up, the final launch a long way off, but right now is time to put the bits together, to follow the plans.

Many things get launched - rockets, boats, products, books - so maybe our next launch is quite different from the sound and fury of a rocket launch.

June is the start of summer, so lots of people are preparing for their holidays and to launch off on a plane. But for others, it is mid-exam season: revising hard and doing their best in the exams will allow them to launch off in their later plans.

And the final type of preparation: to clear up the loose ends of the old project. Some types of launch need a clear space to leave from. The detritus of the past use need to be cleared away so the new can start. The tidying up, the discarding, the final parts of the old. Clearing these up is another way of preparing for launch of something new later.

Whatever our plans, whatever our goals, there are things we can be doing in June. Lets get on and do them!

And Ian Wilkins in 2014

Juno where you're going to?
Where you're going to?
Do you like the things
That life is showing you?
Where are you going to?
Do you know?

So, a terrible pun, and no alternative, wins me a thread to start, by default. But actually, maybe it's quite apposite. Do you know where you're going to? What's in the future, the pipeline, if you think you know, what needs sorting out, to help you get there?

So, this is the June thread. Nearly halfway!

Me? I need to book a family holiday. Had some excellent news yesterday that means the future is clearer, and better.

As usual for me, I've got oodles and oodles of scout stuff to sort out.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby futuresaver101 » June 2nd, 2017, 7:10 am

P.S. When I wake up, I'll think about some goals :)

Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby splosh » June 5th, 2017, 10:47 am

Thank you for getting us started FS101. I rather took my eye off the ball for the start of June so am only just gathering my wits and to-do lists together. Home a good deal more than in May, which is good for keeping track of things, but the diary is filling up nonetheless.

1. 3 coaching trips
2. 2 mentoring sessions
3. 2 arrangement commissions
4. 1 day external examining
5. Plan workshop for start of July (quite straightforward)
6. Prep for training event later in July (rather complex)

1. Open gardens weekend (will be both visiting gardens and volunteering to help run it)
2. Friend's big birthday bash

Home, health, family
1. Get weight back under control after holiday
2. Progress with garden plans
3. Resume stalled DIY projects (I think I've said this before. It doesn't help when we're not at home much).
4. Visits from both my and MrSplosh's brothers. Not quite sure how many visits or of what length, but they both have commitments in Birmingham during the month around which they'll be visiting us.
5. Next actions after May's semi-annual financial review


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby Tortoise1000 » June 11th, 2017, 12:19 pm

Thank you for starting the thread, FS101. What happened to your goals?

Mine I wrote out and didn't get round to posting. Here they are.

1. Health

Keep walking, attending SW and cooking beautiful meals. Health is my top priority goal for the next 3 years, so I shall continue to post this one.

2. Investing

Open an ISA with iWeb. I’ve got two at present, Interactive Investor and TD Waterhouse, but they have merged so I need another one

3. House project

Get another quote for landscaping
Visit one or two shed suppliers
Visit three furniture shops to start choosing sitting room furniture
Start clearing the place at the side of the house where a shed will go
Chase up the bricklayer about altering the terrace steps

4. Declutter

Get rid of one sofa
Finish tidying the garage and store room, as far as is possible without a shed

5. Support TJ

Help draft his Army appeal, if required. It has gone rather quiet on the TJ front the last couple of days. Perhaps he doesn’t need any more support? He won’t soon, hopefully. If he can just get a degree and a job he will be launched into the world.


Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby Brava21 » June 13th, 2017, 11:16 am

Hi all

How is it June already?! The year seems to be passing in a blur.

Goals? I dunno really. Mainly due to not being very well this year I haven’t really set myself many. Having said that, when I look back on the specific things I wanted to achieve I haven’t done too badly.

I have painted the fences, benches and exterior walls, planted up a border with at least some plants, and also planted up some annuals in containers. And excitingly, our new front door gets installed tomorrow. This was all I wanted to do in the house for this year but I think I now have two further goals:

• Replacement freezer – we have an under counter freezer in the utility room, inherited from Mum and Dad, which although looking pretty old and beaten up was working well (or so I thought) so we kept it. But, it does seem to ice up quickly and consequently, the drawers keep sticking. It’s over 20 years old, so I think it’s time to concede that we’ve had good value out of it as a family and to get a new, much more energy efficient model. I will research them…
• Minor electrical work – there’s only one, single socket in the garage and Mr B finds this a bit of a faff. I do too really, and I think what we need is for the socket (which is to the rear of the garage) to be converted to a double socket and some wiring run along the wall to the front of the garage with another double socket at the front, where Mr B has his shiny new work bench. Again, to be investigated and a suitable local electrician found.


Still in limbo re the bleed on the brain, latest scan was yesterday, and from experience I know it can take at least 3 weeks before I hear the results. Bother. Head doesn’t feel any worse, though, so hopefully that’s a positive.

The main goal for this month is to lose some weight – any weight will do. Last autumn, I was cross with myself that I had let myself get a stone and a half over the weight I consider to be my ‘median’ weight (not thin but it seemed relatively manageable to keep to that weight). My excuse for this was that there was a lot of comfort eating after my Mum died. After I had the accident and broke my jaw, an unexpectedly pleasant side effect was that I lost about half of that surplus weight. Sadly, once I could eat properly again, I went and undid all of that good work and ended up right back where I started. I am very cross with myself over this. I have managed to lose a few pounds but am still a stone heavier than I would like to be. And goodness, I do feel that I look lardy. Really podgy.

Finally, I am still not allowed to run (apparently it might ‘bounce my head around’ too much) and feel so fat and unfit as a result. However I am allowed to walk, so for the past couple of weeks I have been making an effort to do as much of that as I can, wearing my Garmin when I go out and logging it all in my diary. I managed over 30 miles in each of the last 2 weeks and I hope that this activity will help me when I can run again, in as much as hopefully my legs won’t have completely seized up.


Keep putting up with it, really. There are changes afoot – yet again – and I am really not sure what they will mean for me. I will have to wait and see.

Good luck to everyone else with their goals
Brava x

Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby splosh » June 17th, 2017, 12:08 pm

Hi everyone, popping back in to check progress...

1. 3 coaching trips
Two down, one to go
2. 2 mentoring sessions Both done
3. 2 arrangement commissions First one started, feel a bit behind on this in general
4. 1 day external examining Later in the month
5. Plan workshop for start of July (quite straightforward) Not done much here yet
6. Prep for training event later in July (rather complex) Making quite good progress

1. Open gardens weekend (will be both visiting gardens and volunteering to help run it)
2. Friend's big birthday bash Done. She has been suitably celebrated

Home, health, family
1. Get weight back under control after holiday
Oh, did I commit to doing this? Hmmm.
2. Progress with garden plans Yes, going well.
3. Resume stalled DIY projects (I think I've said this before. It doesn't help when we're not at home much). Good progress here too at last.
4. Visits from both my and MrSplosh's brothers. Not quite sure how many visits or of what length, but they both have commitments in Birmingham during the month around which they'll be visiting us. We have seen both, on one occasion at the same time. We will be seeing my brother again later in the month
5. Next actions after May's semi-annual financial review Good progress here too. Not quite all done, but the major ones are sorted.

Well, that was worth doing. It turns out I am partly ahead of myself, partly behind. Which probably means about okay for now :-)


Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby futuresaver101 » June 25th, 2017, 12:49 pm

Hi all

T - *blush* - I didn't get around to setting any goals this month ! Hmm, how many days left ? Ooops - not that many :)

OK, I'll put just one goal down. There's this industry award that I'm thinking about applying for. A complete long shot, so much so I started my application and then didn't finish it by the deadline. I think they might be a bit desperate for applicants because I got an email saying the DEADLINE had been EXTENDED (I think they were trying to get my attention)

I need to break the back of it today, as the day job keeps me busy during the week.

The worst bit will be recording the 1 minute video !


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby Tortoise1000 » July 2nd, 2017, 8:14 pm

That sound rather awesome, FS101. When will you know if you won it? We look forward to the Youtube link to the video :-)

Reporting in on the goals:

June has been a month of three halves. First, I got cracking on the garden. I really got stuck in, shifting pots and sacks, cutting back shrubs and wielding my hover mower like a machete. It was so good to be fitter and able to get on with it without feeling tired. I decided to ignore all the indoor jobs and concentrate on the garden.

Then the heat wave struck. Holiday! It is like suddenly being in a different country, isn’t it? Abandoning the garden, I went to the beach every day. Far too hot for gardening anyway, and the frogs would not have liked me altering their habitat when it was so dry. I put the sprinkler on each day for them, on the still-jungly parts of the garden.

For myself I bought an air conditioner. Every year when it is hot I wish I had one, so this year I finally made the purchase. Yes, it is clutter most of the year. But after a wearingly hot day, how it is wonderful to have a cool bedroom to retreat to at night.

I was just getting accustomed being a tortoise of leisure when the heavens opened and the holiday came to an abrupt end. I was driven back to the indoor jobs for the final part of the month

This was the progress on the goals:

1. Health

Keep walking, attending SW and cooking beautiful meals
. Done.

2. Investing

Open an ISA with iWeb.
Done. Opening it was easy enough. Funding it was trickier. The plan was to transfer cash from Interactive Investor. But iWeb won’t let one make partial transfers from s/s ISAs. Only from cash ones. So I have initiated a transfer from II into my Coventry cash ISA. When that is done, I can start a transfer from the Coventry to iWeb.

[i3. House project

Chase up the bricklayer about altering the terrace steps. Start clearing the
place at the side of the house where a shed will go. Done.

Get another quote for landscaping. Visit one or two shed suppliers. Visit three furniture shops to start choosing sitting room furniture.
Not done.

4. De-clutter

Get rid of one sofa.
Not done.

Finish tidying the garage and store room, as far as is possible without a shed. Yes! Finished! This is a red letter day on the de-cluttering project. ‘De-cluttering’ is removing from each room the things that aren’t required for the purpose of the room. What’s left is the clutter. Or rather, what is left is the contents of the garage, loft etc because that is where the things take refuge. I have nothing in my loft, on principle. So the clutter was making a last stand in the integral garage. It kept making sorties into the adjoining dining room. It is now defeated! Everything not binned is stowed neatly and accessibly in suitable containers on suitably sized shelves. I am finding it actually a pleasure to walk in there. Thank you, YTST, for prompting me to finish this off in June .

5. Support TJ

Help draft his Army appeal, if required. It has gone rather quiet on the TJ front the last couple of days. Perhaps he doesn’t need any more support? He won’t soon, hopefully. If he gets a degree and a job I shall feel he is safely launched into the world.

TJ has been no trouble at all for the last three weeks as he has been at the UOTC summer camp. He’s done well there. He was made a platoon commander for the field exercise. . At the annual awards ceremony, he won the trophy for best second year cadet. And he got his degree! So perhaps it not just the tidy garage that is making me happy. There is also the wonderful feeling that TJ is independent. Gosh, it has been a long slog! I expect t I shall come crashing down to earth soon; doubtless there is more drama to come. But with a 9-year CV of good part-time employment, a degree and an excellent level of fitness he should okay to launch himself into the world and earn a crust one way or another. Job done :-)


Lemon Pip
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Re: Joy - DJ'ya Know it's June


Postby Brava21 » July 3rd, 2017, 10:00 am

Hi all

Heavens, June has gone already. The months are flying by.

Well done on the massive decluttering project, Tortoise (I do love a good declutter). And I am so pleased for you on the TJ front. Getting his degree done and dusted must feel like a major milestone. I think you have earned it as much as he has!!

I have not done too badly on my goals for June (though I had hardly any so that’s probably why).

New front door - installed mid month. I LOVE my new front door! It just makes the house look so much nicer. I am really, really pleased with it 
Replacement freezer – researched, purchased and delivered last week. It doesn’t quite have the same sort of impact as the front door (!!) but it is hopefully much more energy efficient than the last one.
Minor electrical work – not done; I am now putting that off until the week after next.

Still waiting for results of latest scan; also have an appointment with the OH doctor at work later in the month. I do think my head feels a bit better, though.

Weight loss – whoo hoo! Due to amking a big effort, and also I have to say due to a really nasty upset stomach last week, I have left June 12lbs lighter than I entered it. 11lb to go to reach the weight I would like, but if I can just get a couple more ponds off there are clothes I could wear which I currently can’t. so, looking positive in that direction.

Exercise – the walking is going well; I have been tracking the distances and have walked in excess of 30 miles each week since towards the end of May. It’s the only exercise I get at the moment, so at least it’s something.

Work – yes, I have been putting up with it…

Brava x

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