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2018 - Lets start with January

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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2018 - Lets start with January


Postby pancake101 » January 7th, 2018, 12:01 pm

Well another year has arrived.

We are all another year older and hopefully wiser. Did your planned vision happen in 2017 ? If so, do you have more goals for 2018?

If like me you need to revisit old goals or have new one planned- lets make a start. We can plan here ahead the year or just for January - or both - your choice. Its a friendly board!

its a good time of year to review, reflect and reset our aims.

Here we come - 2018

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby pancake101 » January 7th, 2018, 12:16 pm

Our toast here for the New Year was ' **** of 2017 ', It was a bad, sad year. I suspect everyone gets one of those during a lifetime.

This year will be better.

Not done my three Rs yet but I do want to be more social this year. It is easy to become a recluse when not having out of house employment.

So really getting more of a balance there.

- need to have a financial plan that suits my haphazard filing and banking.
- get fitter - yep I need to do this - I must do this - I will start next week!
- plan at least three breaks away for this year. Well two are already in the pipeline - nothing major or long haul but its a start!

For Jan I am still in a guddle - so more de cluttering- does it ever end! I do have to say that compared to 4 or 5 years ago the amount of stuff has come down a lot. I have now started to hand in storage containers to the charity shops. Progress has been make!

Update bank accounts to Ms Money - did this just now - see the goals are working already!
Write letters - this is becoming a dying art form!

Happy New Year to you all.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 8th, 2018, 10:14 am

Happy new year, pancake! You are setting a good example here. I will just have a look back at 2017 first, and then join you with the resolutions.


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby Brava21 » January 11th, 2018, 3:51 pm

Happy New Year Pancake, Tortoise and all other Lemons!

I have been meaning to post, but have been too busy being in denial about it being a New year at all, and subsequently procrastinating about what my goals for said year might be, to put pen to paper. I will, though, next week - just give me the weekend to have another think.

In the meantime I shall share with you - for your amusement and my shame - that although Mr B and I said we were going to do Dry January, we have failed spectacularly. I think we made it to the 5th :).

See you next week and in the meantime it would be lovely to hear about everyone else's goals.

Brava xx

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby Brava21 » January 18th, 2018, 4:08 pm

A week later and I can only dimly think of goals for the month. It is hard, when 1) I hate January and 2) I have the lurgy, still. Both Mr B and I had it over Christmas, and for me it has never quite gone away. Goals will therefore be feeble, as I attempt to go easy on myself:

Work - keep putting up with it. Continue to try and be sociable, as this helps me at least get SOMETHING out of it (doing well, two coffees and a lunch lined up for next week).

Health - try to lose weight. I have been the same since at least November. If I could exit January at least one pound lighter than I started it, I would be pleased. However, on current form this may well not happen. Also, try to keep up the running, dependant on weather and daily state of lurgy, or not. Not doing so badly with that so far. I am rubbish, but at least I am out there doing it :)

Home - do a little winter garden tidying, weather dependant. Always cheers me up if it looks tidier. Start writing list of things I want to do in spring/summer and plan out a sequence (garden fantasy! Great for winter morale).

That will have to do for now! How are others getting on? Hope you are all feeling healthier than me.

Brava x

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby futuresaver101 » January 26th, 2018, 8:31 pm


It is still January isn't it ? Sorry for the long silence, I keep forgetting my password and then dithering about requesting a new one.

T - I love your post to the 2017 thread. I was, crikey, we have acquired a time machine :)

I guess in terms of goals, I need to do my tax return before the end of the month.

Otherwise, what else to report ? All is well :)

Can I start thinking about what I would like my 50th year to be like (I am turning 47 soon).

I guess that sort of longer term planning is very YTST

Right, better go catch up on everyone's posts !


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby futuresaver101 » January 28th, 2018, 10:54 am


Well, a few days towards the tax return submission. So, I shall ignore it, momentarily.

I have taken on a couple of directorships, related to a small charity that I work for. This will be a three year term, through to the end of 2020. It is focussing my mind, I am updating my plans (v YTST :)). My office chair is surrounded by piles of paper (remember when I had that big decluttering push...I would give myself a 7/10 for maintaining order here).

Not sure if the above counts as a short-term goal or just a word-dump. But, heck, I'm out of practice with my YTST ;) It's a bit like starting to get fit after a break.

Hope everyone is well and that you are all looking forward to a Fabulous and Focussed February !

P.S. I'm also musing on the amount of exercise I am going to have to do as I approach 50. My GP did say it needs to increase with age. Bear in mind that I already have a personal trainer and some well-used (and well-washed, don't worry) gym gear. Do I need to take up 10k or something to keep at bay the big decline?

2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby Tortoise1000 » January 29th, 2018, 4:19 pm

10k at LEAST, FS101 :-) The book I read on this topic is ... +for+women

or there is a blokes version which I gather is much the same. Basically it says you have to exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life. That way you will stay fit and well and then pop off suddenly. As opposed to the unpleasant decline which is becoming the norm due to a sedentary lifestyle. It is an uncomfortable read if you are not up to standard! But I skipped through it the first time, and then read it again later when I was making more of an effort. The message stays with you.

You sound to be doing pretty well though, if you have a personal trainer. I am impressed. What are you currently doing with the personal trainer? Or is he just for decoration? :-)


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby futuresaver101 » January 30th, 2018, 10:50 pm

Yay. Tax return done !

And reply written, and then I thought - will just check on that link.

And my text has disappeared when "back browsered" my way back here.

So, to recap

LOL, T, He is a She, PT. Between 3-8 hours walking/week (getting from A to B, I don't drive) and between 1-6 hours classes/week, plus my hour's PT. Yoga through to BootCamp for the classes. Targeted torture with my PT - she knows just how far to push me. And knows my full vocabulary of swear words, as I work my way through the Pilates machine, the big bouncy ball thingy, weights, commando planks and more.

I will up my game for feb. I'll target a class/night with a Sunday off. 3 years to go to 50.

Take care all, I will start thinking about February goals now,


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2018 - Lets start with January


Postby pancake101 » February 3rd, 2018, 2:58 pm

- need to have a financial plan that suits my haphazard filing and banking.
- get fitter - yep I need to do this - I must do this - I will start next week!
- plan at least three breaks away for this year. Well two are already in the pipeline - nothing major or long haul but its a start!

For Jan I am still in a guddle - so more de cluttering- does it ever end! I do have to say that compared to 4 or 5 years ago the amount of stuff has come down a lot. I have now started to hand in storage containers to the charity shops. Progress has been make!

Update bank accounts to Ms Money - did this just now - see the goals are working already!
Write letters - this is becoming a dying art form!

Not done much work in the filing and banking (aka none) perhaps as i get closer to the end of the tax year it will help. Must try harder there!
Regular visits to the gym.
Been away already for a long weekend
Some more items removed but very much a guddle as furniture is being replaced. I hope to get rooms painted over the next few weeks- might was well do it whilst things are being moved around!
One note-let written.

Overall - started to get back on track - must try harder.

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