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2016 12 Dec the Halls!

Think it, Plan it, Do it
Lemon Pip
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2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Wondergirly » December 1st, 2016, 11:58 am

Welcome to our shiny new December thread, all twinkling and glittery and full of cheer!

December is a happy time of year for me. Lots of family birthdays and Christmas to look forward to. I shall begin to deck our halls very shortly and enjoy our first Christmas in our new home and new town, with lots of local events to take part in (Santa visits for dogs, anyone? :) )

So, as we prepare for the end of the year, it is a good time to take stock of our situation and review our annual goals as well as set some new ones for this month.
It is an excellent time to declutter 'stuff' (since many of you will be in the loft or under the stairs anyway, looking for those cards you bought in the sales last year.....), an especially good time to declutter fridges, freezers, and food cupboards, to use up those random things that have accumulated over the year, and if you haven't done so yet, the garden can be properly put to bed for the winter now that we have had some hard frosts.

But whatever your plans and goals, whether you like all the fol-de-rol around Christmas or not, do take time to think about what will make YOU happy over the next few weeks: more giving, less receiving? a social whirl or hunkering down and re-charging your batteries? eating your body-weight in chocolate or continuing your new healthy habits around diet or exercise?

Give yourself the gift of choice, consciously choose what is best for you. Take into account the feelings of others by all means, it is kind to do so, but don't forget that you are important too. And if it all gets too much at times, just remember there is a shiny new year right around the corner!


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby splosh » December 1st, 2016, 2:42 pm

"Give yourself the gift of choice" - what a wonderfully empowering sentiment to start the month with, thank you Wondergirly!

December is a month of two halves for me, as for many. Normal life pretty much up until Dec 16, when we start diving off all over the country to visit rellies, then coming back with other rellies to visit us. Quiet descends again on NYE, phew.

1. One training session
2. 2 choir gigs
3. Choir planning for the new year
4. Blog content set up for over Christmas
5. Book accommodation for conventions next year
6. Start new arrangement commissions

1. 1 quartet rehearsal
2. Host a party
3. Go to 2 other parties
4. Book mini-break in Jan

1. Finish garden tidy-up
2. Finish upstairs bathroom
3. Prep for Christmas (for which I have a separate list!)

I also want to get my head round some goals for 2017 this month. So far I have a nice collection of plans in the home/family category, but work looks mostly like ‘just keep going with things’. Which may be okay, but I’d like it to be because I decided that rather than because I forgot to consider anything else!


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby doone100 » December 1st, 2016, 4:53 pm

What a perfect intro, Wondergirly. It sums up how my December will look.

I need to be more disciplined in setting and following goals this month
Complete a quarterly review of reserves held- deadline 19th
Start work on new project, no deadline but lots of documenting of Due Diligence is required
Annual Workforce Planning updates- dead first week of 2017

Tidy the garden now that, as Wondergirly said, the frosts have killed off the last of the summer planting
Finish spare room, buy furniture, lampshades, rug etc
Deep clean in each " public" room

Keep up with 8 week BSD up until Christmas

Write the Master Shopping List
Write and post cards
Buy family cards
Wrap presents
Order Fruit and veg
Order Capon
Make two more meals for the freezer
Prepare and freeze stuffing, pigs in blankets

Finish alterations to Mr Doone's joined hose by this Sunday
Finish his new split hose
Finish my new short hose
AGM minutes

I think that's it


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby kodokan » December 1st, 2016, 7:53 pm

Beautifully festive intro, Wondergirly!

I am cautiously toe-dipping into this goal-setting and achieving business, as I'm considering December a practice run for goalling in 2017. I haven't formed many for December beyond the usual 'make cake, finish present shopping, decorate' ones; I don't know what structure or headings might work for me.

But in a journey of a thousand miles way, I shall take the first prep step for 2017. One thing I know I want to do next year is reduce my car usage and do more miles on my bike: my goal for 2017 will be to overall do more bike miles than car miles. This is a moderately ambitious plan, given (a) I live in the US, which means everything is far more spread out, and (b) in Ohio, which has the 'benefit' of Mid-West winters with proper weather. (It also has quite hot summers, but after years of biking in 45 degree Arizona, I have methods for that.)

Last winter, our first here, was apparently quite mild as it only spent most of Jan/ Feb at around -5 to -10, and the schools only closed for a Snow Day once. Everyone was quite pleased and commented often about how nice it was after the last two years of brutal winters. It worries me that the school handbook, along with closing for Snow Days, also talks about closure for Extreme Cold Days. This is when it's too dangerously cold for kids to stand outside and wait for their school bus pick-up. For about five minutes. Just think about that, and shiver for me.

But hey, I survived four years of biking in Swiss winters - it must be doable, at least some days. So I shall spend December practicing for this 2017 goal - using my bike when practical, and finding the least intrusive ways to keep a mileage log for both the car and bike (both vehicles which I share with others, so can't just use odometers).

The intention for this goal is to practice being car-light/ car-free for our future life, once Mr K stops work and we become location independent (it's not practical here in the sprawling suburbs we must live in in order to get good state schools). And also to increase exercise, and explore more of my newish town - if I, for example, have to do a long trip in my car, then I will have to arbitrarily invent an equally long trip on the bike, to keep the ratio stable.

So, the score so far for December:

Car: 0
Bike: 5

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Wondergirly » December 4th, 2016, 1:08 pm

I had better post some goals before the month disappears from under me.......

Health I averaged 6233 steps per day in November, so I would like to beat that this month. Continue with my rehab exercises and hopefully have my final physio appointment this month. Chase up Pilates teacher for an initial consultation.

Work Continue to monitor our limited company for evidence of any further attempted fraud. We have made the decision to close down the company after the end of the 2016/17 financial year so I shall close down one of the company bank accounts in preparation.

Money Still on the back burner until January, but some cost-saving measures are being discussed.

Home We have the building regs. drawings from the architect, but still no word on the visit of the structural engineer. Continue to chase. Meanwhile, unpack the Christmas tree and decorations and get those up; that will at least cheer the place up a bit.

Play A good bunch of social events already in the diary, but must remember to plan in breathing space!

Christmas Have a good tidy up and clean as I meander around the house looking for things I need for Christmas.
Get the house decorated, as mentioned previously.
Pots cards to those we won't see over the holidays.
Choose, buy, and arrange delivery of presents to family we won't see for a while.
Choose, buy and wrap presents for visiting family, and do stockings for Christmas eve.
Begin food shopping list (and attempt to run down cupboards/fridge/freezer over next couple of weeks), do food shopping, cook food, eat food (along with generous amounts of wine)

So, not many 'measurables' on there, but we are planning a very relaxing and festive month before cracking on with more serious stuff in 2017.


2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Tortoise1000 » December 4th, 2016, 1:56 pm

Thank you for an encouraging and festive introduction, Wondergirly.

Yesterday I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the number of task to be completed before Christmas and worried I would run out of time. I decided to make this month's goals an unashamedly domestic 'things to do' list and make sure I was on the critical path. I typed the list on Excel, put completion dates on and sorted it. It has already paid off brilliantly. This is the list:

04 Finish putting kitchen contents away and tidy up
04 Put furry feet on the kitchen chairs and table
05 Empty and sweep B2, put down underlay
05 Take delivery of tumble dryer
05 Work out how to reprogram the central heating, and do it
06 Get B2 carpet fitted
06 Move B2 furniture back in
08 Paint study
09 Make book shelves
09 Make shelves in hall cupboard
10 Stack tumble dryer on washing machine
10 Unpack the boxes of books, that are blocking the hall, onto the shelves
14 Tidy store room, measure shelves, plan where the boxes are to go
15 Move boxes from dining room into the store room
16 Clean and arrange the dining room
17 Buy holly, cut ivy and conduct decking operations
17 Buy or make wreath for front door
17 Buy, set up and decorate Christmas tree
17 Clean all the windows inside and out
17 Finish buying Christmas presents
17 Tidy the patio
17 Sweep drive and porch, clear drainage channels, replace gravel edges
18 Arrange living room furniture
18 Wrap presents
19 Buy/make festive table decorations
20 Plan Christmas menus.
20 Send Christmas cards
21 Amend online grocery order
22 Make up the bed in Bedroom 2
22 Put hooks up in B2
22 Put up B2 curtain rail and curtains

That's 31 jobs to finish in 19 days, so I need to be ticking off about two a day.

Today the list has already had an effect. I got up early, did some kitchen clearing and was at B&Q as soon as it opened to buy paint for the study and furry feet for the chairs. While I was there I remembered a program on Radio 4 this week saying this the peak weekend people buy their Christmas trees, and it's good to get one now so they aren't all dried out. Seems early to me, but who am I to argue with Radio 4. I purchased a 5' Nordman fir that seemed well priced at £15, and a 'Krinner' Christmas Tree Stand that you operate with your foot. Really chuffed about the latter. I hate wrestling with Christmas trees and havent had one in recent years for that reason. But TJ thinks they are essential, and he is sad this year so perhaps it will cheer him up. I was brought up in the thrifty school of sawing the trunk straight and screwing it onto a board, no bought stands in our house. I suppose they weren't invented when my parents started out in life. But I find the whole tree-wrestling business so annoying, this posh stand has made me feel more optimistic about the Christmas preparations already.

I felt so optimistic when I got home, and the sun was shining brilliantly, I got straight on with clearing the drains in the drive.The long channels that have metal covers on. I prised off the covers , cleared out all the mud and sawdust that accumulated during the building work, put the covers back, swept round the porch and driveway and replaced an edging of weedy mucky gravel with some clean. The retired builder across the road will approve. He and his wife are always out doing jobs like that. hoovering under their magnolia and what not, and he makes Remarks about neighbours who don't :-)

I am encouraged to find myself feeling more positive about the jobs, because TJ is so sad and he keeps phoning for help at intervals each day. I thought I might get pulled down with it all and not be able to finish all the pre-Christmas slog or not have the strength to keep things cheerful while he is here. The Power of the List will see me through!


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby WrenChasen » December 4th, 2016, 3:37 pm

I can't even think about Christmas at the moment. :|

We're having a new floor fitted throughout the whole of the ground floor, with the exception of the sitting room. The timing is not of our making; we had to wait for a month for our chosen floor to arrive in the country, with a delivery date of 21 November. Working to the delivery date, the fitters removed the old flooring, levelled and tidied the base. In the meantime our suite was removed to be recovered, which meant we could fit most of the other furniture into the sitting room. All good, except the new floor wasn't delivered until last Tuesday...and it was the wrong one. :-(

It's too much of a saga to relate on here, but the next few days will be stressful, to say the least, as we attempt normal life while being unable to step on (and simultaneously keep the cats off!) the newly-oiled floor for a minimum of 12 hours.

"Put furry feet on the kitchen chairs and table."

Everything else on that list I understood... :?

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Tortoise1000 » December 4th, 2016, 7:14 pm

Massive sympathy on the floor project, WrenChasen. I am just the other side of that trauma, trying to put everything to rights.

By furry feet I mean small brown circular self adhesive felt pads, to protect the new floor. Sticking them on takes seconds, but its the buying them, clearing the table, putting the chairs upside down on it , finding the sandpaper, sanding , brushing the dust off and wiping 16 feet, cleaning the rest of each chair while I am at it, then sticking some on, deciding they are the wrong size, finding some others, then sweeping and cleaning the floor, putting the chairs down and cleaning the table that makes it a two hour job.

Anyway that is three jobs I have ticked off today: furry feet , all the kitchen contents finally sorted and stored away and the front outside tidy. The retired builder has been over and pointed out that my house number is cracked and there is a small oil stain on the drive. I put some Fairy liquid on the oil stain.


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby WrenChasen » December 5th, 2016, 1:10 pm

By furry feet I mean small brown circular self adhesive felt pads, to protect the new floor. Sticking them on takes seconds, but its the buying them, clearing the table, putting the chairs upside down on it , finding the sandpaper, sanding , brushing the dust off and wiping 16 feet, cleaning the rest of each chair while I am at it, then sticking some on, deciding they are the wrong size, finding some others, then sweeping and cleaning the floor, putting the chairs down and cleaning the table that makes it a two hour job.

Ah, that's (almost) exactly what we were doing yesterday. Felt, glue, scissors; I don't know if OH knows about self adhesive pads, but he certainly does a good DIY job. :geek:

Today I'm mostly holed-up upstairs trying to listen to the radio above the sound of sawing and banging downstairs.

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby DeBriefed » December 5th, 2016, 1:34 pm

I still haven't really given this proper thought, but I'm going to write down a list on the basis that something is better than nothing!

1) Buy Christmas presents and finalise where we need to be when.
2) Invite friends for lunch in January (have been meaning to do this for ages and if I leave it any longer it will never happen).
3) Speaking of furry feet, find a solution to our mouse problem (have been seeing a mouse occasionally for about a month and traps/poison don't seem to be working... might have to get the professionals in).
4) Declutter airing cupboard.
5) Fill in tax return.

Hmmm... seems a rather short list but it's going to be a busy month at work, plus all the inevitable Christmas shenanigans, so I think that will do!


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby kodokan » December 5th, 2016, 11:25 pm

An almost-weekly update on my bike vs car December mileage project:

Bike: 40 miles
Car: 15 miles

I looked ahead at the weather and thought I'd better get in the bike miles while I could, as in a couple of days the temperature is dropping from its current fairly balmy 0 to 6 degrees range, to a -8 to 0 range. At least I've built up a good bike lead in my race, and hope to hold steady until the weather improves a little next week.

I've also done some rough calculations on usage costs, to spur me along. My bike is electric assist and uses an almost incalculable amount of electricity per mile, down in the thousandths of a cent. I might also use a little extra food, because exercise, but that's not really quantifiable. But the battery is a fairly pricy consumable, and will need replacing after around 800-1,000 full charges (or twice as many half-charges, etc). A new battery is $500, so that's the real cost, which I estimate at about $0.02 per mile based on around 30 miles from an average charge. Add back in a smidge for electricity, and my 40 miles so far have cost me $1 at $0.025 per mile.

My car, meanwhile, costs me roughly $0.15 per mile for petrol and consumables like tires; I'm not pro rata-ing insurance, depreciation, etc, as I'm not considering getting rid of the car and those costs are fixed regardless of whether it's driven or not. So just on fuel and direct consumables, bike miles are 1/6 of the cost of car miles, and that's only because petrol is stupid low over here at the moment (around $2.25 a gallon - yes, per gallon, not liter!). So biking has saved me $5 so far this month. Baby steps...

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby LadyGagarin » December 6th, 2016, 4:31 am

Hello :)

I too am going to use December to practice on, I think. Sympathies to WrenChasen re the lack of flooring. We have spent the last few weeks in a state of mild upheaval too, a long and boring saga involving various leaky bathroom fixtures & a ruined front-room ceiling - we still have no sink upstairs and still have to repaint the said - now newly-plastered - ceiling, which I'm less bothered by than the consequence of not being able to put up our Christmas tree & decorations yet. (We always do it on 1st December, it has been a family tradition for the past 14 years!)

Anyway, Goals.

    1. Finish making Christmas presents soonest.
    2. Swim once, ideally twice, per week.
    3. Resume running, have struggled to fit much in during November.
    4. Update CV again, ready for Jobsearch January.
    5. Budget review.
    6. Continue decluttering project.

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Brava21 » December 6th, 2016, 8:50 am

Hello all

I've spent the last few weeks totally out of sorts as well. I had an accident in early September which resulted in breaking bones in my face - my jaw, and completely shattering my cheekbone and eye socket. I won't bore you with the details, but I was surprised at what nasty injuries they were, and how long it is taking to recover.

I am a bit better now, to the point where I went back to work (on a phased return) last week. I was dreading it, but there is something to be said for being back in the land of the living. I was also given the all clear to run again 3 weeks ago so I have been concentrating on getting back into that, and on the positive aspects of being back in work (well, for me, given that I do not like my job, there is only one positive aspect - the social one - and I plan to make the most of that between now and Christmas).

we have a quiet Christmas, on our own, which feels a bit odd. I mean, it's not the first time we have had Christmas on our own but it's our first official Orphan Christmas, with no parent to call and wish them a Merry Christmas, which feels odd and sad. I can't even ring my brother until the evening given that he is on a different time zone (California). This comes to us all, of course.

Goals are consequently very modest. Very, very modest compared to those of others :)

Last day of work is 19 December (Mr B had some extra days he had to take before the end of the calendar year, and I thought, why not join him) so plan is to get all Christmas food and drink (barring fresh stuff) before then so that we can plan a few activities for that time - I would like to go walking in the Beacons and Mr B has a free 14 day pass for me to use for the gym he has recently joined, so it would be fun to make use of that while I have the time. Until then, all I can manage is to make the best of being back in work and run as much as I can, in terms of fitting it in and building it back up.

Not ambitious at all, but to be fair I did take a nasty blow to the head - which, along with being menopausal, I find to be a good excuse for any sort of bad behaviour these days :)

Good luck to all with their December goals

Brava x

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Wondergirly » December 6th, 2016, 9:21 am

Oh, Brava, I am so sorry to hear about your accident, it sounds as though it has been a very difficult time. Hope you enjoy your extended time off over Christmas.

Gentle hugs


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby splosh » December 9th, 2016, 3:19 pm

Just checking in for progress....

1. One training session
2. 2 choir gigs One down, one to go
3. Choir planning for the new year All in hand, but also see below.
4. Blog content set up for over Christmas Some, but not all yet
5. Book accommodation for conventions next year Done
6. Start new arrangement commissions First going well, will start but not finish the second by Christmas

1. 1 quartet rehearsal
2. Host a party Not yet
3. Go to 2 other parties Not yet.
4. Book mini-break in Jan It's now going to be in Feb, but it is booked.

Have also picked up another evening out with friends tonight.

1. Finish garden tidy-up
Nearly there!
2. Finish upstairs bathroom Will be finished this afternoon
3. Prep for Christmas (for which I have a separate list!) Doing okay, more to be done.

Also ended up with some financial stuff to do, decisions made and investments to happen as soon as the money arrives in the account.

Wondergirly's wonderful suggestion that we give ourselves the gift of choice has been particularly pertinent this month. I've had some difficult decisions to make regarding the future viability of my choir. It certainly won't be able to continue in the form it has done, but it has been good to recognise this and decide how to respond in a planned fashion rather than trying to make something impossible happen and end up letting people down.

As a result, planning for 2017 will look rather different too. Still getting my head round quite what the possibilities are there.


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby Tortoise1000 » December 9th, 2016, 9:41 pm

Very good to see you posting again, Brava.

I swallowed a major frog today and finished painting the study. I whinged in some previous post about how difficult it was painting a North-facing room light grey on an overcast day in November. It is even more difficult in December. A painstaking job to get right. Anyway, it is done now thank goodness. Valspar 'Shetland Sweater', a good light grey, not cold, looks great with oak wood and golden pools of lamp light.

Next frog is putting up the book shelves . I have bought various components and assembled the right screws, wall plugs, drill bits etc, ready to start. I am not keen on putting shelves up, but they are life-changing when they are done. Can't wait to get all those boxes of books out of the hall.

As regards the list of jobs, TJ announced he will probably be home on the 20th rather than the 24th as I expected. So the time to complete has compressed by 4 days. I revised it accordingly this evening:

Buy Christmas tree
Buy holly
Finish putting kitchen contents away and tidy up
Put up shelves in hall cupboard
Paint study
Put furry feet on the kitchen chairs and table
Sweep drive and porch, clear drainage channels, replace gravel edges
Take delivery of tumble dryer
Tidy store room, measure shelves, plan where the boxes are to go

10 Put hooks up in B2
10 Put up book shelves
11 Stack tumble dryer on washing machine
11 Unpack the boxes of books, that are blocking the hall, onto the shelves
12 Empty and sweep B2, put down underlay
12 Put up B2 curtain rail and curtains
13 Clean and arrange the dining room
13 Clean and arrange the sitting room
13 Get B2 carpet fitted
13 Move boxes from dining room into the store room
14 Clean all the windows inside and out
14 Move B2 furniture back in
15 Buy or make wreath for front door
15 Buy/make festive table decorations
15 Finish buying Christmas presents
16 Wrap presents
17 Amend online grocery order(s)
17 Plan Christmas menus.
17 Tidy the patio
18 Conduct decking operations
18 Send Christmas cards
18 Set up and decorate Christmas tree
19 Make up the bed in B2
19 Work out how to reprogram the central heating, and do it

I also placed an additional Christmas grocery order on the 19th , with Tesco, to add to the original Sainsbury's one on the 22nd and the backup Asda one on the 23rd. Those tasks for the 17th, to plan the menus and amend the orders accordingly , are key. If I don't , then what I shall have by Christmas is 360 rolls of toilet paper :-)

So I am braced for another week of DIY, furniture-shifting and last-minute shopping. Those arent the only things I am going to do, by the way , they are the practical things I have to make an effort to do. There are other things booked in my diary that will happen anyway, and another list of paperwork/computer tasks on my desk. Nonetheless with the Power of the List at my elbow it looks achievable, to be done by the end of this week and ready to enjoy the festive season.

Then TJ phoned up, just now, to say he had an Australian couch surfer to stay last night and she might be coming down to Poole this week, could she come and stay with me? Just what my task list needed, some random Australian coming to stay in the middle of it! I said Yes dear, she will be very welcome. And if it is after the 14th, that will be even better, because then there will be a curtained room for her to sleep in :-)


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby futuresaver101 » December 11th, 2016, 7:26 pm


Crikey ! T - have you really defined 31 tasks to do in 19 days ? :shock:

I haven't even managed to set some proper December goals :) Although, does catching up on sleep after submitting that pesky report count ? Had one day holiday last week (and another one tomorrow) and I have *needed* the downtime.

But, better late than never. This week and next week I have meetings with my two mentors, and (the Fellowship application is one of them !)

So, short and sweet, the goals are as following

1) Mentoring. Keep my two mentors happy with my progress. By completing actions, and staying on top of things. (When I was mentoring it used to irritate me when mentees didn't complete their actions !)

2) Health. Daily stretches, daily walk, and don't eat more food than I need (the pre-Christmas bulge has started early). Stay off the booze at Xmas parties, as otherwise I eat the canapés in an alcoholic fuzz.

3) Christmas. Complete the last set of Christmas shopping this week (including present wrapping), send the cards early this week

4) CPD. Review and update my records, make sure I am 2017 audit ready.

5) 2017 goals and objectives. Have my appraisal, set goals, work out how to deal with pesky project, phase 2

Only half a month left to complete them :)


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby futuresaver101 » December 11th, 2016, 7:27 pm

P.S. T, when are you writing the book

"The Power of the List at my Elbow"

A tortoise elbow is surely quite something :)

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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby LadyGagarin » December 11th, 2016, 7:33 pm

Ouch, Brava! So sorry to read about your poor face :(


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Re: 2016 12 Dec the Halls!


Postby doone100 » December 12th, 2016, 3:12 pm

Brava, ouch,sorry to hear of your accident. I hope your injuries are healing well.

A third of the way through the month, it's been eventful what with a missing cat, broken bathroom sink, hot water problems and a rotten cold. Most presents are bought

Complete a quarterly review of reserves held- deadline 19th. not started but will be done this week
Start work on new project, no deadline but lots of documenting of Due Diligence is required A tentative start
Annual Workforce Planning updates- deadline first week of 2017 not started

Tidy the garden now that, as Wondergirly said, the frosts have killed off the last of the summer planting A little progress
Finish spare room, buy furniture, lampshades, rug etc Bed, mattress and wardrobe are ordered. Mr Doone just has the wallpaper to do, he would have started on Fri but had to plumb in a new sink.
Deep clean in each " public" room One room done, others in progress

Keep up with 8 week BSD up until Christmas A little slippage while feeling sorry for myself

Write the Master Shopping List In progress
Write and post cards Done
Buy family cards Done
Wrap presents Not started
Order Fruit and veg Done
Order Capon Done
Make two more meals for the freezer Not done, no room
Prepare and freeze stuffing, pigs in blankets Done

Finish alterations to Mr Doone's joined hose by this Sunday Done but needs additional alterations
Finish his new split hose Not finished
Finish my new short hose Not finished
AGM minutes Not started

I think that's it


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