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2017 04 Happy April!

Think it, Plan it, Do it
2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » April 8th, 2017, 5:25 pm

I am sorry about your troubles with your daughter, Anne-Marie. They never stop being a worry, do they? It is so hard to know how to help them. Sometimes I think it must be easiest of one has nothing but a happy home, so the children work and strive and achieve for themselves, and then turn round and take pride in supporting their aged parents. I suppose that is the natural way, really. Doing it the other way round, giving them a hand up, doesn't seem to work for some children, they start to expect it and resent it not being more. I do hope once the house is gone you will have less on your plate and be able to get on better with your daughter.

Yes TJ has been a worry in the past and will no doubt be again. He is still very hard work to live with. However today is a happy day. As I write he is on the transport home with his maroon beret. Of the 40 who started the Pre-Parachute Selection course, 12 passed. TJ was awarded the title of P Company Champion. I am so happy for him! He hoped to pass; he never dreamed of coming top! They make a big deal of being top student on military courses. It is part of reinforcing the importance of winning, I suppose; there are no prizes for coming second in a battle. Fancy it being TJ, though!

Right, that a good job done of supporting him through P Company. Now to help him start the appeal process against his rejection for the Army on medical grounds and also do anything that might help him get stuck into the slog of revision for Finals. His plan was to put on a sudden spurt of improvement and get a First. He is cutting is quite fine.

Meanwhile I must crack on with my jobs list. TJ will be here over Easter; I shall pretend it matters to have things done before he arrives, and make that a deadline.


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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » April 9th, 2017, 8:55 pm

Oh wow, the Parachute Regiment has put a picture of the Log Race feat on their Facebook page! Down to 2 men, TJ and his mate, carrying the telegraph pole between them. You can see from the dangling ropes how it is meant to be carried by 8 - the normal arrangement is shown if you click on to the next photo, which also shows how hilly some of the course is. ... =3&theater

That's TJ, at the back.



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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby pancake101 » April 10th, 2017, 8:52 am

Wow Tortoise, TJ has done well.

Not only pass that but to be champion - I trust you are basking in reflected glory!

I have just the one goal for April - get tax/financial papers into accountants before the month is out.

Even if everything is not there - (some things may not be finalized by then) I will be making progress and also know what to look for if it is not there!!!

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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby splosh » April 10th, 2017, 2:22 pm

Hi everyone!
Popping in for a quick update after a few days away, and rather hoping to tick quite a few off the list...

1. 2 coaching gigs
One down, one to go.
2. Turn of financial year paperwork Think I've done everything, but even if I've forgotten something, I've certainly done a good deal of it!
3. Tweaks to website Not done yet

1. Go to 2 world premieres (one concert, one musical, both by friends)
The second was yesterday. Both involved good music and moving atmospheres, glad we went.
2. Night away in Winchester Yes, en route between two other commitments. Lovely town, and we were lucky with the weather :-)
3. Visit friends in Hertfordshire Not yet
4. Go to food festival for MrSplosh's birthday Not yet

1. 5 family visits! (MrSplosh's mum, his brother, my brother twice, my aunt and uncle's golden wedding party)
2 down, 3 to go
2. Get bikes out Not yet. April so far seems to be following March's lead in delivering brilliant cycling weather when I am out of town...
3. Set up new ISAs Done
4. Push forward on stalled nearly-finished DIY project Not much progress here, but to be fair we've been away a lot
5. Regular Alexander Technique (I have been suffering from a stiff neck, and need to give it some tlc) Doing okay with this - better when at home than away, but it is starting to make a difference.

1. Make progress on the website for the organisation I volunteer with (last month's frog, finally getting moving)
Good progress here. Have broken the back of this task, should get it all done this month.
2. Write to MP Done

A few other things have added themselves to the list, e.g. shopping around for home insurance, but all seems basically on track for now.


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby pancake101 » April 13th, 2017, 9:15 pm

I am glad to report that all the figures are now together - what is left is out of my control- a couple of P60's that get mailed here.

As many of you, no doubt, have also received letters from the tax Office saying get your SA in soon ( its still the first week of the financial week!) perhaps the Tax Office should send the reminders to the pension providers and employers!


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby splosh » April 20th, 2017, 11:15 am

Hello again everyone,
Just checking up on myself...

1. 2 coaching gigs
One down, one to go.
2. Turn of financial year paperwork Done
3. Tweaks to website Done

My 'not very much work' month has also got busier with an arrangement commission that I'm hoping to get done in April, as I'm going to be away even more in May. Another one in the offing too, but I've been managing expectations on timescales quite carefully for that one.

1. Go to 2 world premieres (one concert, one musical, both by friends)
2. Night away in Winchester Done
3. Visit friends in Hertfordshire Coming up this w/e
4. Go to food festival for MrSplosh's birthday Done. Still eating our purchases :-)

1. 5 family visits! (MrSplosh's mum, his brother, my brother twice, my aunt and uncle's golden wedding party)
3 down, 2 to go
2. Get bikes out Still not yet. Must do better.
3. Set up new ISAs Done
4. Push forward on stalled nearly-finished DIY project A bit of progress here, but I'll be lucky to see it done this month.
5. Regular Alexander Technique (I have been suffering from a stiff neck, and need to give it some tlc) Still doing okay with this. Noticeably more pain when I forget, so it's definitely worth it!

1. Make progress on the website for the organisation I volunteer with (last month's frog, finally getting moving)
Nearly there. Just giving the other directors a bit more time to make comments before we go live next week.
2. Write to MP Done

So, doing quite well. But since I've only got 3 full days at home in the rest of the month, that's just as well. Hmm, now I've realised that I'm feeling less ahead of myself than I thought I was! Glad I came along to check...


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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Brava21 » April 20th, 2017, 2:40 pm

Afternoon all

I am very impressed with everyone's progress this month, most especially with the sporting prowess and ultra athletic abilities of young Master TJ. Goodness, T, you must be so proud of him. I expect he is still on a high from all that :). I am sure he will get his Commission.

It has been far less sporting here at Brava Towers but I am pleased to say that despite having a really heavy cold (which mutated into a horrible cough, as they do) over Easter, I have finished painting the fence. It looks lovely! It all needed two coats and you know how slow it is to paint previously unpainted rough timber and what with one thing and another it took about 20 hours. Needless to say I was painting in my sleep by the end of it, and wish to not have to paint fences for some time to come. But, it is done, as are the two benches (which, to make a refreshing change, didn't take too long at all, less than an hour each). It was good to be able to take full advantage of the lovely weather, and I expect the blister on my thumb will heal soon :)

The most exciting thing I have done is to start to plant up the border to the rear of the garden. It was (old) gravel with pots on it last year, and I spent many hours taking this up, bagging it up in rubble sacks and lugging it to the tip (I think it was 54 bucketfuls, or possibly 57. It is all a blur now!). It has stood empty over the winter with me occasionally turning it over and weeding a bit, so it is lovely to look outside and see at least a few plants. There is more to do but it is a start, and it's nice to feel that I am at last on the fun stage of the project.

other than that, I have done nothing else this month except drink wine and eat chocolate, but of course this was all for medicinal purposes as I am sure you will understand (and indeed endorse). It is my birthday this weekend and so there may be a bit more of this, but I am afraid that next week it will be time to pull myself together a bit. Still, I have told myself that if I feel deprived, I can go and buy another plant :)

Hospital appointment Monday - I shall report back.

A lovely weekend to all!

Brava x

2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » April 22nd, 2017, 12:21 pm

I hope you have a lovely birthday Brava, and good luck with the hospital appointment on Monday.

TJ's ‘high’ dispelled immediately on his return from Catterick on Saturday evening, when he discovered he did not have his luggage. Typical! Cue two days of stress Sunday and Monday finding out where it was. Plus no house keys and climbing in and out of his room via the window. This was just before the Easter break with everyone about to go off on holiday. Tracked it down at Catterick just in time, but he had to collect before they closed at midday on Tuesday. It's a 10 hour round trip. Lucky he had an extraordinarily kind mate who said he would drive him there if he supplied the £100 petrol money, and a Mum to supply the petrol money. They made it in time. Phew.

But that was another 3 days not spent revising, and the exams are closing in. He’s not confident about the commission either. His officers think well of him. The Major was bowled over by the P Company Champion award and took him in to be congratulated by the Colonel in charge of all Wales UOTC. He said ‘We don’t was to lose an officer of your calibre’. But on the other hand, the Army does not like to take risks. There is no shortage of applicants for Sandhurst and if someone is not 110% fit they prefer simply to say no.

Today is a good day though. It is the day of the Queen's Cup Challenge at Sandhurst. This is the culmination of the year's UOTC sport, where teams from the whole of the UK compete. The highlight of this, apparently, is a relay race called the Old College Dash. TJ will be in it, in the team that represents Wales.

Here, in exciting Tortoise land, I have achieved one of my goals, chasing up the optician and am about to leave for a contact lens fitting appointment. Gosh , I hope they are right this time! My eyes are so rubbish and it has taken so long to get these lenses sorted. It will be real morale-booster to be able to see better. Fingers crossed!


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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby doone100 » April 23rd, 2017, 8:28 am

I've not posted any April goals but have had a very busy month with much going on at home and at work, Mum wasn't well at the beginning of the month and I felt rather panicked over it with little ability to focus on anything more than a day or two ahead. It's too late now to post goals, lots of things to do in May though.
T, well done TJ, how did the contact lens fitting go?
Brava, sorry to hear of your health worries, I hope the next consultation gives you good news.
Anne Marie, I hope the situation resolves itself.

Best regards

Lemon Pip
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby futuresaver101 » April 24th, 2017, 8:39 pm

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well. I have been left fielded by a senior colleague who has suggested (strongly) that I apply for a job (deadline today, but that's another matter!)

My boss would end up reporting to me (I don't know if he is applying, I would hope so), and I would only be a wild card in any case. Our organisation is undergoing a lot of changes, one of the points that the senior colleague made is that it would help to be on the "other side" with the coming re-org. My two mentors have said "go for it", ditto an experienced colleague. It is a good opportunity to find out the organisation's plans, apparently they are keen for senior women etc.

So I am now opening up my 2 year old CV and putting pen to paper, having texted my boss to find out his thoughts. I like the guy, and am entirely dependent

I don't have the luxury of time (would need to send a holding email to HR which they might not accept).

What does the YTST gang think?


2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » April 25th, 2017, 3:55 pm

You know what we think, FS! Get on with it! :-)

At the very least, it is always good to seem ambitious. You will be respected for applying. So you win whatever the outcome.

Have you applied yet?

T xx

2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » April 25th, 2017, 4:03 pm

I am sorry about your Mum, Doone. Is she better now?

Contact lens fitting went pretty well, I think they have got them to fit. Now I just need to be able to see through them. Next appointment 16th May.

What news on your appointment, yesterday, Brava? I hope it was okay.


Lemon Pip
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby futuresaver101 » April 25th, 2017, 9:55 pm


Thank you so much for the cheerleading ! I have been heartened by the number of people who have applied a positive and encouraging kick up the bum.

CV needs to be in by this Friday,


2 Lemon pips
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Re: 2017 04 Happy April!


Postby Tortoise1000 » May 7th, 2017, 7:24 pm

April report:

1. Health

Continue to prioritise general fitness. Walk to the places I have to go, recording on Strava. Attend SW meetings. Fair. Keep forgetting Strava. Eating well but weight has plateaud. I shall continue undeterred.

Chase up the optician about the new contact lenses. Done, they fit, now need to get the refraction right. Next appointment in May. I hope they will make a difference after all this time

2. Finances

Finalise end 2016-17 accounts and start a new spreadsheet for 2017-18. Done. A happy task, I love spreadsheets.

Decide where to put 2017-18 ISA.
Not done

Claim works pension. Done. Amazing thought, getting a pension! One saves for so long, it is incredible that it will finally arrive.

Fill in tax return. All but. The figures are worked out on a spreadsheet and the financial paperwork corralled in a plastic wallet ready to archive. I use this occasion as an opportunity to bin financial papers systematically. I put the years worth in a wallet each year, put the new wallet with the previous 6 years’ and shred the contents of the 7th , the oldest. Very satisfying, and it keeps the archive down to one consistent boxful.

On the subject of 7 year cycles, and probably in order to avoid doing something else I was supposed to be doing, I also started a spreadsheet for my IHT403 figures. I had to work out Dad’s by hand from his bank statements and other paperwork. I didn’t mind, but it took ages and I can’t see TJ doing it, so I thought I would save him the trouble. I had the figures on various spreadsheets so it was just a question of pulling them together. It turned out to be unexpectedly interesting, in addition to the joy of knitting a new spreadsheet. I’ve never actually added up every scrap of income from every source, taxable and non-taxable, not including capital gains, before. (I haven’t classified spending in the form's odd way before either; their categories are a mystery.) I was pleased to find that income exceeded expenditure, which I hadn’t t been sure of. Anyway, it’s set up and a copy filed with this year’s papers. I just have to stay alive for another 6 years now, adding a column each year.

3. House project

Clear up the store room/garage, so it can be inspected.Amazingly yes, I have made progress. Still impeded by the lack of a garden shed, the retired builder was going to build one but he’s been in hospital for a hernia operation so that could be a while. Maybe I shall just have to buy one. However the clearing up is unexpectedly congenial so I am less worried about this job.

Ask Building Control to sign off the works. Not done. I’m a bit afraid of Building Control.

Start tidying and levelling the garden. The carpenter started building a final section of replacement fence today, the part between me and Wallaby Man. There is work for me to do before the carpenter comes back in a fortnight to finish it.
The preparatory tasks got done and the Great Fence of Dorset is complete. I am pleased that it blocks off the trampolining daughter. The cat is pleased that it blocks off the fox. His nightly route was through a hole in the old fence, along a track he had worn in the lawn and out under another fence further along. I don’t know what he is doing now, working on a new route I suppose

4. Declutter

Write a new list of jobs and start ticking them off. This is dealing with a clutter of tasks, but some of them will be of the tidying type.
Yes! The list, like the clutter in the garage, is getting down to manageable proportions

5. Support TJ

Provide any support requested during the Pre-Parachute selection course.Yes. Provided £££ for kit and well-deserved pocket money and cheered him on to his amazing success coming top. More cheering when he represented Wales UOTC in the Queen’s Cup at Sandhurst. He really had finished the year in a blaze of glory...

Help him with the appeal: review draft, pay for consultant report etc as required....since extinguished. Not only was his application for a commission been rejected on medical grounds, but they have recommended his discharge from the UOTC as well :-( So he has that to appeal first. What a blow. He had planned to spend the summer doing interesting Army things and getting paid for them, and now he may have neither occupation nor income. Anyway, I’ve helped him consult his commanding officer and his GP, both of whom are very much on side, and contact suitably qualified medical consultants. The help consisting of advice, drafting correspondence, £ for private consultations and moral support. I told him I have battled through a lot of difficulties with him through the years, and between us with should be able to surmount this one. A useful life lesson, actually. Reading my draft letters he is realising the power of the pen. Let’s hope in this case it gets him a sword.

Help him keep his finances on track as far as possible, as usual. Still maintaining the spreadsheet and reviewing it each Sunday evening with him. Still watching cash run out rather fast.

Encourage any attempts to study for final exams. Helped him draw up Gantt chart revision timetable. Sent him back after Easter with 14 frozen home-made meals. Otherwise keeping a low profile.


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