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Sharedealing Accounts

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Lemon Half
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Re: Sharedealing Accounts


Postby PinkDalek » March 12th, 2020, 12:56 pm

You may well receive informative replies on here, relating to your main question, but a cross-post at Brokers and Share Dealing may assist.

To add to the list of can't, see

Snorvey wrote:I think it's possible to do a corporate spreadbetting account ...

No personal knowledge but see, for example,

Lemon Slice
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Re: Sharedealing Accounts


Postby Fluke » March 13th, 2020, 10:25 am

Snorvey wrote:My attention is turning to investing business cash balances into this market (probably into Vanguard cheapo funds)

I have a personal Halifax / Bank of Scotland Sharedealing / Builder account, but I can't see if they do a corporate / limited company version.

Does anyone know if they (or someone else) has such a thing?

I think it's possible to do a corporate spreadbetting account, which I could use ungeared I guess.

I looked into this for my own Ltd company a couple of years ago as had cash sitting there collecting dust, I can't remember the exact reason now but it wasn't straight forward so ended up opening a corporate account with Fundsmith and putting the lot into that, it turned out to be a profitable move and very straightforward. I'm now in the process of transferring the shares into my own name as I'm closing the company down later this year, the process of transferring has also been very straight forward, a couple of forms and that was it. So whichever way you go check how you might go about paying salary/dividends in the form of your investments so that you can have it as an option should you need it.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Sharedealing Accounts


Postby Wizard » March 15th, 2020, 9:22 pm

Snorvey wrote:My attention is turning to investing business cash balances into this market (probably into Vanguard cheapo funds)

I have a personal Halifax / Bank of Scotland Sharedealing / Builder account, but I can't see if they do a corporate / limited company version.

Does anyone know if they (or someone else) has such a thing?

I think it's possible to do a corporate spreadbetting account, which I could use ungeared I guess.

I have an account for my Ltd with Hargreaves Lansdown. Moved it to them when Barclays stopped providing accounts for Ltds.

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