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General update

A friendly ear
Lemon Slice
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General update


Postby Sunnypad » August 3rd, 2023, 10:29 pm

Hi all
I thought I'd start another thread as things have changed quite a bit and some kind souls are still replying on my second to last thread.

So - good news -
My best friend is back on the scene, which is great. The daily contact means a lot to me.

I mentioned in my most recent thread that the stress of everything was getting to me. I also mentioned dating a man half my age.

Sadly, the stress of looking after mum caused me to have a nervous breakdown. The increased meds didn't help and the possible sale of the flat continues to go badly. I'm not well enough to chase it but it looks pretty certain to fall through.

The young man has been brilliant and is currently looking after me in the emotional sense and also doing a lot of practical tasks. If he is a gold digger, he would have gone by now? It's my desire for mum to go in a care home and my possible inheritance will likely go. Plus I don't know when I'll be well enough to return to work. So he's not here for cash, because there isn't any.

Mum probably won't agree to a care home. I have today informed social services that I cannot coordinate anything for her and there is no one else to do it. As we're self funding I hope she will see sense and social services won't want to give us any money.

On a personal level, some of you will know my father was a doctor. Mum's doctor knows us well. He has told me not to worry and she might just have to have a very rude awakening.

I feel like I've wasted years of my life on my parents frankly.

But there is good news with my bestie being back on the scene, and if mum does or doesn't go in a home, I am taking my life back. Bestie and I have plans for a night away for his birthday etc. So there's good news as well as bad. I'm still exhausted from the breakdown but if I keep away from mum, I think I should recover.

I am now stuck with one of the bad investment flats mum refused to sell. So predictable, I only warned her about this 100 times. It looks like I'll have to start eviction proceedings when I feel up to it. But at least my social life is back and I feel a bit more like me again.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: General update


Postby Leothebear » August 6th, 2023, 7:28 am

Thanks for the update Sunnypad. I wish you a few decent breaks, by the law of averages, you're due for some. Perhaps they've started with bestie and bf!

Best wishes

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