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Re: Demise of the Fool Discussion Boards (was Fool Death)

Posted: April 30th, 2017, 9:33 pm
by sg31
Clariman wrote:It was me who suspended Polite Discussions board a while back. If it degenerates again we are quite prepared to close it permanently. As far as I am aware it has settled down but I don't read it daily. However it seems to be causing less hassle than it did.


Don't shut it down. The posters would bring their 'discussions' to the other more civilised boards and infect them all.

How about locking the board so that 'polite' posters are not allowed to post on other boards until they've gone 'cold turkey' for a month. :lol: '

Re: Demise of the Fool Discussion Boards (was Fool Death)

Posted: May 20th, 2017, 11:13 pm
by XFool
Just realised I can still log on to the US Motley Fool with my old UK Motley Fool credentials.

Though not sure where that gets me...