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V & A Dundee

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V & A Dundee


Postby Dod101 » October 23rd, 2018, 7:50 pm

I went to the V & A in Dundee for the first time today and was most impressed. I had heard a lot of negative comments but these people must be philistines. The building is an unusual design and I felt they could have made more use of the amazing views over the Tay but it is functional and especially the paid for exhibition is excellent.

I recommend this as a day out and if you are passing from further afield you might like to look in. Dundee itself is pretty grim although if you look under the surface it is not all bad and there are a number of decent restaurants close by. If visiting the V & A though, book ahead for the exhibition and if you would like to eat there reserve a table at the restaurant 48 hours ahead.


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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby scotia » October 26th, 2018, 10:50 pm

Dod101 - Thanks for the revue - I'll put it on our list of things to be done

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby PinkDalek » October 27th, 2018, 3:32 pm

scotia wrote:Dod101 - Thanks for the revue - I'll put it on our list of things to be done

I thought you were a pedant. ;)

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby scotia » October 27th, 2018, 6:38 pm

PinkDalek wrote:
scotia wrote:Dod101 - Thanks for the revue - I'll put it on our list of things to be done

I thought you were a pedant. ;)

My excuse is stress - I had to attend my granddaughter's seventh birthday party today in a hard play area which had me climbing up ladders and going down chutes. I know the sign said equipment for 4 to 12 year olds - but the seventeen kids thought that included me.
Am I forgiven?

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby PinkDalek » October 27th, 2018, 6:53 pm

scotia wrote:
PinkDalek wrote:
scotia wrote:Dod101 - Thanks for the revue - I'll put it on our list of things to be done

I thought you were a pedant. ;)

My excuse is stress - I had to attend my granddaughter's seventh birthday party today in a hard play area which had me climbing up ladders and going down chutes. I know the sign said equipment for 4 to 12 year olds - but the seventeen kids thought that included me.

Am I forgiven?

Of course (even though your valid excuse seems to relate to an event held today, whereas your earlier reply was last night) but I'd have blamed predictive text or whatever it is called.

Back on topic, before I scold myself, this appears to be the place:

It doesn't appear to have very long opening hours (Museum opening hours 10.00 to 17.00). Maybe it needs plenty of sunlight to appreciate the architecture.

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby scotia » October 27th, 2018, 8:05 pm

PinkDalek wrote:
scotia wrote:Am I forgiven?

Of course (even though your valid excuse seems to relate to an event held today, whereas your earlier reply was last night) but I'd have blamed predictive text or whatever it is called.
scotia wrote:But it was the stress caused by the anticipation - since I had already undergone a similar trauma for my elder granddaughter's seventh birthday, some years before. Thankfully their parents have deemed that one such party per child is sufficient.

Back on topic, before I scold myself, this appears to be the place:
It doesn't appear to have very long opening hours (Museum opening hours 10.00 to 17.00). Maybe it needs plenty of sunlight to appreciate the architecture.

Restrictive opening hours are a pain in Scotland. Everything (well nearly everything) closes at 17.00.

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby kiloran » October 28th, 2018, 8:45 am

PinkDalek wrote:
scotia wrote:Dod101 - Thanks for the revue - I'll put it on our list of things to be done

I thought you were a pedant. ;)

No need to make a song and dance about it :D


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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby Dod101 » October 28th, 2018, 9:49 am

PinkDalek wrote:[ack on topic, before I scold myself, this appears to be the place:

It doesn't appear to have very long opening hours (Museum opening hours 10.00 to 17.00). Maybe it needs plenty of sunlight to appreciate the architecture.

What's up with people? Seven hours is quite long enough to see the Museum. I agree that given the current demand longer hours might be helpful but I suspect most would, as now, turn up between say 11 am and 2.30 pm. Everyone these days seems to want to be cynical and/or negative. I am no great supporter of Dundee; as I said in my OP Dundee is actually grim but the waterfront is slowly being transformed and the V & A and the Discovery next to it are well worth a visit.


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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby PinkDalek » October 28th, 2018, 10:24 am


It was an attempt at humour. I'd assumed we were at Beerpig's and was looking for a response from Snorvey re daylight hours north of the border.


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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby scotia » October 28th, 2018, 11:14 am

PinkDalek - Your attempt at humour was well received!
However my response to opening hours should probably have gone to the Grumpy Old Gits board.
But it was heart-felt. Last week, up at what used to be called the David Marshall Lodge at Aberfoyle, the car park had boldly displayed the "gates closed at 4pm" notice. And I remember on a sweltering summer's day at Culzean castle, as I approached the kiosk selling ice cream, the shutter was dropped down - at 5pm on the dot. I'd better not go on, as I fear the moderators will transport me in a "Beam me up Scotty" move.

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Re: V & A Dundee


Postby Dod101 » October 28th, 2018, 11:33 pm

AWPR = Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route = Snorvey's excuse for avoiding a bit of culture. Perfectly understandable.


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