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FF: sorting the wheat from the chaff

Posted: November 8th, 2016, 1:15 pm
by dionaeamuscipula
Hi former Football fools

I know that stooz and Clariman are working on getting more topics set up. TMF started off (IIRC) with a generalist sports board, and then floated FF off because the volume of posts justified it. At the moment we need to work with what we've got.

I've seen the suggestion elsewhere that new topics could be started with a "board" identifier, so can I suggest that rather than try and keep everything in a single topic that we start new topics with "FF: " so that we can easily see which posts are football related.


Re: FF: sorting the wheat from the chaff

Posted: November 8th, 2016, 1:19 pm
by CatcheeMonkee
Sounds a plan!